I am a time traveler

The bell supposedly turned up somewhere in America 20yrs after the war..it crashed into a small village

Kecksberg, Pennsylvania
December 9, 1965

However, other than the shape of the object I struggle to find any real connection between this object and the Nazi Bell.

The Kecksburg incident is an interesting one as it contains an example of someone (possibly) losing their life for knowing too much.. and it's got appearances of Men in Black.
Ask me questions, I cannot divulge information that can make you money but for the purposes of proving myself I will have to give some information out, I can provide skematics and photos and plans and instructions, and yes my spelling sucks and yes I curse a lot.

really why not? lol some of us could use it, what about how to get good luck that draws money to us :P :):D:cautious:
Yeah, I kinda had to add more info than I wanted, also we do not use writing or drawing much unless you are in a specific scholar, "career" so excuse the shitty drawing

Well so long as you don't ask questions that may lead to you making money or monopolizing anything you can ask away.

Ah fuck it, I will also tell you that this might help you, there's only certain places where you can use the window time machine

Magnetic anomaly map of North America with detailed aeromagnetic surveys

You could use this for a magnet.
Magnetic anomaly map of North America with detailed aeromagnetic surveys
Gosh this is older than I thought. I have a question, I think I know what you mean but I'll message it to you. Secrets need to remain secrets I guess

So here's the deal, time travel from what we know is not that simple, you would not end up in a specific area or time in the planet, you would end up in the ionosphere or further out because you have to account for planetary movement as well. So for example if you travel today to lets say, 1935 you will end up in a specific day, if you were to want to appear in a very close proximity to earth on the other side, make the correct plans. Anywhere closer and you risk dying.
So to recap you must account for 1. Time 2. Place 3. Alternate universe to be to be traveled to, now we know that there may be unlimited AUs so our only point of reference is us, so you start counting on 0.01 to 100, 0.01 being closest to being similar to us and 100 to furthest in similarity from our own AU. You must also be aware that you can only travel forward to stay in the same AU and be aware that traveling backwards is a one way ticket. Of course, your time machine must be able to be space ready. Risk management should be your second concern. The last and fourth thing to account for is Rules. 4. Rules, There must be a set number of rules which must be followed when traveling as to not disturb or change the history of the timeline traveled to, and a reason for traveling, no one ever accounts for this and it is very important, you cannot have travelers go out and about doing as they please, this could be disastrous. Not just anybody should be allowed to make these trips.

So here's the deal, time travel from what we know is not that simple, you would not end up in a specific area or time in the planet, you would end up in the ionosphere or further out because you have to account for planetary movement as well. So for example if you travel today to lets say, 1935 you will end up in a specific day, if you were to want to appear in a very close proximity to earth on the other side, make the correct plans. Anywhere closer and you risk dying.
So to recap you must account for 1. Time 2. Place 3. Alternate universe to be to be traveled to, now we know that there may be unlimited AUs so our only point of reference is us, so you start counting on 0.01 to 100, 0.01 being closest to being similar to us and 100 to furthest in similarity from our own AU. You must also be aware that you can only travel forward to stay in the same AU and be aware that traveling backwards is a one way ticket. Of course, your time machine must be able to be space ready. Risk management should be your second concern. The last and fourth thing to account for is Rules. 4. Rules, There must be a set number of rules which must be followed when traveling as to not disturb or change the history of the timeline traveled to, and a reason for traveling, no one ever accounts for this and it is very important, you cannot have travelers go out and about doing as they please, this could be disastrous. Not just anybody should be allowed to make these trips.
This could be. But the scenario leaves God and The Secret out of the equation.

If one were to change the past, he would no doubt change certain events in history. But some important, crucial things meant to be never change. God will work His way around the changes and set certain things right.

Also, the doctrine of The Secret states that with positive energy and thinking involved with virtually anything, and that includes changing history, good will always triumph, and the more positive energy is emitted, the more good will come out of it.

As for the time travel aspect, as I desire to change events in history myself, I plan on coming in contact with superior races, as in ETs. I will seek counsel from them, and they will instruct and assist me in my time travel quest.
