Hillary will destroy US

Russia recently recalled the families of its military & civilian staff to go back 2 Russia..this is not good...When u tie the events, something bad may happen...Russia announced 2 days ago that Saudis+US agreed to allow 9000 ISIS terrorists to safely go out of Iraq & enter Syria as the battle in Iraq against ISIS is about to trigger. Russia claimed that liberation of Iraqi city (Mosul) from ISIS will be an easy & clean job AKA ,a victory for Democrats. While the 9000 terrorists will be utilized in Syria to flip the balance against the dictator (Assad).....The scary thing is Russia is worried that these 9000 terrorist may be utilized to destabilize Russia from inside instead of using them in Syria...This doubt may push Russia to kill them by air strikes on their way through the 400KM borders between Iraq & Syria...if Russia did that, that may trigger WW3.....pray 2 god that nothing happens....
I just got done sending an email to NBC news telling them that they are becoming more like CNN each day. I have watched the Today Show and NBC Nightly News for years but if they don't become more balanced they will loose viewers, like me.
I said they are pro-Clinton, which is very apparant and they need to re-think how they cover politics. I suggested non-anchors present political stories in a balanced way.
I think the news media is brainwashing the general public, just like when Obummer ran, and the people follow. I have been quiet on the topic on fb but no more. Some have asked, where have I been. ha
@TnWatchdog : you re very much right, CNN anchors are biased,.other media are also same...when guest speaker goes offrail, they silence him & change subject in a nasty way.....Iast year I was watching Charlie Rose interview with think tank Les Gelb...the moment Les Gelb critisized the countries who finance al-kaida & ISIS, Charlie Rose quickly closed the subject and popped into other topic...Since then I boycott that program...now I consider Charlie Rose is actually toilet paper used to wipe butts of certain people.
@TnWatchdog - Sending an Email to NBC was a nice thought, but I don't think it will work, because NBC is a part of the government-media complex. Their news programs primarily rake in big bucks not from viewers, but from government subsidies. It is nothing but an arm of the Democratic Party.

Another thing to note is that, on the contrary, the news media is not that popular at all, otherwise it would be doing extremely well in the ratings. So the news media does not have that much of an effect at all on the general public, the vast majority of whom know that it's riddled with communists.

However, what we have to watch out for in this election is massive voter fraud and a variety of other methods of rigging, as well as making sure Trump doesn't implode.
Yeah...I am just getting fed up with all this political news coverage. I don't have cable so I haven't watched Fox News for awhile but I finally realized it is on my phone at no charge so I will be watching Fox News instead of Trump bashers on the other networks. I hope people will see this as a ploy by Hillary to gain power. What a bitch!
