
New Member
Hello. I apologize in advance for the lengthiness of this post, but I am a stickler for details. And, maybe in the details, someone would see something that I had missed.

It started when I was about 5 or 6 years old. My parents had these very expensive statues from some famous artist. In the whole collection, the only piece that gave me the willies was this owl that was about 3 ft tall. The other two pieces of the set was a large turtle/tortoise and a giraffe. I LOVED animals. I would even play with my Mom's "Woodland Creature's" set. But, not only did I get a bad feeling from this owl statue, but I would have terrible nightmares about it with glowing red eyes!!!
I tried to talk to my parents, but they brushed it off as just a normal bad dream that kids got.
Luckily, on our more than 2,500 trek to our new home the owl was broken in transit. My parents put up a fuss and got a nice check; while I breathed a deep sigh of relief. The other two escaped with minor damage which my Father repaired with Superglue. I have not had any negative experiences with these objects.

When I was around 11, I had an impressive library for an 11 year old. Well, one night all of my books fell off the bookshelves and they all landed in jumbles of the numbers 1, 7, and 9. Shortly later, I found my first 'ghost' ( I say it in this form, because I now believe that he's a bit more than a mere ghost.) The house that I was living in was built to my parents specifications. And, he told me that his name was *Ralph* and that he's doing a penance in place of his wife who had killed herself after the untimely demise of her husband who died in a freak accident while building my parents house. And she was 4 months pregnant with twins. So, as part of his penance, he has to watch out for me.
Now, I could go into stories and details on how he protected me. I'll just narrow it down to spiritual attacks and stupid boyfriends.
While in College I experimented with the occult via Kabbalah and what I already knew as well as what I was learning (My Rabbi allowed me to start my Kabbalah studies early due to me having "the gift". What he said was something in Hebrew, and that's the closest translation for Non-Jews to understand. Another translation could be "Light", "Sight", "Solomon's Blessing" {Has NOTHING TO DO WITH HIS 'WISDOM'.})
Using these skills, I found that I had more "gifts" than I had originally thought. I knew that I could see Auras and help lost souls pass over. I didn't know that I could read palms and preform Tarot card readings WITH NO PREVIOUS INSTRUCTION!!!!

This was when I had my first experience with, for lack of better words in English, a low-level Demon. I learned it's name, and with the help of my education of the Seals and Kabbalah helped us to banish him.
The problem is this: I am currently living in a home where there is a spirit of a girl who died in my home. I've been trying to help her cross over, but there seems to be something blocking her...
And, I think that I may have attracted if not the same Demon, one of similar powers and M.O. When I banished the previous demon, I had 5 people helping me. Now I am alone, and I know that I don't have the power to banish this thing on my own.
I live in the Tampa Bay area of Florida. If anyone who HAS EXPERIENCE with this type of situation in the past and wants to help, let me know. I'll take all of the help that I can get.

I am a Conservative Jew who has been studying Kabbalah and the Seals for 25 years, respectfully. Unfortunately, the Rabbi who was behind the majority of my education retired when I was 16. And the Rabbi who replaced him was not more knowledgeable than myself. So, under my Father's instruction, I continued my education.

I know that it is most likely, not a dybbuk. It just doesn't fit with what I have been experiencing. What I am seeing doesn't fit the description of a dybbuk. And if it was a dybbuk, I wouldn't be asking for help, as I have dealt with many dybbuk situations on my own.
I don't know what this is, but I know what it isn't. So far, my "spirit guide", Ralph, has been able to block most of the nastiness, but not all. My husband is being effected most of all. He's never dealt with anything on this caliber before. And, it doesn't help that his religious relationship could use some work.

I need help moving this girl on, but to be able to do that first step is taking care of whatever this dark energy is.
Please help.

Thank you to everyone in advance for your quick and timely response to these matters.

Try sending white light and love everyday/ night to the demon or entities that attach itself to others. Keep doing this until you see some results and until then keep sending more. Nothing happens overnight so it'll take some time.

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Try sending white light and love to the demon or entities that attach itself to others. Keep doing this until you see some results and until then keep sending more. Nothing happens overnight so it'll take some time.

I have been trying to use positive energy, along with my knowledge of the Seals of Solomon. My spirit guide is scared of whatever this thing is.
I've been dealing with this situation for over 7 months. And I have tried everything that I know, and I still can't get rid of it. I can barely protect my family from this thing. If it wasn't for my spirit guide, I don't think that I would have been able to write this at all...

At the risk of sounding like that guy... i believe christ is was and will always be the intersector. The one that can intercede on our behalf as he raises us to to remember that we are to be just like him, children of the one most high. Course many of us have trouble with that so thank God for forgiveness otherwise id be damned.

Maybe this ghost needs some forgiveness too. A reminder that all the mortal stuff is done and finished and that they should really concern themselves with following the light cause god wants them back. The hell of being left behind is of their own creation and they dont need to suffer. Just let go and let god lead
Yeah, ask God (Christ) for help. I get the feeling that fear may be holding this girl back. See if there is anything she wants to get off her chest before leaving that you could write down? The last spirit who haunted me was my ex-husband after he fell off his horse and eventually died in the hospital. I just reassured him that we were going to be OK, firmly told him to leave and that was it.
To both 'Displaced Spirit' and 'titorite',

What part of me being a Practicing Conservative Jew did you not understand??? I have used the Seals of Solomon many times to banish lower level demonic forces. And I am not egotistical enough to not know when to ask for help.
I have helped move on hundreds of spirit's in my lifetime. Even the ones that don't want to go and have to be convinced to go, may it be with words and images, prayers, or (if necessary) one of the lower Seals to help move the spirit.
This girl WANTS to move on, and has tried multiple times to move on. But, someTHING is holding her back. She has no messages for anyone, no unfinished business whatsoever.
I am worried that this may be an Upper level Demon, and if so I know that I cannot deal with this by myself. Hence, posting to sites like this one...
I don't care if you're Jewish, Catholic, Muslim, Baptist, Lutheran, Atheist, etc... All I care about is whether you can help me. I physically will need between 7-9 people to help.
I know what must be done. I just don't have the enough energy to do it myself.
Really? I mention that I know how to use some of the Seals of Solomon and everyone goes quiet?
And, I am begging for help and what I get in return is to send a low level demon positive thoughts.
I don't have such a big ego to where I don't know when I am in over my head. The last time I had fought and won against anything like this, I had 7 people helping me. All of different Faith's and had different gifts.
I was hoping that this forum was more than for just talking and theorizing. I was hoping that if anyone within a days drive, or know someone who is, that's had experience with this type of situation before, would rush to help me. That's what I was taught that these forums are mainly for.
I guess that I was wrong.
Hopefully, I will be able to post updates of my situation.
Not exactly everyone goes quiet.

Relax anyway.

Whom has brought you to a situation like you have encountered first of all.
