How ready would you be?


Senior Member
And I also believe that at first it has to come trought our collective consciousness before it can manifest on earth.

That is a problem in this time frame. People do not want to listen ...simply because their ideas are different. So, things are what they are...we are trying but first talk about A, then B, then C....

It is first necessary to understand the game plan...the structure...then we can go where we want to...That is why I have a link "Our Universe" here...but did not get enough people to jump, I let it go where it is now.

So, see if we can get this through our "collective consciousness"...."First"....and Thanks...


Humanity has a tendency to either kill/dissect things that are different or hide them from the world. I think it's time we and aliens shook hands. Let's do this.


We're pretty good at turning great stuff into weapons. That's what worries me the most when considering that aliens are, or might be giving us alien tech.

Example: We could turn a bunch of alien machines that generate infinite food, into machines that generate an infinite number of bombs. We're so good at inventing new ways to kill more people faster.


And I also believe that at first it has to come trought our collective consciousness before it can manifest on earth.

That is a problem in this time frame. People do not want to listen ...simply because their ideas are different. So, things are what they are...we are trying but first talk about A, then B, then C....

It is first necessary to understand the game plan...the structure...then we can go where we want to...That is why I have a link "Our Universe" here...but did not get enough people to jump, I let it go where it is now.

So, see if we can get this through our "collective consciousness"...."First"....and Thanks...
Yes, People are ready only in several level, they do not want certain things to happen. Maybe it is that it would somehow ruin their experience? Even we could end all wars, it wouldn't last long until some of us would find ways to fight again. Maybe it is too deep in human nature.

I liked your universe post, even there is something difference in our world views, I found a lots of things which resonated well to my belief systems. And one good way to explain is this 'game plan'. But maybe we can interact with them and even build our spaceships, if we do it in secrecy? I believe they are happy te help us if we really need and want it, and if we do not cause so large effect on collective consciousness.

Can you btw give a link to your Universe post? I can curve spacetime to find life in other dimensions, I can go everywhere in space and time and communicate with several extraterrestrials, but I can't find one post on this site :)
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We're pretty good at turning great stuff into weapons. That's what worries me the most when considering that aliens are, or might be giving us alien tech.

Example: We could turn a bunch of alien machines that generate infinite food, into machines that generate an infinite number of bombs. We're so good at inventing new ways to kill more people faster.

You do have a valid point. Humans tend to do that, too. :(


Humanity has a tendency to either kill/dissect things that are different or hide them from the world. I think it's time we and aliens shook hands. Let's do this.
Yes that's it. We are so afraid of everything. Should we all make a telepathic contact and send them messages;

"We are ready!"

Let's do this every night before we fall asleep. Even we would not be ready, I think that they start to ask questions which stops us to meet. And in the same time we also talk to our collective and tell them that it would be 'the thing' to discuss in upcoming years. Should we decide a date when everyone in paranormalis start to contact with them? :)


We're pretty good at turning great stuff into weapons. That's what worries me the most when considering that aliens are, or might be giving us alien tech.

Example: We could turn a bunch of alien machines that generate infinite food, into machines that generate an infinite number of bombs. We're so good at inventing new ways to kill more people faster.
If you would be an alien, would you give us some kind of machines, if we would tell you that we build them for our own usage only?


Humanity has a tendency to either kill/dissect things that are different or hide them from the world. I think it's time we and aliens shook hands. Let's do this.
Yes that's it. We are so afraid of everything. Should we all make a telepathic contact and send them messages;

"We are ready!"

Let's do this every night before we fall asleep. Even we would not be ready, I think that they start to ask questions which stops us to meet. And in the same time we also talk to our collective and tell them that it would be 'the thing' to discuss in upcoming years. Should we decide a date when everyone in paranormalis start to contact with them? :)

First, we need to lay some ground rules. Stop sneaking up on us at night, aliens. That creeps us humans out. Just knock on the front door. We'll be dressed (usually) and less frightened. Ok, shocked might be a good word, but frightened? Not me. Another thing, quit peering around corners. That gives us the major heebie jeebies. Just be straight forward. Introduce yourselves. Don't beam lights in our faces are wave probes at us. We like to shake hands. Do that. Later, we can upgrade it to a quick hug when you leave if we like ya!


Hah, I am not afraid whether they are going to conquer the world, I am afraid what if they come when I am in the shower? :)

Usually I am communicating with them while I am doing my everyday jobs, but then I walk to toilet, I get these feelings like 'can they actually see me?'. Maybe these are fears we are having with spirits and we like to deny their existence. We are afraid that they come in a wrong time...

So, do you think that communication should be in a certain time, e.g. at meditation? And should physical contact be in some place we have decided before contact?

What would be a good way for them to come to your life? With a craft in forest? Knock door? Appear in front of you when you ask? or in some public place?


Senior Member
Yes, People are ready only in several level, they do not want certain things to happen. Maybe it is that it would somehow ruin their experience? Even we could end all wars, it wouldn't last long until some of us would find ways to fight again. Maybe it is too deep in human nature.

I liked your universe post, even there is something difference in our world views, I found a lots of things which resonated well to my belief systems. And one good way to explain is this 'game plan'. But maybe we can interact with them and even build our spaceships, if we do it in secrecy? I believe they are happy te help us if we really need and want it, and if we do not cause so large effect on collective consciousness.

Can you btw give a link to your Universe post? I can curve spacetime to find life in other dimensions, I can go everywhere in space and time and communicate with several extraterrestrials, but I can't find one post on this site :)

YES...first we need a lot of people like you who can look forward and do the RIGHT things...

But before you do that, you need to understand the Architecture and then jump in to do what should be done.

We have two level of higher beings - one group are ourselves when we loose our body....Earth has many of those in what you may call Heaven. Some do stuff, others just hang around enjoying life until they have to come here. It is that Freedom thing. And the sum total control the Universe.

Then the advanced physical form that come here most of the time. They have their counter part in Heaven too. The catch is they connect to their counter part all the time. Some of us just connect barely (we are not that advanced).

So, it is a Mega activity that happens...and most of our imbeciles do not want to admit it due to GREED....

That is the way to go forward...meaning, we do our things, the advanced beings do their things and Heaven does their things...Once you understand that...everything falls in place...

And yes, we will do advanced ships that move through space differently...meaning FTL but not exactly FTL...there are many different depends on how far one wants to Bicycle, Car, Plane etc...and we will have a new planet to start a new civilization simply because Earth goes on a dormant cycle every so, a nice support system.

That is why my Universe is described to understand them...
