Schematic Hyper-Dimensional Resonator


Senior Member
For over 60 years, the Chinese have been copying almost everything, and making things considerably cheaper than you can buy anywhere else..
Anyone in China with a basic knowledge of electronics can make an HDR, its not rocket science :D..

steven chiverton

Senior Member
im slowly working on a prototype idea to hopefully make the whole hdr a bit smaller by modifying the whole set up so it could do away the the hevey hdr electromagnet and time coil and hopefully generate an artificial vortex all in the one so at the moment due to the heat and humid whether its hard to work on my prototype till its cooler as it hard to build things when your sweting to much


Senior Member
im slowly working on a prototype idea to hopefully make the whole hdr a bit smaller by modifying the whole set up so it could do away the the hevey hdr electromagnet and time coil and hopefully generate an artificial vortex all in the one so at the moment due to the heat and humid whether its hard to work on my prototype till its cooler as it hard to build things when your sweting to much

Picture of Steve sweating while building his HDR and listening to his favourite hot chick on Radio Australia giving out the weather news :LOL:..



Junior Member
i dont think its a time travel gadget because as we all know just like gravity magnetic field also distort space and time so thats what happens to a watch when it is kept closer to it because magnet distorts space and time around itself.

if u have something more interesting about this device pls let me know may be im wrong because i dont have a detailed knowledge of this object.



Junior Member
Stories with the HDR is; how to explain it! How does one explain a "dream" or a "hunch" or "intuition"? When you experience something with the HDR it now has enough sustenance to be a story to talk about. The how's and the why's become less important, the longer you use a device like the HDR. If you, being a first time user of the HDR and you happen one evening by luck experience the most realistic OBE you never known could occur, how would you explain that step by step using the law of physics? If you state, you can't, there you have it. If you never used a Radionic Device it would be cumbersome to explain just that simple step to just anyone with no training. If you had training in dowsing via water or other such variables, then you would basically understand how the HDR's works are possible. You have to get your mind out of the "Logical" realm that you and I and so many others are so familiar with and expand our thinking into the possibilities and probabilities that can open doors for anyone, if they just give it a chance. My electronic friend here wanted to look at the HDR and he opened the case and shook his head, you time travel with this?

I asked him tell me about the schematics explain how using this is possible? He looked at the rectifiers and tuners and well and copper coil etc. and he told me, I am your friend for many years, but you got taken to the cleaners. How? These wires and potentiometers are doing nothing at all, I see the schematic and even if I believed time travel was possible, it would be disheartening looking at this schematic of the HDR and I wouldn't be convinced that it could ever work! I told my friend Kevin, no problem, but it works for me! It doesn't matter what the logical brain pounds into us from our training, in order to be in the radionic field and to understand it, is to let your head knowledge out of it and let the devices teach you! Remembering the radionic devices were designed primarily for the use and expansion of our own psychic generation! For some it takes practice and for others it just comes naturally. We don't have schools in Main Street education that teach people before they go into the real world, anything about being psychic, much less a time traveler! I can see why certain people have a hard time wrapping their brains around such silliness as time traveling with a radionic machine no less.

HDR: Radionic Machine /must be able to dowse (Primary) concern.

Source of Power: Is and always will be "Yourself", pay no attention to the electricity giving any radionic machine power, it boils down to using your "White Light" energies and it's rate I believe is 12-22...If the rate on yourself reads extremely low under 50%, the radionic machine will not work for you.

There are some cases when using household power is a must for another reasons like; the Electromagnet this has a different purpose than a radionic machine...

The Gibbs Machine can work without plugging anything into it! Why? Because its a radionic machine! You power it up with your psychic abilities, if your chakra's are fully in tuned. The electromagnet works for a different purpose, non radionic purpose. Just like the JU1000 runs off wall power electricity to run a frequency generator but the radionic portion of it. Like the 2400 HD, doesn't need any power to operate it.

The HDR time machine was created to use one's own psychic abilities and the machine would help amplify your minimal abilities in order to broadcast to the target.Your astral body or OBE or Physical Time traveling.

