How do you know that you are not a werewolf?


Senior Member
I believe they were literally real at one time but extremely rare.
Why? Research the "Murdered By Human Wolves" tombstone story.
They may even still be real but I doubt it. Maybe in like very isolated areas
in the world that no one dares visit like abandoned forests or weird places.


Senior Member
Folklore is ALWAYS based on something. Oftentimes the lore is quasi or very different
from the actual thing but it was always based on something.
Vampires were based on people who literally drank blood, Santa Claus was invented
by Coca Cola in order to pay tribute to an alleged real man named St. Nicolas,
mermaids were based on real legends about half fish half women hybrids that
would lure sailors with songs and wreck their ships.

Our Earth is weirder than we think.
Werewolves might have a mundane explanation like
crazed human loons that believe they're hungry wolves in need of human flesh,
but whatever they were they were probably based on something at least partially real.


Senior Member
I researched a bit. I did not know that they also persecuted people that they believed to be werewolves. That is and excerpt from wiki:

The werewolf myth was never really believable to me. But I know somebody who claims that there are werewolfes in a forest in Europe.
There were two waves that hit Europe 15 to early 1700s. This was the junk vampire plagues, that were transitory traveling that had been fashioned in India. This is mentioned both in the early David Hatcher Childress South American Adventure Series and the book, Vampires, a study in case histories.

Junk vampires are the bargan basement low economey version of vampires, because the were fashioned as a retribution plauge.Big plauge and even the more polished clan vampires did not know what they were.This virus would kill you and less than more often did not.If you survived your bite without dieing, then you only had the mRNA scar in your body.

If you died however, they would burry you, but your body would claw its way out of the ground to return to where you lived.Many people thought they were okay and just fasly determined to be dead and this is how the plauge proliferated.It was thousands bitten sick recovered or died and they had to raise armies to control this it was so bad.

The other was the wereworlf plauges.These were grouping of people bitten by a kind of demonic virus that just utrned a person into a large, uasually dark colored wolf.

This was reported in Bullfinche's and they had the ability while in dog-worlf form to stand upright like a human and to also speak.

These got to be grand numbered packs and again, they had to raise armeis to stop this outbreak. #On hand-me-down genes, some people may have turned back to human, chose to stay that way and went on to have families.This action by them may have passed the gene down in lineage, but only fragments of it.

Both of these plauges were controlled in Europe by the mid 1700s.

If your'e bitten by a werewolf in dog form, the virus even today will still take.


Senior Member
The entire furry movement was created by animal aliens to infiltrate and take over our planet.

Want some water?


Senior Member
I was halfway joking but I do think it's possible the furry is inhabited by some sort of spirit or alien.
I'm sure Alex Jones with his talk of human animal hybrids would find it interesting
When I had chronic moon attraction it was a funny experience. I was aware of what I was going through, but I was helpless to do anything about it. But I do remember the moon and the pull that it had on me.

It was strange, as I could not for the life of me stay inside. And when I ventured outside, that moon, the appearance of it, pulled me around so I looked at it. It seemed to have a mento-physical effect on me. Looking back at it, it was pulling at the wild animal id part of me, pulling that animal side to the surface.

I felt good, but at the same time I knew what was occurring to me was not normal.

The past junk DNA I had in me, was right on the borderline, to where it was slightly changing me. This came in a series of heats over two month's time. I would have to stick my head out that damned bedroom window and craning my head out, look at the moon. It was from that point there, I would venture out into the backyard.

This process became strong and stronger as time went on, but I did not know what the end road surprise would be, if I allowed the moon to have it's way. I was out of control, because I was helpless as to in any way controlling these changes.

Then one night when the moon was full I started out with this business. All would be normal the next day, as this was a bio-chemical hormone that was produced and burnt off, or metabolized by morning. Then it happened I stick my head out the window after I heard this loud sound out there. Up in the night sky and I remember the sky being a night creamy blue, was a flight of about five Boeing Vertol Chinook heavy lift helicopters.

They were up only so high, but I could make out the detail, so I'm guessing about a thousand feet, maybe a little more in height to their travel altitude. There was something in the rhythm of those churning rotors that kind of went into me, and abruptly stop this crazy moon lust that I was going through. It was this that I feel stopped the night moon id mining into my junk DNA that might have ended up turning me into some kind of freak.

When I came out of it, I met my mom's cousin's husband on the street corner near my house one night. Was just going for a walk and I don't know of all people why he was there. But he introduced me to this werewolf-like kid, Ricky, that looked like a cross between a human and a person just starting to turn into a werewolf.

This kid was so fu*king wild looking, that he frightened me. Like if you see a wild animal at the zoo in in the wilds that can hurt you. I guess mean, could bite you. I went to shake his hand but something inside of me made me pull my hand back. This kid was big, powerfully built and his face although human, appeared more like an animal than human.

Why I think my mom's cousin's husband showed up, is that I think maybe it was their side or relations that carried this werewolf junk DNA. Her husband was a worker and made his own microbrew beer. A likable sort. But like the tavern goes in American Werewolf In London, this guy knew a secret and it had to do with set gene cult pool of this werewolf gene.

After that night, even though I visited their house, did not see him to associate after running into the werewolf kid.

What I'm wondering, because during that time there was supposed LBL Kentucky werewolf activity in that area, if the real werewolves weren't affecting the junk werewolf DNA in semi-normal people. Seemed like a hillbilly or semi-Appalachian sort of affectation.

What I've given you here is very high definition and no joke. I kind of owe my well being to chance and Boeing Helicopters and the military for that night flight. Snapped me out of it and all I can say is thanks. As best as I can remember, Lamdo
