How can I time travel to the past via astral travel?


Temporal Engineer
Now again correct me if i am wrong but isn't the common belief that if you see your Doppelganger that you will die and the doppelganger will take your place?

I was not aware of this. I would love to read any info by anyone that has investigated this phenomena. Or possibly share stories with other members that are aware they have a Doppelganger of themselves.


Temporal Engineer
If i may time travel isnt in my normal line of conversations nor knowledge but Astral projection would only allow you to see not interact if i am not mistaking.

If you wanted to just see said person then Astral may work but it takes a lot of practice and a lot of mental strength to do also keep in mind the possibility of ET intervention may occur.

If you want to interact and talk etc etc with said person than you would most likely need to seek another route.

please do correct me if i am wrong.

There is the Doppelganger phenomena. An exact double of you that looks like you and interacts with people you know, completely fooling them into believing it was you they were talking with.

No one knows exactly what the Doppelganger phenomena actually is. But I came up with the idea that maybe the Doppelganger is actually you in a physically manifested astral projection. It is said that we all experience astral projection when we go to sleep every night. Of course not everyone remembers everything that goes on when asleep. So it is possible that the Doppelganger of you could actually be you from when you were last asleep. If so, then apparently moving through time is something the Doppelganger can do. Since most sightings occur at a time when you are awake.

So I can imagine that one must learn to astral project first. Then learn to physically manifest in their astal projected form. All this on a conscious level. I can point you to HDRKID and Steven Gibbs, who seem to be able to do this.
OR it could be entities fooling others just for fun or mischief. I've lived in a house that possibly had some ghosts and entities. None of which I communicated with but there was a time were I was yelling around the house, mad about my stuff getting lost and this must have annoyed our invincible inhabitants because later on, my sister said that she saw me going at the back of our house and at the same time, while washing my hands and looking out the window, I swear I saw myself running at the back of the house but dismissed it as my sister. We confirmed that it was my doppelganger.

Like I said, no one really knows what the Doppelganger is. But some stories I've heard say the Doppelganger has your memories as well. And can interact with your friends. It's like the Doppelganger is actually you.


Senior Member
Time Shifter talked about getting personal items from that person. I usually put those in the witness well of the HDR, like for example, a ring.

Before I got the HDR, I would use meditation music. That helps me astral time travel for some reason. Also try some relaxation exercises.

Remember that your body is empty when you go on an astral journey. Frankly, before I go... I pray. That is for God to protect me.