The Head Coils: are suppose to create a electromagnetic constant field around your skull to bring your brainwaves down and I understand that 60cps is not the place to be need to be deep level Alpha-Theta mind state in order to use the HDR effectively for the way it was design to be used for. This constant field around your head I believe is at 60cps the top range of the Schulman frequency scale. My last travel with the HDR I didn't even use the head coils. Because I had to bring my mind state to 7.8hz cycle to be effective. Which is considered extreme low frequency range. Does this make any sense?

The house hold current is dirty (DOR) and this can be easily found all over the place...but it depends if you believe in ORGONE energy! I do, I don't know the science of it, I just know it works for my research and experiments and finally the experience. I am hoping the JU1000 perpetuates clean DOR if Welz is correct...I can't prove this until I do the Nectarine experiment and this will take 15 days. I will be taking pictures and placing them on the "CrowsNest" at my blog. . Did you all see the youtube experiments with ice using an static orgone poly resin by placing it under a glass of water and freezing both in the freezer! You can see the frozen ice is extremely spiral from the top going down to the orgone accumulator not generator. Orgone Generator is actually created Orgone flow from using brainwave frequencies that is built into the orgone unit. This is considered and Orgone Generator. All others (Orgone poly resin complete molds ) that have no power going into it but are static in nature and this we call Orgone Accumulators!

T-Bar Magnets: Unfortunately, uses the DOR created by the wall unit and is placed on the solar plexus is it the only way to use the magnets? No! There is no hard or fast rule one needs to run this on their guts. How do I know? I time traveled with the SE-51000 with no sources of magnets just using my picture and a constructed brief "worded" program, that fulfills the main components and that's the (Who's, What's, When's, Where and How's! The IDL-22 has no magnets, no household power to pollute yourself with, just the basic, knowing what you want and using your mind power one hour everyday for 30-45 days!!

I didn't get into the "Specimen" chamber because it too creates 60cps...It does work! When I first purchased he machine, I was all psyched out about going through time, just the possibility was fun, even if it didn't happen! You can't always be so serious and leave behind the excitement and fun that goes with it. What I learned was, that the HDR isn't the end all beat all in time traveling. When reading the above you will know what the reason is. Think of the HDR as a "Amplification Time Travel Device". ATTD...then over time I learned of bad DOR ;that actually got people here locally sick in one's house because of the materials the neighbor collected into a coffee can. It created DOR in their environment. He invited me into his work basement. I just happened to get nosey and seen that coffee can and asked him what it was for, ah that he said, just my wee parts. I dumped it on the table and found metal shavings, aluminum, some fabric maybe cleaning cloth and some wool and piece of paneling, lastly I seen old wiring it actually look like chicken wire of some sort. This was all the making of an ORGONE Accumulator! Can't have too much exposure.

I told him, this is just a hunch, why don't you take all this and separate the materials and then tell me how you feel later on this week. He did it and it hasn't been 3 days, he yelled over, hey neighbor, guess what we are not sick anymore! I said, really! He told me you knew something didn't you! Well I had a hunch! Then I began to explain what ORGONE energies were and what DOR was and can do as he was fully aware of it now.

It wouldn't be a bad idea to use a well reputable source (s) who create orgone accumulators or really working Orgone Generators, to place it on top of the HDR rub plate when running those 60cps. It will absorb the radiation the HDR is creating. Even the Philadelphia experiment people got sick, hey they dimensionally traveled all well enough but some have died doing so! Best to be on the safer side of this equation, especially if you have your doubts before going into time traveling.

This link will show about what an orgone accumulator is capable of doing that you normally can't see with the naked eyes.



Junior Member
I not been able to use it as not work for me I hope it works for you I many People for help I have never gotten a response, so let us know how it worked for you


Junior Member
Just check in...the JU1000 was successful running it at 4hz cycle and pointing it towards my head as I slept at night. It locks me every time into a lengthy dream state story. When I don't run it, no dreams or now that I can remember having. I've been using the device for about one month. I find anymore than 6 inches away from the object you are trying to effect won't work! This was an introductory machine. Welz admits that the machine was a beginners device. He is right! At least he was honest. I finally got the working plan for the Rodin Coil. I have he Rodin Coil pyramid cap which cost a $1000.00 by itself. ipyramids is for the super rich! I found a coil called the POE Coil it has no resin donut it is all wiring shape held in place by acrylic separate notches. It helps keeping its shape and guides the magnet 18 gauge wiring in the mathematical proportions told by Marko Rodin.

