I am a time traveler and we've done this before

Re: I am a time traveler and we've done this before

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"rostin jarmor\")</div>
Hello. I am most curious. Is there a reason why you feel the need to repeat or emphasize these points about the person named Pamela?[/b]

He is making a guess here. In effect saying that a female who is interested in time travel is probably a little nerdy, overwieght, and tomboyish enough to have trouble with men. Pamela should be very insulted by this.
Re: I am a time traveler and we've done this before

Wow I must say, this is getting interesting. I have never seen another TTer call the other out before.
Re: I am a time traveler and we've done this before

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"DWOMT\")</div>
Wow I must say, this is getting interesting. ?I have never seen another TTer call the other out before.[/b]

I can't remember with thread it was, but there was another one where one tt attached himself to the storyline of another. But you are right, the battle of the futorozos should be entertaining.:grin:
Re: I am a time traveler and we've done this before

No, I would wager that Genera is a fake, he knows some things and is mixing Sophistry in with his crap. He has prior knowledge of Pamela most possibly from lurking on Anomalies and reading all her posts there or is from Anomalies under another name.

As you will notice, he can not offer any proof. I see no battle here.
Re: I am a time traveler and we've done this before

That was my guess as well Starlord. I think what he's doing is digging up things people have said online. He also could have been a previous TTer who interacted with people on a personal level and is now using that information to further along his new agenda.
Re: I am a time traveler and we've done this before

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"DWOMT\")</div>
That was my guess as well Starlord. I think what he's doing is digging up things people have said online. He also could have been a previous TTer who interacted with people on a personal level and is now using that information to further along his new agenda.[/b]

I agree.

Initially I rated his tale 3 stars. Then I subtracted a half star when his ideas were revealed to have been borrowed from the Buhdist. Then I subtracted another half star because of the testimony of lurkers, which I found more annoying than convincing. So overall, 2 stars.
Re: I am a time traveler and we've done this before

Hello all, I'm new to the boards. I've been lurking on them for a few days now and am finding all of this very interesting. I'm not exactly sure what brought me here.. actually.. I think it all started by watching Napoleon Dynamite.. but that's another story...

For the last 3 days, I've been reading these boards as well as reading all about John Titor.. very interesting, frightening stuff.

G.O.D. I have a question for you... what can you say about me and all the big decisions that lay ahead for me?

Re: I am a time traveler and we've done this before

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"generatroperatrdestroyr\")</div>
It's about a selected few getting access to the \"Master Blueprint\" and I am not going to simply throw something so valuable at you at no expense.[/b]
Based on your statement above, I am confused yet again about a few things. If, as you explained, your "master blueprint" is an overall direction of the entire collective - and each human is 'connected' to this collective - why then is your "blueprint" not accessable to all who make the choice to seek out its meaning? You stated only 'a select few'.

Also, through observing your wording, you seem to suggest that you yourself are making that selection. Are you the creator of this grand Universe, or one of the assistants, and thus are the only one who makes the selection of the humans who will gain access to this "blueprint"?

As well, why are your requiring a 'price' in return for this access? You state you will not "throw" this information to people without an "expense".

Generatroperatrdestroyr, with all due respect and affection, your personality that is apparent through your wording is a human quality that we studied in our philosophy education as being reflective of humans in your current time frame who want to be more, who hope to be more, who desire to be more, who want to display themselves as more, yet they are really novices in terms of their own spiritual development.

This condition has been documented about numerous other individuals who live during this exact time period and onward for the next two or so decades. These individuals attempt to strive and present themselves as a 'messiah to help all humanity', yet in actuality they are only eager seekers of higher truths.

What occurs is the acquisition of knowledge and information which that individual finds highly inspiring. It awakens them to their possible 'higher potential' as a human. Because the current society or culture around them seems in general not to be inspired in the same way, that individual tends to feel "chosen". That person tends to feel like are THE human who will bring humanity out of some darkness. The intentions of that individual are respectable, being in service to others, and there should be no criticism against any person's honest desires to help their fellow humans. However, the 'ego' aspect of that person tends to get distored and tends to reference themselves within their society in a distorted manner. The word 'messiah' never needs to appear in their vocabulary, but the personality desire of is readily apparent.

In your current time period of 2005, the birthing of complex new spiritual knowledge has already established a hold on people, especially through your communication system of the internet. Also, the printed publishing world is prolifically releasing book after book, publication after publication, of new spiritual theories and ideas. It becomes, therefore, very easy for an individual to acquire new 'mind shattering' information which tends to 'jolt' the inner soul or the great inner consciousness of that person, and offers them an awaken of sorts. This awakening, combined with the desire to be more and know more, often then translates to and results in that ego distortion I mentioned prior.

This distortion is common in your time period with many examples. For example, the people who claim to do "channelling" always seem to be in touch with well-known entities or beings of ancient times. Isis, Merlin, Jesus, etcetera. Never less known or unknown beings. This psychological phenomena is reflective more of a 'messiah complex' rather than true channelling or intuitive communication with the vast network of millions of spiritual advanced beings who have walked this Earth. The 'quirky' human desire of these people to have 'followers' is also prominent and apparent in their personality. Which is actually contradictory to a balanced, equal, service-for-all objective.

