How prepared should I be for COVID-19???

alpha centauri

Active Member
It is a droplet infection. As far as I understood the main transmission is through the air. When you speak in cold environment, the air, you are breathing out is freezing instantly ( I think everybody experienced this). In that way you can see, what and how much germs you can distribute. This is similar I guess. So do not speak, breath or sneeze in the face of other people.

Here are the instruction of the South Korean government. It seems to work well there:
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Senior Member
Perhaps you could share with us the frequency chosen on your Rife Machine, to kill off that very weak Covid-19 virus? :)..

Weak is not a word i would use in the context of any virus. Royal rife put forth the idea that the biggest problem with viri is their polymorphic nature. People balked. On this side of the century the polymorphic nature of viruses is considered ground breaking.

The frequencies i use are preset. Id have to go through my books to give exact answers on that. All is run on square wave.


You can use rife on computers depending on the frequency of the viruses. I am thinking of growing shitake and portobello to survive this onslaught. I don’t plan to hoard. In fact, it’s better to prepare than to hope it passes over.


Senior Member
Well there is more to it then that. Those youtube videos claiming to emit square wave frequencies are bogus as is everything going by spooky. Spookys are not rife machines. Their are two types : contact emitters and plasma bulb emitters . This stuff dont work through your typical speaker.


Senior Member
Weak is not a word i would use in the context of any virus. Royal rife put forth the idea that the biggest problem with viri is their polymorphic nature. People balked. On this side of the century the polymorphic nature of viruses is considered ground breaking.

The frequencies i use are preset. Id have to go through my books to give exact answers on that. All is run on square wave.

When I said a weak virus, its life span outside of the human body is very short, only a few hours....Plus its not airborne.
Some of the earlier Rife machines kits being sold contained an amplifier, because when Rife was treating people back in the 1930s he also knew that the audio frequencies he discovered needed to be amplified, and it was that "power" including the accurate frequencies, which killed off the viruses and bacteria....An analogy is the "power" an opera singer uses to smash a small glass when she reaches a certain musical note...Another analogy is when you raise the volume of your Hi-Fi system and certain bass frequencies from the music cause the windows in your room to rattle a lot....If you turned the volume up very high, you would eventually smash those windows..

Only a few years ago it emerged from a UK Daily Mail newspaper, that the Americans were treating men with prostate cancer, by what was termed as "radio waves" (a misplaced term), I did make a posting on here somewhere about this but obviously I will go through it again...
The treatment was for 10 men in a room, there was a radio transmitter operating in the non burning 27Mhz wave band putting out only 4 watts of Radio Frequency (RF) energy, identical to a CB radio RF output and frequency range....The modulation (Audio Content) of the transmitter was the resonant frequency of prostate cancer that was being heavily amplified....The newspaper article did not say how many treatment sessions were needed, but it did say that the treatment was 100% effective....I must apologise to you for putting you in an awkward situation when I asked you for the resonant frequency of the Covid-19 virus, as it wasn't even known before all this started off..


Senior Member
Oh noo no no no. You havent been following this close enough. It is airborn. Thats part of why it is everywhere. Up to three hours in air is what ive read. Upto 17 days on surfaces. It is hardy. Thats a big part of the problem.

Most cases are not deadly. Only 4 percent.. but on global scales 4 percent is grossly huge.
April is not gonna be good. If the numbers continue as they have with itally and spain being reliable bench marks and the USA being 10 days behind their curve...

Homie. Everybody.

Shit breaks down when too many are sick and theirs not enough people to maintain the system.
We will begin to be able to pick up the peices in autumn. .... maybe... trump wants us to go back to work in april. Cuomo is being stingey with a surpless of ventilators .... abbot is acting like an idiot.

We are fucked.

I'm going to get enough food and water to last for a month or two come Wednesday.
Toiler paper , paper rowels bs like this is not essenrial.

Mr tripps is gonna get a whole lotnworse before things get bettwr


Senior Member
Oh noo no no no. You havent been following this close enough. It is airborn. Thats part of why it is everywhere. Up to three hours in air is what ive read. Upto 17 days on surfaces. It is hardy. Thats a big part of the problem.

Most cases are not deadly. Only 4 percent.. but on global scales 4 percent is grossly huge.
April is not gonna be good. If the numbers continue as they have with itally and spain being reliable bench marks and the USA being 10 days behind their curve...

Homie. Everybody.

Shit breaks down when too many are sick and theirs not enough people to maintain the system.
We will begin to be able to pick up the peices in autumn. .... maybe... trump wants us to go back to work in april. Cuomo is being stingey with a surpless of ventilators .... abbot is acting like an idiot.

We are fucked.

I'm going to get enough food and water to last for a month or two come Wednesday.
Toiler paper , paper rowels bs like this is not essenrial.

Mr tripps is gonna get a whole lotnworse before things get bettwr

It appears our scientists differ to your scientists...In the UK we are told to keep a distance of 2 meters away from each other, and prevent close up contact with people who can pass their spittle onto our face and lips....The life span of the virus is a maximum 17 hours on surfaces, which is a huge difference to the 17 days you quoted...There is no evidence of airborne contagion..

Washing our hands with soap and water regularly after touching things external to our homes is essential, which is something your scientists obviously overlooked, and refraining from touching your face after being outside seems lacking with your lot also.....Which leads me to think that perhaps you have been following Conspiracy Theory agenda more than your own Governments advice?? :oops:..


Senior Member
No , i follow dr john campell.

17 days.

Also , its been reported as aerosolized. Wear a mask in public. Keep your eyes covered too. Sun glasses. Yes practice aocialndistqncing.

My own givernments advice? Fucking trump wants us to go back to work in april. Damn right im not following that advice.
