How can I learn more?


Junior Member
Every paranormal case I have been on that involved someone using a Ouija board had bad things happening as a result. I don't suggest the use of one. Not saying they are a portal to hell just saying nothing good comes from it!


Senior Member
I've said this before but, the "ouija board" is not a "gate way to hell " , "demonic communicator" or anything of the sort. Ouija Boards were originally made to communicate with the dead (As in spirits , human ones at that). Like other things they do take a specific amount of ability to use properly so the odds of someone using a real Ouija boards are low or 50/50 at best. You can go buy a walmart "Ouija Board" if you want but, your just paying for a cheap toy that does nothing.
I here this alot for those who have hade the luxury of never truly experiencing one, ANY form of communication wether it be a wal-mart ouija board or a home made table and glass set-up can gather un-wanted attention. The problem with people who "try" it and get no success are also those who go in completely skeptical with no real intention of trying to communicate. When you open the doors of communication anything will come through that wishes to have attention and be heard wether it be a loved one who wants to say good-bye or a more malevolent spirit thats only intent is to mess with you.


Junior Member
That is the key thing. Anything can and will come through and maybe folling a loved one who wishes to say good bye.


I've said this before but, the "ouija board" is not a "gate way to hell " , "demonic communicator" or anything of the sort. Ouija Boards were originally made to communicate with the dead (As in spirits , human ones at that). Like other things they do take a specific amount of ability to use properly so the odds of someone using a real Ouija boards are low or 50/50 at best. You can go buy a walmart "Ouija Board" if you want but, your just paying for a cheap toy that does nothing.
I here this alot for those who have hade the luxury of never truly experiencing one, ANY form of communication wether it be a wal-mart ouija board or a home made table and glass set-up can gather un-wanted attention. The problem with people who "try" it and get no success are also those who go in completely skeptical with no real intention of trying to communicate. When you open the doors of communication anything will come through that wishes to have attention and be heard wether it be a loved one who wants to say good-bye or a more malevolent spirit thats only intent is to mess with you.

Well those people are of bad character then, it's law that the dead are dead and, stay dead. Contacting the dead or playing with the dead is taboo. I can say that as a person who has played around with all kinds of stuff.


Senior Member
I've said this before but, the "ouija board" is not a "gate way to hell " , "demonic communicator" or anything of the sort. Ouija Boards were originally made to communicate with the dead (As in spirits , human ones at that). Like other things they do take a specific amount of ability to use properly so the odds of someone using a real Ouija boards are low or 50/50 at best. You can go buy a walmart "Ouija Board" if you want but, your just paying for a cheap toy that does nothing.
I here this alot for those who have hade the luxury of never truly experiencing one, ANY form of communication wether it be a wal-mart ouija board or a home made table and glass set-up can gather un-wanted attention. The problem with people who "try" it and get no success are also those who go in completely skeptical with no real intention of trying to communicate. When you open the doors of communication anything will come through that wishes to have attention and be heard wether it be a loved one who wants to say good-bye or a more malevolent spirit thats only intent is to mess with you.

Well those people are of bad character then, it's law that the dead are dead and, stay dead. Contacting the dead or playing with the dead is taboo. I can say that as a person who has played around with all kinds of stuff.

So your telling me i am a bad character? along with all those on this forum who have had contact with the dead or who ghost hunt? plus the thousands who do it to help those in need? Thats kind of a bold claim hu? Cause you haven't expereinced it means its law? and has to be? This isnt nessisarly the place for the closes minded sort my little friend.


Senior Member
Let's keep on track Corey had a honest question and his thread is being hi-jacked if you feel the need to argue the claims and beliefes of others Kurisu make a new post, Thank you.


I here this alot for those who have hade the luxury of never truly experiencing one, ANY form of communication wether it be a wal-mart ouija board or a home made table and glass set-up can gather un-wanted attention. The problem with people who "try" it and get no success are also those who go in completely skeptical with no real intention of trying to communicate. When you open the doors of communication anything will come through that wishes to have attention and be heard wether it be a loved one who wants to say good-bye or a more malevolent spirit thats only intent is to mess with you.

Well those people are of bad character then, it's law that the dead are dead and, stay dead. Contacting the dead or playing with the dead is taboo. I can say that as a person who has played around with all kinds of stuff.

So your telling me i am a bad character? along with all those on this forum who have had contact with the dead or who ghost hunt? plus the thousands who do it to help those in need? Thats kind of a bold claim hu? Cause you haven't expereinced it means its law? and has to be? This isnt nessisarly the place for the closes minded sort my little friend.

I told everyone before I am a very selfish person ^_^


Junior Member
I will say this for those who seek answers to the paranormal. The dead don't always stay dead! Not their spirit anyway. I do what I do for the purpose of knowledge of the paranormal and I do it for those who need help in that area. Don't judge us as bad.We are not bad people we are human.


New Member
I've said this before but, the "ouija board" is not a "gate way to hell " , "demonic communicator" or anything of the sort. Ouija Boards were originally made to communicate with the dead (As in spirits , human ones at that). Like other things they do take a specific amount of ability to use properly so the odds of someone using a real Ouija boards are low or 50/50 at best. You can go buy a walmart "Ouija Board" if you want but, your just paying for a cheap toy that does nothing.

That is a matter of opinion. Many people who used a Ouija Board had bad experiences and sorely regretted it. The board is a portal that can let in good or bad spirits. Most people are inexperienced when it comes to calling on spirits, so they leave themselves open. Art Bell had his own horrific experience with the Ouija Board, and it scared him so bad that he would never talk about it...except to tell others NEVER to use one.

I'm not here to discredit your opinion, just simply here to add my own two sense, so please take no offense.
I undersand most things are all based on a matter opinion, however I think that people only ever really hear about the "crazy scary" occurances after using a ouija, because lets face it... it's a lot more interesting to hear about how things went wrong and somebody ended up possesed my something demonic and wreaks havoc on the world, than hearing about a friends ghost named penelopee who just stopped by to say Hi ! Not to say the molevelent creatures are unable to cross over, because I truly agree that if you do not know how to control your emotions and state of mind appropriately you are much more suseptable to evil. And on the note of Art Bell, I noticed you puplished something else in regaurds to that, and honestly that is one mans opinion. Also considering his career/life, this could have well been some kind stunt to get the attention of the public. If he isn't willing to talk about it how are we able to know if this is really the truth. Not to mention the ammount of conspiracy surrounding us, who knows the truth anymore ! I just think relying on that as proof you shouldn't use a ouija is a bit of a fairweather excuse. As I said before, just like you're told about food "you can't knock it, untill you try it". Regaurdless of the histeria brought on my the mention of a ouija to some(which I believe is due partially to the stigma attatched with the ouia practice) I truly believe there are good ways to use the ouija effectively.


New Member
Can i ask what type of activity has been occurring? Ohter than the whisper you mentioned ?
In the corner of our eyes we've seen someone walk down the hall, my sister felt a hand touch her leg, closet doors have opened randomly, we've heard people come into the house but nobody be there.