From a global perspective within your current time period of 2005, the appearance and evolution of new spiritual information can also provide these types of individuals with a distorted view of the world. Whereby they feel they are only privy to the grand new secrets, and the remainer of the world is omitted.

In your current year of 2005, your bookshops hold forth a vast collection of new spiritual material. To the novice an inexperienced onlooker, this abundance of new information is presumed to be a 'new awakening opportunity' and is presumed to be unique and exclusive only to that culture/society where those bookstores are present. Yet, in your countries titled as India or China, for example, there exists advanced spiritual information that has long been known and passed down for centuries. Information which can easily excel in spiritual scope than what is found in the colorful new printed books near your locale.

In a more basic expression of my thought, new spiritual theories and 'trendy' new wording for concepts doesn't necessarily validate that information or stamp it as being unique, profound, and exclusive. That information might be unique, profound, and exclusive to the new seeker of higher knowledge, however it's "old news" to many well seasoned spiritual individuals who live currently (in your time period) in abundance throughout the entire planet. A Tibetan monk may not use the verbage of 'astral projection' or 'remote viewing', however they are certainly well versed in these types of trainings following their own ancient methods of tapping into the higher collective. I recently panned through a book I found here on the subject of 'auras' and 'chakras'; a newly published book. However, this information is centuries old and even more researched and described in detail within your Hindu and Yogic culture.

The simple point I am trying to express is that as I observe the wording and content of your messages that are typed into this forum - as well as the meanings or suggestions you are trying to make - well... your expression and responses are 'nothing new'. In fact, highly predictable. And aspects of things that are predictable in nature, cannot be deemed as being unique.

Your ideas are not unique, in comparison to the vast collection of spiritual knowledge present in your current time cycle and has been present on this planet for pastwards of 3,000 years or more prior. Your wording - labels, titles, expression - might of a unique form to the average readers, however the overall 'jist' is redundant in comparison to the already abundant spiritual knowledge available worldwide in your current time period.

From a psychological perspective - your mannerisms, approaches to your responses, judgements upon others, assumptions about others, presumptions about others, impatience, selectiveness, and the odd aggressive bluntness - are more reflective, to myself, of a 'wanna be spiritual leader', rather than a true spiritual human who has gained wisdom, experience, and enlightment through lengthy personal application and time.

I do respect and honor your passion to help other humans. However, using a slang English word I learned recently - "frankly", I feel you have much more spiritual growth to go through yet.

As a disclaimer to my message here, my opinions presented above are only those of myself. I acknowledge any possible errors with my judgement - and anything wording that suggests insultation, is unintentional. I am still only a human as well. However, these are my own personal observations based on my perspective as someone who comes from your future time cycle.

Each person here in this forum has gained a rich base of personal wisdom through their own life experiences, training, and observations. Each person here has brought their mind up to interesting and important levels of spirituality. Each person here is capable of equal spiritual potential as you. Each person here is qualified to offer wisdom and insight comparable to, equal to, less than, more than, different than, significant as, and unique as your wisdom. This is the true reality of being a part of the human collective unconsciousness.

In my opinion, I personally feel you have left out, ignored, or simply have not gained a tremendous amount of spiritual insight and information that should have been offered when 'trying to present your case'.

As a closing thought to this message - for my sister Tess is literally telling me repeatedly her newly learned English slang of "get off the damn computer" - I urge you to seriously consider and contemplate the spiritual concept of 'submission'. Submit to the reality of your current limits. Submit to the reality that you are only one of millions of humans in your current time period who have gained spiritual knowledge. And submit to the reality that you have much more spiritual growing to do.

When this submission occurs, you will be more humble and will be in a better receivership position to receive even higher knowledge than what you currently know in your conscious awareness.

I urge you also to consider the service-to-other possibility of "inspiring" others, rather than "leading" others. There is a tremendous difference between the two, and they manifest in a different style, although a position of personal prominence will still remain.

Rostin, please be aware of thes rules:

4. Don't start a Q and A session on another time traveler's topic. You will receive a warning and the posts will be deleted.

Consider this your warning.
Re: I am a time traveler and we've done this before

I wanted to do good things here. If you take this as "crap" as one of you said it then so be it. If you feel like I somehow drudge information on people then why not ask people themselves - you just messed it up for everyone else. I would have like to see on of my private conversations to come forth - from this point on I'm not posting anything on the public board and am continuing with the PM's. I have finalozed on the 2 people to share the experience with. I'm sure I can pull up a webpage on any remote topic and put down something genuine DWOMT - nothing to congratulate yourself upon. With this kind of attitude you are striking everything off in the name of skepticism and that defeats your purpose of being here. Iwll be leaving on the day my first prediction comes true and at that time I will collect all facts about all of you and take as much as I can to convince others again.
Re: I am a time traveler and we've done this before

Looks like I struck a nerve :P

By the way genera, skepticism is a part of human nature. You honestly can't expect us to blindly 100% believe you. You constantly ignored my PMs. You would not provide me any concrete proof. All you had to do was answer my PM and I would have more than willingly shared my information with everyone else on this thread. You are the one who has sunk yourself, not I. I think you and these sudden appearances of lurkers supporting you are all connected. Don't cry boo hoo just because I dug up information that rained on your parade.