It can withstand heat up to 392 degrees! This helps when running a 2 channel 9000 watts amplifier. For the additional 5 POE Coils it will cost $600+ for each to finish off the pyramid. The first step is to purchase the 2 channel amplifier and I have to get a "Source Input" before trying the run the amplifier with the coil. A Altier Robins frequency generator the F125 is the least expensive one. One can use these coils as a Rife Device. Something else I must try when I get my first amplifier. I have to purchase another amplifier to run 5 additional coils at the same time but this will be an 8 channel 10,000 watt system.

I've read others doing about the same things with their star coil designs but wrapped appropriately by Marko's math using "Natures" numbers. I guess he has been known for sometime and his working theories are pretty well documented. I must been on a parallel path. I usually find people like himself online. What I do now know, one coil with 1000 watt amplifier will produce a 30-37 foot Electromagnetic Field. In this field it collects in the center of the coil neutrons from the scalar realm and thus opens a natural vortex of some kind. Don't know until I can experience something concrete.

I try to imagine for a moment, running one 9000 watt and one 8 channel 10,000 watts through all the 6 coils! The way you set them up each coil is facing the other toward the center thus causing a collision of EMF Fields and probably neutrons. It would be better to copy what Jason describes of his Rodin Type Coils:

Thus, negative ions have a beneficial effect on the body. iPyramids generate a negative ion rich field. In addition, they are believed to have a generally balancing effect on the body’s electromagnetic field. The endocrine glands of the body are activated through the vibration of the electrical pre-cursing field of pyramids. This balances the pre-cursing energy field around the endocrine glands and makes expanded consciousness possible. This effect is greatly enhanced if the molecular structure of the materials used are higher on the fractal scale such as gold and copper. The field generated by iPyramids is produced from the Golden Ratio or Phi Ration Proportions of highly fractal metals like copper, nickel, and gold. To amplify this flow of negative ions we introduce our A.R.C. Reactors.

These vortex pattern copper bundles around a torus of mineral blends get embedded into our hand crafted A.R.C. Series capstones at the apex of your iPyramid. This pattern of bundling wire is what creates the Magnetic Pulsing Torroidal Vortex. Each time the electrons meet in the center of the spinning vortex there is a compressional wave created that gets focused downward by the conductive cylinder at the center of the capstone. The spinning compression is preceeded by an implosion and followed by an explosion which releases this compressional wave or scalar wave and negative ions.

Now this is talking about running one Coil!

Altered state meditation is the most common use for an iPyramid. The pyramid and vortex coil combination act like a plasma squirt gun which launches your aura into the stars. The zero point field created by the vortex coil gives the user access to the unified field, access to the vacuum, which allows the user to feel sensory deprivation as if they are in space. Many people experience third eye activations and out of body experiences for their first time while meditating in an iPyramid.” If this is so or possible with the combination of the copper pyramid and a Rodin capstone which I have is called the (ARC 1) I got it from eBay for the fraction of what ipyramids asks for. Placing each additional coil in all 4 corners of the copper pipe open face pyramid and one under the bed facing upwards I just may in the future have something to write about!

I used my ARC 1 hooked up to a amplifier he supplies for it and then connected my iPhone as the source input, it drained my iPhone within two short hours. But within those two short hours I found myself coming out of my body and floating above. I really had to ingrain this experience so when I eventually woke up I would remember and it worked. There was a males voice near me yelling at someone else in my same room saying, "He doesn't belong here send him back"!

Then I lost consciousness until around 2:00 am...

I found out Jason only gave me a 120 watt mini amplifier if this produced and OBE with the weak field of just the capstone being used not the whole pyramid, I can only imagine what 5 additional coils could accomplish with (19,000) watts running all over the place within the pyramid structuring and all the coil interaction going on. Time will only tell. Just to let you all know I stopped using my iPhone as a source input; too much strain on my battery charges. I need that frequency generator ($500.00) plus five POE coils ($3000.00) plus one 2 channel 9000 watt amplifier ($500+) and a 8 channel 10,000 watt amplifier for ($400) and the one coil I paid for already for $1000.00 = $5400.00. Once the single capstone Rodin Coil and 9000 watt amplifier and source input freq. generator prove successful then and only then will I purchase the remaining amounts.
