Historic Rocket Landing


Senior Member
Cmon guys have you ever seen the nose of a rocket shaped that way before?...Great posting Einstein mate ;):D
I saw this on the news...

I do like the shape of the rocket on take off, and maybe some of the ladies found it rather....amusing ;):D
Neat rocket landing. Good thing they land in a dust bowl or they would start a massive brush fire. I wouldn't go on the ride if it was free as I don't have an interest in going into space. Would others go...and what would you pay to go?
Are you crazy? I'd pay like $10,000 just to go in space for a minute. I think Space is the coolest thing. I was gonna major in astronomy but decided to major in Physics at the last moment. I have a minor in Chemistry too. And a major in Computer Engineering :D. I'm so smart. I wish I could go to the moon. I would never find where I could launch, let alone not get the funds to do it.
For some reason I just wouldn't get too excited about it. I would rather go to Home Depot and buy some tools...but that is just me. Send me a picture from space, if you would. I read that they haven't got any pricing on it yet but hope you can make the trip. Take that TimeFlipper with you.
Dawg you know damn well ive already been there in my WW2 Nazi UFO ::LOL:::D
