How to Contact Aliens


Senior Member
Hi Carl:
I remember one of those symbols back from being on board their ship ages ago. Yeah, it was like a curly number "7" with two dots over it. Frankly, I will never forget it as I was five or six. They gave me a strawberry flavor shake and I needed to use a rest room. Well, I could not find one. Hey, I was running all over about to pee my pants when I saw the sign. This is their symbol for rest room.


Carl Miller

Active Member
Lol. It's been an exception. These beings do not have sense of humor. Betty and Barney Hill abduction and Travis Walton case are the two abduction cases most cited in the et abduction archives followed by Bentwaters in UK.And there was another one case in Brazil: Antonio Villas Boas who was seduced and had sexual intercourse with an Et. Weird things. But there's always some subtle taste of drama or comedy into some abduction case. Hypnotized Betty told the hypnotherapist one of the Ets was wearing a military cap. I could not help but laughing at this detail. I believe the Et watched humans wearing caps and decided it would be convenient to have one too.
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Senior Member
...another item one may think about is, when you contact them via telepathy, you may find that there are two other large and highly advanced civilizations live in our space and time....and they are inaccessible to us. Perhaps our Navy knows about them....but because it is is hard to judge for sure....if they are in fact in our space and time...remember Life is eternal...thank you.


Senior Member
Communication is going to be on whether or not they feel they want to communicate, those who have been taken will find it is far easier to communicate with the ET's.

But i have heard of many cases of people coming in contact with Aliens via Deep meditation but also and probably more famous is Project Stargate where one of the personnel claimed to of been in contact with a now extinct ET race. So Psyhic powers apparently helps with communication.

But in some rare cases people have been able to communicate by just concentrating on what they want to say and in a way "Sending it out there" But in short Communication will come if the ET's want it to, i don't believe there is a sure fire way to strike up a convo with them.


When you say that some were able to be in contact with a now extinct race of aliens, do you mean they were talking with the few remaining individuals? Or did you mean they were communicating with such aliens, from another time?


Senior Member
When you say that some were able to be in contact with a now extinct race of aliens, do you mean they were talking with the few remaining individuals? Or did you mean they were communicating with such aliens, from another time?

I know this may sound goofy but from what i recall of the story is think of the last days of Krypton supermans home planet.
One of the individuals was communicating with one of the last survivors as they were preparing to leave the planet in search of a new home. After the viewing the Psychic was then shown images of the place he was viewing and it was one of the Pyramids of Mars known as the Old City. So the Psychic proposed that the Aliens on Mars had destroyed their planet and escaped to earth and in return that is where we came from, or maybe not us a Race but they helped shape the Planet for us and lived among us and what we look like know and our intelligence is due to them.


Senior Member
But i have heard of many cases of people coming in contact with Aliens via Deep meditation but also and probably more famous is Project Stargate where one of the personnel claimed to of been in contact with a now extinct ET race. So Psyhic powers apparently helps with communication.

That could be true. I do not want to communicate with Aliens..period...They provide no value to me...that goes against the Universal getting a super computer from them that I need it now...

But those who want to, can use the Meditation...the catch is, if it is against the Universal Law to connect to a low technology you have this or that....Good Luck....


Senior Member
When you say that some were able to be in contact with a now extinct race of aliens, do you mean they were talking with the few remaining individuals? Or did you mean they were communicating with such aliens, from another time?

The Life still is out there for the extinct races...just think about it...they are in Heaven or born to a different species....


New Member
I meditate and suffer sleep paralysis, without ever actually going to sleep. Then the orange and blue orbs come, and I'm over it. I gather up my psi energy and condense it all around myself and then let it burst from me, breaking the paralysis and chasing away the orbs. I wouldn't be comfortable trying to call out for ET out in the open wilds - without a large group present around me. I've already had a missing time episode I can verify because I shared it with a friend. However, with sleepwalking out of the house from the age of 2 - 13, with my parents sometimes unable to locate me for hours... who knows where I went or who I was with. I have no memories of any of my missing time events. No recall.
