How to Stay Lucid


And writing down a lucid dream immediately upon awakening goes a long way toward recall later. Those puppies slip away really fast!

The main issue I have is that I stopped writing my dreams down for a long time so my recall is vastly diminished now. I've been trying to start again recently but whenever I wake up I don't have the energy/willpower/whatever to make myself get up and record them.

It's annoying because I still retain the ability to naturally have lucid dreams without having to do any reality checks or whatever. I just end up with very low lucidity and clarity. It's like I know it's a dream, but I have no memory of my waking life, and almost no control over the dream. If I do reality checks I get much more lucid and clear dreams, but again, I don't have the willpower to keep at it in my waking life.
You really don't have to do much upon awakening. It's much easier to keep a pen and notepad by your bed and write down 1-2 keywords for every dream scene you remember than to keep a full-fledged dream journal. Then later in the day, you can go back, read what you wrote and see how many details you can reconstruct. That way, you get practice in projecting yourself back into the dream consciousness in order to re-experience the details.

I do understand about the effort of recording the details of normal or lucid dreams the moment you wake up from them. I used to get into intricate details and often wrote out several paragraphs covering what seemed like 30 minutes of sequential dream scenes.

I eventually stopped because the reality checks and note taking were very time-consuming, and because the barriers between my dreaming and waking worlds started to grow extremely thin. Intensely freaky, but amazingly interesting times.


You really don't have to do much upon awakening. It's much easier to keep a pen and notepad by your bed and write down 1-2 keywords for every dream scene you remember than to keep a full-fledged dream journal. Then later in the day, you can go back, read what you wrote and see how many details you can reconstruct. That way, you get practice in projecting yourself back into the dream consciousness in order to re-experience the details.

I do understand about the effort of recording the details of normal or lucid dreams the moment you wake up from them. I used to get into intricate details and often wrote out several paragraphs covering what seemed like 30 minutes of sequential dream scenes.

I eventually stopped because the reality checks and note taking were very time-consuming, and because the barriers between my dreaming and waking worlds started to grow extremely thin. Intensely freaky, but amazingly interesting times.

I have a journal and pen next to my bed. It's not so much the writing as being able to act at all. Recording dreams isn't the only area in my life where this lack of willpower/energy affects me. It's a lot more severe than it sounds and is something I'm getting looked at. I just felt a momentary pang of annoyance at myself and decided to post that. :p
Okay, I misunderstood what you were saying because you said willpower to "get up". In that case, I suppose you know that the more you move your physical body, the more you distance yourself from the feelings and memories of your dream body.

Yeah, and that lack of energy and willpower could indeed be a medical condition. I immediately think of hypoglycemia and anemia as possibilities, although I'm sure there could be hundreds more. Anyway, I hope it's nothing serious...


Oh, don't worry, given the range of symptoms they've said it's most likely ADHD and possibly some kind of depression, and it'll get sorted out eventually. (Thank goodness for the NHS :p ) I've been tested for hypoglycemia and anemia already, as well as hypothyroidism.

Thankfully I'm the least suicidal person I know and still know how to enjoy myself. I'd just like to be able to achieve stuff long term, you know?


This was posted on 9gag today, thought it would be of interest to many of us. :)



Senior Member
Admit it Num7..that pic of the guy flying down the road was actually you, trying to get quickly to Paranormalis because you over slept :D
And hey! I've never heard anyone else describe the hypnogogic geometric patterns before, but that's exactly what happened to me during WILD (wake induced lucid dreaming) sessions!

That's awesome, I thought I was alone...
