How did you find Paranormalis ?


Junior Member
How did I find Paranormalis?

I was cleaning up my ancient e-mail archive a week or so ago and came across a few messages with the name John Titor in the heading, and a few more from the old Time Traveler forum dating back to mid-2004-05. I'd followed the original postings by Titor and had been a member on that older forum back then. When I came across the e-mails, I followed a link or two and wound up here in the present day.

Do I believe in time travel? I can neither say that I do believe, nor that I don't believe time travel is possible and/or exists. I simply haven't seen enough evidence to know. My position on most things related to the paranormal basically boils down to this: Just because I've never experienced or witnessed some specific type of phenomenon is not sufficient evidence to dismiss the possibility completely.

I will say that I've experienced a few episodes that involved missing time. Most took place while I was alone. One particularly memorable experience was shared with two others on the bench seat of a pickup truck during the early morning hours sometime after midnight. The three of us had spent the day rafting with some friends along a river through Denali national park. On the return trip along the old dirt Parks Highway that stretches from Denali Park to Fairbanks, the three of us exclaimed: "Did you see that?"

Just what the "that" was, neither I nor my companions could describe. We were only aware that we had each returned to consciousness simultaneously, as if we had been mesmerized then told to "wake up." The truck was "still" moving, having traveled about 15-20 miles we had not experienced, and the clock informed us it was roughly 45 minutes later than it should have been. The rest of the trip home I experienced as sitting on the edge of my seat, half-expecting to see a flying saucer or something else quite out of the ordinary.

Above, where I said I had not personally experienced time travel, that does not account for another non-normal experience I had. In the mid 1990's I remembered events from my childhood that happened differently than the current historical records tell. Those memories have since submerged themselves back into my unconscious awareness. What I remain aware of is that during my childhood I experienced certain events associated with a personage of note who had either died in my past but not on this current time line; or else, in my past that personage did not die and events unfolded differently, while here, he died and a different set of events occurred. I just can't remember which.

Such an experience can be explained in a number of different ways. Possibly, a time traveler came from the future and altered the events that had previously occurred. Possibly, my consciousness managed to swap places with a different "me" that lives in an alternate time line or reality, and now I remain trapped in this current continuum. Possibly, it was all a hoax, a slight of hand trick played by my unconscious mind on my conscious state of being, simply to make my experience of life here a little more interesting.

I do know that the vast majority of people live a life submerged in a consensual reality that is constructed and controlled by an intelligence that exists outside of, and apart from, the mundane world as we mostly experience it. Like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, it is possible to pull the curtain aside to some extent. But during those brief glimpses, our minds are unprepared to perceive whatever ultimate reality may exist. Instead, we tend to overlay the experience with some sort of story we make up and tell ourselves over and over again to try and retain some measure of "sanity," whatever that may be.
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Possibly, it was all a hoax, a slight of hand trick played by my unconscious mind on my conscious state of being, ...

Some people call that "sleight of mind".

Personally, I found Paranormalis by installing Tapatalk and looking for cool forums. I picked five I think, and this is the only one where I really felt at home.

So although I never formally presented myself, thank you all for your interesting experiences, your sense of humor, and your warm welcome.



New Member
I'm curious!

How did you find Paranormalis ?

Back then, I was looking for information about Flux Capacitors and HDRs. I ended up on HDRKID's site,, and kept clicking on links for more information. All this was in late 2005. Many links on this fluxcap site pointed to a site called The Paranormal Network, which was a former iteration of Paranormalis.

After browsing much of the topics, I figured I'd register and contribute a bit. TPN was the first forum I ever registered to.

That's the story of how I found Paranormalis! :)

It's up to you now, to let us know how you found Paranormalis


I found this site while trying to find pictures of giants....ended up clicking and clicking until I ended up here. What a cool site to find!


Haha, I end up in weird places too, when I click too much sometimes. I'm glad you found our unique weird place and I hope you're going to like it as much as we do!

Take care! :)


Badass ☆。*♡✧*。
I had just watched something on time travel that intrigued me, so I took to the internet...I typed "I am a time traveler" into Google search, and some how came across Paranormalis...Glad I did, too! :)


Senior Member
Here's one fer ye:

