Confirmed Hoax Hello! I'm a Time Traveler

John's Future

Junior Member
But see, every month when someone comes on here I'm sure you think "He better have an extremely advanced time machine", but then, once you see the REAL time machine you say it's fake just because you want a high tech one. Well, I'll saythis muh, the man who designed this time machine, you're a genius at camouflage.

John's Future

Junior Member
Also, I could really care less about being famous, I just wanted to end "John Titor" once and for all and dismiss him as a myth, because he is, nothing he said was true. You know why John Titor never said anything straight forward? Because he was scared that people might figure out the prediction and he's wrong.


Active Member
Also, I could really care less about being famous, I just wanted to end "John Titor" once and for all and dismiss him as a myth, because he is, nothing he said was true. You know why John Titor never said anything straight forward? Because he was scared that people might figure out the prediction and he's wrong.

Tell me what happened to the Philippines ('cause I live there ;) ) and the thief slash bully China back in your time.

That goliath (China) is still gobbling my country's resources and other Asian nations and an exagerated claim of a 9 dash line ownership of it's neighboring countried (which is most of Asia, mind you). Ironically, the Chinese sre stealing islands, reefs etc with rich resources :mad:

Playful question: Have you heard of a person with the first name, "Jill"?


But see, every month when someone comes on here I'm sure you think "He better have an extremely advanced time machine", but then, once you see the REAL time machine you say it's fake just because you want a high tech one. Well, I'll saythis muh, the man who designed this time machine, you're a genius at camouflage.

A... Toilet....

John's Future

Junior Member
@PaulaJedi It is a porter potty
@Miscellaneous The Philippines get hit with a few natural disasters but are neutral in the war for the most part. You don't have anything to worry about their except for a few natural disasters. China is in great destruction, as 3/4 of it's population died, because a 9.1 magnitude earthquake strikes them in the middle of the war, if that wasn't bad enough, Isis takes advantage and drops 3 nukes over China on the cities that had the greatest population.
Yes, my friends sister is Jill.


Active Member
@John's Future hehehe.... I think I know why China had a misfortune if that's really the case. Good for us :) That means we won't have a bully problem anymore. As for the Jill, I meant if you know any political figure with a first name, Jill in your timeline. :D
