Hillary Clinton will become US President

Let us pray to God that no asissination & no coup takes place. US is a great country w many good people who deserve no less than a better life...so lets hope this wud be a fresh start.
Clinton isn't becoming President. Noone would support her, Sanders would get support though, I suppose. I'm assuming that now, for in order for her to even attempt to become President after losing the election, a re-election would be called, a coup may happen, or even assassination, though that wouldn't put Clinton in power because if Trump is assassinated, Pence'll become the new President, and the people who dislike Trump will dislike Pence MORE than Trump.
They're making a run at getting her elected anyway -
Electoral College: Make Hillary Clinton President on December 19

Clinton isn't becoming President. Noone would support her, Sanders would get support though, I suppose. I'm assuming that now, for in order for her to even attempt to become President after losing the election, a re-election would be called, a coup may happen, or even assassination, though that wouldn't put Clinton in power because if Trump is assassinated, Pence'll become the new President, and the people who dislike Trump will dislike Pence MORE than Trump.
They're making a run at getting her elected anyway -
Electoral College: Make Hillary Clinton President on December 19


That petition is HILLarious. Government doesn't work that way.

And what people are rioting for is this:

- The end of the middle class being raped by Obamacare
- The end of common core education, which has been a disaster
- Peace with Russia, which has started already
- National Security by making sure immigrants are pre-screened like they always have been in the past
- Jobs and a better economy in general
- The end of lobbying (and this has already started since Trump won!)
- And best of all, they are rioting to get a white collar criminal in office

Most rioters are 20 somethings who live with mom and dad who still buy their health insurance. Many probably
aren't employed, thanks to Obama, but since mom and dad foot the bill, they don't know about the struggle. Also,
none of these young rioters have researched the issues. They are basing all of their judgements on television
propaganda. They probably think that reality shows are "real", too.

New Florida House Speaker to shake things up in Tallahassee

US election: Putin pleased as Trump win shocks world - CNNPolitics.com
Clinton isn't becoming President. Noone would support her, Sanders would get support though, I suppose. I'm assuming that now, for in order for her to even attempt to become President after losing the election, a re-election would be called, a coup may happen, or even assassination, though that wouldn't put Clinton in power because if Trump is assassinated, Pence'll become the new President, and the people who dislike Trump will dislike Pence MORE than Trump.
They're making a run at getting her elected anyway -
Electoral College: Make Hillary Clinton President on December 19


That petition is HILLarious. Government doesn't work that way.

And what people are rioting for is this:

- The end of the middle class being raped by Obamacare
- The end of common core education, which has been a disaster
- Peace with Russia, which has started already
- National Security by making sure immigrants are pre-screened like they always have been in the past
- Jobs and a better economy in general
- The end of lobbying (and this has already started since Trump won!)
- And best of all, they are rioting to get a white collar criminal in office

Most rioters are 20 somethings who live with mom and dad who still buy their health insurance. Many probably
aren't employed, thanks to Obama, but since mom and dad foot the bill, they don't know about the struggle. Also,
none of these young rioters have researched the issues. They are basing all of their judgements on television
propaganda. They probably think that reality shows are "real", too.

New Florida House Speaker to shake things up in Tallahassee

US election: Putin pleased as Trump win shocks world - CNNPolitics.com

The petition IS ridiculous.

People are rioting across the country for all sorts of different reasons, peace with Russia won't be as easy as it may seem, I think.

They are basing all of their judgements on television
propaganda. They probably think that reality shows are "real", too."

I wouldn't be so quick to put people into categories based upon their opposition to Trump, bad thing to say that "All of X is Y"
Clinton isn't becoming President. Noone would support her, Sanders would get support though, I suppose. I'm assuming that now, for in order for her to even attempt to become President after losing the election, a re-election would be called, a coup may happen, or even assassination, though that wouldn't put Clinton in power because if Trump is assassinated, Pence'll become the new President, and the people who dislike Trump will dislike Pence MORE than Trump.
They're making a run at getting her elected anyway -
Electoral College: Make Hillary Clinton President on December 19


That petition is HILLarious. Government doesn't work that way.

