Hoaxers: What kind of discussions should be encouraged or not, and how?


Junior Member
It amazes me how hoaxers operate as they are so into their character they become the character...the thread is their stage and we are their audience. One lie leads to another so the hoaxer will need to lie again and again as their story goes on. I have to admit that some that come along are pretty good, believable, and these are the threads that are really followed and have the greatest spurt of activity. We will always have outsiders pop in and screw around with us, which satisfies their inner need for approval/acceptance. Members here can't stop the hoaxers from coming but we can ask the questions to expose them...we can play the game too!

well, that's part of the reason I DON'T get involved when I know it's fake, because it would fuel the fire of whoever's ego is writing it ;p but I can see what you're saying.


There will always be hoaxers looking for attention. We're a paranormal forum. That's why are not hunting them, not trying to debunk everything in case it's a hoax, as it's been done in the past.

Were not encouraging hoaxing though. We have an easy way of spotting confirmed hoaxes as you can see.

I agree it can be frustrating sometimes. Hoaxers are part of the paranormal ecosystem though, here and on other sites as well.


Senior Member
Personally, i do not mind the Hoaxer i find it as a way to keep my self up-to-par with my knowledge, a test you could say.

When a Hoaxer comes into my Area or Expertise i see it as a challenge, do i know more than this hoaxer? if not then clearly i need to stop the video games and get researching. Does he know more than i do? If so is he capable of convincing me? And most importantly can he answer questions that I KNOW the answers to, and then the Prove it factor comes into play.
Okay you said some convincing stuff, now simply prove it. Can you? Nope, well i will continue on until the next one.

I enjoy it as a cat and mouse kind of game. So keep em coming, i haven't been stumped or amazed yet ;)


Senior Member

The Boy Who Cried Wolf: Whenever I hear of a Time Travel Hoaxer, this story always comes to mind. :D However, the backlash from a TT Hoaxer works twofold. If a real Time Traveler ever visited us, no one would believe him. :(


Hoaxers also try to build trust. It's very sad that we can't even make friends online anymore without being suspsicious. And Sam is right, it goes both ways. When a real time traveler visits, he will be attacked and almost crucified (remind you of someone?). No longer can we assume "innocent until proven guilty" with anybody online. Now, it is "suspicious until proven innocent".

With the more gentler hoaxers, they've eventually confessed to me without provocation. It is the malicious ones that we have to be VERY careful of. Boy, did I learn my lesson.

Here is the key: A dangerous person will fish for your personal information by offering to mail you a book for free. I will never fall for that again!


Time Travel Professor

The Boy Who Cried Wolf: Whenever I hear of a Time Travel Hoaxer, this story always comes to mind. :D However, the backlash from a TT Hoaxer works twofold. If a real Time Traveler ever visited us, no one would believe him. :(

Thank You Sam

My view is the same: However, the backlash from a TT Hoaxer works twofold. If a real Time Traveler ever visited us, no one would believe him. :(


Active Member
And that is the reason why time traveler's will never be hindered during their missions. Take the USAF official statement on UFOs for instance, "Who would ever believe it?" The best lie I ever told was the truth.........
