How can I learn more?


New Member
Intro: My name is Corey I live in a smalltown and have a large family. My grandmother (moms mom) had a stroke about two years ago and since then we've been living with her at her house and taking care of her. She has one living sister, one deceased sister, one deceased brother, and one deceased sister in law. My grandmother's other daughter my aunt had a child that died as an infant. Years ago after my great aunt (grandmothers sister) passed and my great uncle passed my aunt looked up and saw the shadow of my great aunt and a teenage boy over her bed in almost a fog and they walked through her wall. Now two years ago I moved into my grandmothers house with my mother.

We have seen some weird stuff like a door opening at night and no dog moving, nobody being there just the door opening. We've felt like we saw someone walk by us, or my mom would be in bed with my grandmother (they have queen beds) and swear they saw someone walk by the room. Now i've always been the "its fun to think about" type of person, but deep down im like theirs a logical explanation...UP UNTIL LAST NIGHT. I wasn't feeling well so i took two benedryl a tylenol and went to bed and about 2:30 i woke up from a strange dream about my father getting a job cleaning out a room and the room was full of weird stuff i dont remember if it was cult stuff or demonic stuff but it creeped me out so i left as I woke up. So i wake up look at window saw it was still dark and layed my head back down and was laying ther for no more than a minute when I heard a hoarse whisper "Corey" I jumped and looked up thinking it was my mom needing me for something but she wasn't there. I had just woke up so i didn't think logically and hauled ass out of the room. But now I am curious. I want answers, who is it, are they waiting for my grandmother like we think?, etc. SO i want to know is their anything I can do to get their attention more or get them to interact more?


Senior Member
Welcome corey, sorry i didnt notice this sooner. My main suggestion to you is to try a EVP recording. Is there a specific time when things seem to be a big more abnormal than usual? if sogo out to your local wal-mart pick up a Voice record sit down in a few of the hot spots make sure its quiet and ask away see if you get any answers, also while asking make sure to take pictures randomly specially if you feel like something is there.

Do not by ANY means attempt to communicate with a Ouija board or anything of its kind.


Senior Member
Welcome corey, sorry i didnt notice this sooner. My main suggestion to you is to try a EVP recording. Is there a specific time when things seem to be a big more abnormal than usual? if sogo out to your local wal-mart pick up a Voice record sit down in a few of the hot spots make sure its quiet and ask away see if you get any answers, also while asking make sure to take pictures randomly specially if you feel like something is there.

Do not by ANY means attempt to communicate with a Ouija board or anything of its kind.

That is VERY good advice...especially about the Ouija Board! Recording EVP's is a good way to find out what's happening. Watch "Ghost Hunters" TV Series (with Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson) and you will learn all about what to do and how to deal with Spirits if they are in your house. The Ghost Hunters team will teach you all that you need to know if you watch the series.

It's also important that you don't be afraid. Most likely there are spirits of your relatives sharing the house that you live in. They are people just like you and me, but they don't have an earthly body anymore. That's how to think of them, because that's what they are...disembodied spirits. Also, whenever a person is very ill, close to death or their time is approaching, they are surrounded by the spirits of their loved ones who have passed on. In a Booklet from a Hospice, it even says that.

Light a couple of candles at a table, turn out the lights, (say a prayer for God's protection), turn on a tape recorder and ask the spirits questions. Try to communicate with them. I've communicated with spirits many times.

If you believe, it's also a good idea to bless your house. There are different ways of doing that, like taking Holy Water or olive oil...making the small sign of a cross over every window and door in your house and say something like, "God bless this house and sweep out all unclean spirits, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit". :)


I've said this before but, the "ouija board" is not a "gate way to hell " , "demonic communicator" or anything of the sort. Ouija Boards were originally made to communicate with the dead (As in spirits , human ones at that). Like other things they do take a specific amount of ability to use properly so the odds of someone using a real Ouija boards are low or 50/50 at best. You can go buy a walmart "Ouija Board" if you want but, your just paying for a cheap toy that does nothing.


Senior Member
I've said this before but, the "ouija board" is not a "gate way to hell " , "demonic communicator" or anything of the sort. Ouija Boards were originally made to communicate with the dead (As in spirits , human ones at that). Like other things they do take a specific amount of ability to use properly so the odds of someone using a real Ouija boards are low or 50/50 at best. You can go buy a walmart "Ouija Board" if you want but, your just paying for a cheap toy that does nothing.

That is a matter of opinion. Many people who used a Ouija Board had bad experiences and sorely regretted it. The board is a portal that can let in good or bad spirits. Most people are inexperienced when it comes to calling on spirits, so they leave themselves open. Art Bell had his own horrific experience with the Ouija Board, and it scared him so bad that he would never talk about it...except to tell others NEVER to use one.


Senior Member
I agree Sam...I had a Quija Board and used it during my late teen and early twenties. Quija Boards, Tarot Cards, beer, and whatever. I ended up trashing it in the garbage as we all had bad vibes from it. The pointer would be spinning so fast it would leave the board. I don't remember exactly what happened...all I knew is that I did not want to look at the box. I had to hide it before I finally threw it out. The lady that we went to for Tarot readings also threw the cards away stating she had a bad experience...She said either one is a way for demonic spirits to enter your life. Anyway I just wanted to mention this as it is best not taking chance with evil.


Junior Member
I agree with blast tyrant, Get a recorder and do some evp work maybe buy a couple disposable cameras and when you feel like somethings there shoot a couple pictures. Let us know if you get anything.
I agree with on the use of ouija board should be used with caution. It is not something i would use and many have had some real bad experiences because you have no way to know what is coming through. I have used camera and done work with evps before that is good advice. Love and Light Vamp1r3Goddess


Junior Member
If the house has always been in your family, I lean more toward thinking it is a deceased family member or more. Has there been any harmful activity? If not probably is. Welcome to Paranormals sorry should have said that in the first place lol
