Hemp/Cannabis Creams and Shampoos


Senior Member
When we lived in Washington, we tried pretty much everything they had to offer. They set these shops up like it's an Apple store, not at all what I expected.

We tried a lemonade one time... Every time we thought it was leveling out, we'd be wrong. It tasted like shit, would not recommend...

I personally dont like how Weed makes me feel, so i tried finding alternative ways to ingest it without smoking it as i hate coughing, the gummies and chocolates are fantastic, but again i dont like the feeling so i figured maybe the lotion, and it just straight up did nothing lol

I eventually moved on to Tincture, i can control the dose to the point i can get a light buzz and enough of a high to relax but not be messed up.


"The In-Laws are here.... A Day early!"




My only problem with these products is: Can they enter the bloodstream and be detected on a test? I personally can't do anything that would allow the government to take away my children, not that I ever get a drug test (I am self employed and drug free), but it's a real concern. What if someone's employer does a test and you have to try to explain that it's just shampoo? Time to just legalize it once and for all. I guess big pharma makes big bucks on drugs tests.


Senior Member
My only problem with these products is: Can they enter the bloodstream and be detected on a test? I personally can't do anything that would allow the government to take away my children, not that I ever get a drug test (I am self employed and drug free), but it's a real concern. What if someone's employer does a test and you have to try to explain that it's just shampoo? Time to just legalize it once and for all. I guess big pharma makes big bucks on drugs tests.

A shampoo? I very highly doubt it, most shampoos don't sit on you long enough to absorb anything, same thing with body wash, its not like you're letting it just soak in ya know? And even then with Lotions and stuff the amount is so small that it wouldn't be noticeable on any drug tests.

You'd be more likely to fail a drug test by eating poppy seeds than you would any kind of shampoo/body scrub.

Now anything you ingest, yes. But even then, Marijuana is being decriminalized across the country, even Florida is looking to legalize this year, i wouldn't be too horribly worried about it. Unless you plan on growing a ton lol