And what people are rioting for is this:

- The end of the middle class being raped by Obamacare
- The end of common core education, which has been a disaster
- Peace with Russia, which has started already
- National Security by making sure immigrants are pre-screened like they always have been in the past
- Jobs and a better economy in general
- The end of lobbying (and this has already started since Trump won!)
- And best of all, they are rioting to get a white collar criminal in office

Most rioters are 20 somethings who live with mom and dad who still buy their health insurance. Many probably
aren't employed, thanks to Obama, but since mom and dad foot the bill, they don't know about the struggle. Also,
none of these young rioters have researched the issues. They are basing all of their judgements on television
propaganda. They probably think that reality shows are "real", too.

New Florida House Speaker to shake things up in Tallahassee

US election: Putin pleased as Trump win shocks world - CNNPolitics.com

The left are sure throwing a tantrum aren't they? Thats what brainwashing entitlement of a particular outcome does.

The following is a mixture of a something that happened recently and a rant:

I have friends that were pro-Hillary and the moment trump won they rang me up to rant so i ended up getting the shits when i kept seeing Trump bashing by one of them and sent him a tiny fraction of what I know...

He didn't want to look...

Bashing on my beliefs without proof and then refusing to look at evidence to support my own views, that i serve up on a silver platter. That really makes my blood boil!

But thats a left wing mindset, attack without proof but refuse to actually look at any and get angry when you're shown proof...

I mean, he might as well forget about the fact i knew WW3 was likely back in 2013, yea just completely forget i told him about it and that i was sheeting bricks before the election because I already knew what would've happened had Hillary Clinton been elected. But no, he seems to have become more left wing over time.

The annoying part is is that i know maybe one person who wasn't a devout follower of Hillary. I seem to be only one if a handful of my generation that isn't brainwashed...

They're making a run at getting her elected anyway -
Electoral College: Make Hillary Clinton President on December 19

and i clicked on this topic that says hillary clinton will be come president days after trump won lol what is this another false phrophet
like so many before that . and if donald trump dosent get killed in a plane crash like said somehwere else in here then another false phrophet .is in the lurks
That petition is HILLarious. Government doesn't work that way.

And what people are rioting for is this:

- The end of the middle class being raped by Obamacare
- The end of common core education, which has been a disaster
- Peace with Russia, which has started already
- National Security by making sure immigrants are pre-screened like they always have been in the past
- Jobs and a better economy in general
- The end of lobbying (and this has already started since Trump won!)
- And best of all, they are rioting to get a white collar criminal in office

Most rioters are 20 somethings who live with mom and dad who still buy their health insurance. Many probably
aren't employed, thanks to Obama, but since mom and dad foot the bill, they don't know about the struggle. Also,
none of these young rioters have researched the issues. They are basing all of their judgements on television
propaganda. They probably think that reality shows are "real", too.

New Florida House Speaker to shake things up in Tallahassee

US election: Putin pleased as Trump win shocks world - CNNPolitics.com

The petition IS ridiculous.

People are rioting across the country for all sorts of different reasons, peace with Russia won't be as easy as it may seem, I think.

They are basing all of their judgements on television
propaganda. They probably think that reality shows are "real", too."

I wouldn't be so quick to put people into categories based upon their opposition to Trump, bad thing to say that "All of X is Y"
I wouldn't be so quick to put people into categories based upon their opposition to Trump, bad thing to say that "All of X is Y"

They say all Trump supporters are racist.

Trump's words were twisted. He is against ILLEGAL immigration. He does not hate Mexicans. His words were twisted from day 1.
My husband is a LEGAL immigrant. He had to do paperwork, get a background check, get a drug test, get fingerprints, and pay money. Why are others above the law? Why are we racist if we want to pre-screen *ALL* immigrants for national security?

We never once complained. We even had to wait 6 months apart. But now he's here, documented, working, contributing to our society, collecting sales tax for the state (participating in the improvement of the economy!). Yet, we are called racist if we expect others to do the same.

Skin color has never had ANYTHING to do with it, but ignorant people who base their views on propaganda have twisted every single word that Trump has said. EVERY. SINGLE. WORD.

Pre-screening ALL immigrants isn't racist. It's necessary.
