How to Dream More?


🖥️ Staff
Is it possible to make yourself dream more?

I'm aware of the obvious stuff like sleeping well, being careful of what you eat, no coffee, etc. But are there other things that allow you to dream more?

What if you sleep with a quartz crystal nearby? Does meditation help a lot?

Let me know what your dream recipe is!
Hmm...I sometimes wish I'd dream less, to be honest...
I've heard sleeping aids and medications cause you to dream more. I don't know if there's a natural method, though...I'd be interested to find out! :)

Hmm...I sometimes wish I'd dream less, to be honest...
I've heard sleeping aids and medications cause you to dream more. I don't know if there's a natural method, though...I'd be interested to find out! :)

Yes, in my experience there is a natural method. I have noticed on days where I get lots of physical activity that I usually will dream quite a bit on that particular night. Also falling asleep on those particular days happens very quickly.

One way to get more vivid dreams, and especially lucid dreams if you want those, is to wake up an hour earlier than usual, stay awake an hour, and then go back to sleep. Because you're normally awake at the time you go back to sleep, your mind is more active. Getting back to sleep can sometimes be difficult though.

Obviously this only works if you wake up at a reasonably similar time each day, like, within an hour or two. For those of us unlucky enough to have rotating sleep schedules it doesn't really work. :D
Try some painting, and basic arts & crafts stuff approximately 1-2 hours before going to bed. Listen to classical or ambient music whilst doing so. Don't try to do anything too articulate, take yourself back to when you were a child and you painted simple random things for fun. Forget about all adult responsibilities for an hour or two and indulge in simple creativity. Switch off your phone & computer too. Switch off completely to the outside world.

Using colour & shapes is one of the earliest forms of expression and basic communication we used when we were children. If we can tune into that part of ourselves again, even just for a little while, our imagination begins to roam free and gets the chance to come out to play. Like that of a child.... and the child that is still within each & every one of us :-)

Once you have had some playtime for an hour or 2, then go to bed.

And dream away until your heart's contented.

Sweet dreams :-)
I sometimes listen to a lot of music before going to bed. I suppose next time I do, I'll try to pay attention at how much I dream afterward. Should be something I can easily notice.

Do you guys think that having a dream log will help you remember your dreams better over time?

I asked about dreaming more, but perhaps I already dream a lot, but don't remember much of it.
