I am a time traveler and we've done this before

Re: I am a time traveler and we've done this before

Hi it's Frog you never answered my private message would you please answer it when you have some sparetime if not then I completely understand that your busy and such I will be waiting patiently for your reply back to me thanks for listening and your time and patience!
Re: I am a time traveler and we've done this before

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"generatroperatrdestroyr\")</div>
I have decided that on Apr 20 I will give you your first exposure to the blueprint by entering your collective conscience. I will pick 2 people. The experience of these 2 will then be experienced by us simultaneously [/b]

Please explain further,
Is this the past or future?
Will days grow stranger?
Re: I am a time traveler and we've done this before

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"generatroperatrdestroyr\")</div>
I have decided that on Apr 20 I will give you your first exposure to the blueprint by entering your collective conscience. I will pick 2 people. The experience of these 2 will then be experienced by us simultaneously [/b]

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Surrealist\")</div>
Please explain further,
Is this the past or future?
Will days grow stranger?[/b]

I am wondering the same thing? It's only confusing because it was posted on the 26th April which of course is today?:huh:
Re: I am a time traveler and we've done this before

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Surrealist\")</div>
Please explain further,
Is this the past or future?
Will days grow stranger?[/b]

Nothing is going to happen that on a mass level that is going to come as a schock.No meteors or rising sea level (though some land is lost). Once again I want you to think of your future not mankinds and that future can be seen now by all of you. It's all about stabilizing the mind to be able to conduct this journey. You have always looked for a solid proof you could point and and say there is another side to the story and yes stranger but better days are coming for you.

DWOMT I never asked you to tell me anything about you. I know you already. All I was saying is that I said a lot of things to a lot of people thru PM and many of them are not coming forth now.

Thank you sinister for affirming. Your global consciousness is indeed the veil in your mind lifting up. You are getting closer to the idea. I think I need to do a guided session for you to completely link into the collective.

Now I will admit that the word blueprint was very arbitrary and I came up with it after asking many people since they are the one's who have to grasp it. Once you see the truth I am describing you won't be able to describe it in words - words, images etc are all self contained and cannot be used to exlplain what contains it. It's like saying what contains space. If the universe is expanding, what is it expanding into? You can't just explain things using terminology. All the experiences I've had with you all previosously are equally difficult especially with my differentiating interactions. The best ways I can tell you things is by telling you upcoming events that are very unrelated to this forum so as to minimize my effect. A lottery number won't do if even a single one of you buys a ticket since it is due to my action that you do. It seems like many of you are more interested in what turn mankind will take. So if that's of interest I'll leave you with a few things before I leave however my reason for being here will have been wasted.
Re: I am a time traveler and we've done this before

I just don't see this as a positive thing at all.

even the name makes me wonder.

generator..operator..destroyer.. ...destroyer? what does it mean?

I am getting a bad feeling about the whole thing and do not know why.

I feel as if he is trying to manipulate the people to cause something.

are my feelings off? I don't know why I feel this way but it doesn't seem good to me. something is not right about it.

Plus I see that I got no response to my last post.
Re: I am a time traveler and we've done this before

Malicious? Pam its funny on how you specifically picked a single word from my post and taking the topic to a tangent. so here it is proof positive for you...

The last time I was here you told me u had a bad relationship with your dad and pretty much with any man after that.
You described yourself as slightly overweight.
You are looking to do your masters right now.
You start a lot of things and never finish anything.
You wear glasses and the guy i mentioned was someone you live with - maybe your brother or father, you had said last time that he just arrived.
If any of this is untrue let us all know. I feel like I shouldn't have attempted to talk to so many people. If you walked into a room and had to convince everyone that this actually did happen I would like you to take a better stab at it. For the exact things you guys told me I feel at the end the only way to make it through is by luck. I'll just try this in another frame as my involvement here is becoming more about diregarding the truth and trying to prove something.
Re: I am a time traveler and we've done this before

I need a certain level of belief from you guys before that so the last time I was here I asked all of you to PM me and tell me something I could tell you to prove it to you.

The way you worded this could be seen in many ways. The way I saw it you were saying "tell me something that I will know so I can prove it to you". That's how I saw it and that's why I wanted you to give us information rather than us list things off to you and play the "True or False" game.

DWOMT I never asked you to tell me anything about you. I know you already. All I was saying is that I said a lot of things to a lot of people thru PM and many of them are not coming forth now.

Really now? Who's not coming forward? So far everyone that has been participating in this thread is still participating. I haven't seen anyone steering clear of this thread. I find this comment lacking. Once again gastera, I am giving you a chance here. You have my curiousity when you mentioned the comment about my mother. If you truely know me as you are saying, then you gotta do better than the comment about my mother. I know myself, this other "me" you spoke with would have passed on other information as proof other than information about my Mom. You need to give me something more concrete. Stop avoiding the issue. Once you can give me something concrete, then I promise you that I will not hide away from this thread. I promise I will not threaten you. Just share with me what you know and I'll present it in the thread then we can all move on and understand more about the Blueprint. It's a simple deal. Now let's get on with it.
Re: I am a time traveler and we've done this before

I just don't see this as a positive thing at all.

even the name makes me wonder.

generator..operator..destroyer.. ...destroyer? what does it mean?

I am getting a bad feeling about the whole thing and do not know why.

I feel as if he is trying to manipulate the people to cause something.

are my feelings off? I don't know why I feel this way but it doesn't seem good to me. something is not right about it.

No Pamela, I also get the same strange intuitive sense something could be very off.

What you are talking about generatoroperatordestroyer is something that takes a lot of faith in what you are saying, generally, and in who you are, specifically. Tell me... Why should we have any sort of faith in what you have to say? It seems to me that skepticism, while not very romantic, plays a necessary part in self preservation. You are telling us, if I correctly understand your comments, that we are to void any sort of skepticism and take a leap into the abyss. You say this, yet don't offer us enough assurance that anything good will come of it. What we have are the words of an anonymous poster, that's it.

Pamela, I think one of the posters put it pretty succinctly when he said g.o.d. Only god can generate, operate and destroy our world/reality. That, it seems to me is the whole point of his screen name.
Re: I am a time traveler and we've done this before

Well guys. Looks like G.O.D. might have had his run. Thanks to some research, this "Blueprint" he talks about just comes from Tibetan religion. It's been practiced for years. He's just using this information as his own to get our attention. This site has a ton of information on it, and it's a lot of reading, but once you read it you'll understand.

Re: I am a time traveler and we've done this before

A question...
How can one simply forget, or unlearn everything they have known? If the simplest thing is nothing, or complete emptiness, yet we're taught to always be thinking something. What led to you discovering this blue print, or what let you clear your mind so to speak? You said you were sitting in abstract thought... was this something you were looking for? I'm just curious to know if this is something that you must learn, or is this something a person can just discover with no guidance? And for that matter, how would you know you've accessed it?
