i finally figure it out, it was right there all along

I had not the time or energy so far to draw up something, but i will get on it soon, dont know when , but shortly this week for sure,
but basically this
in much , much smaller, why i have figure out is how to make it in a small format and how to control it, plus the input system to control where the whole thing goes in time, this is somewhat a little sketchy but this is what i plan to do

i figure that i can use the same system as a radio to keep station in memory ,
I also ask one friend of mine who own a R & D shop to see if he can get his hand on some liquid mercury and none conductive alloy , he wants in on the project
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I was thinking of making a torus with oxygen and some small yet loud speakers and using them to accelerate the air inside the torus fast enough so it has enough energy to bend space-time around it hecc maybe helium instead of oxygen but first I need to get some cash and knowledge. I'm interested in how your experiment will turn out. Best of luck with the experiment.
@DoctorZ ...A guy called Henry William Wallace filed several patents back in 1971 for this secondary gravitation force field device....I think you need to be aware that this project is far much bigger than what you thought it was....There is a lot of information about the guy Henry William Wallace on the internet...

Type this into your browser...."Wallace method of generating a secondary gravitational force field"..
@DoctorZ ...A guy called Henry William Wallace filed several patents back in 1971 for this secondary gravitation force field device....I think you need to be aware that this project is far much bigger than what you thought it was....There is a lot of information about the guy Henry William Wallace on the internet...

Type this into your browser...."Wallace method of generating a secondary gravitational force field"..

My idea does not use any mechanical parts, its one fix unit with electro magnet making the fluid inside move , suspicious observer once thought of this but never pursue with it, duno why , because my tech guy told me he is checking for none conductive material that would resist this , but he say its feasable
Francois...Are you intending to use this picture that you posted, as the design basis for your own Gravity Generator?..
This picture is from the Henry William Wallace collection of pictures that refer to his own," Method and apparatus for generating a secondary gravitational force field"..

There will be a lot of figuring out do to, on how to make this machine and i have imagine so many configurations in my dream , i lost sleep to this, here is today video i will post more, cheers , i will work on drawing this week end when i am well rested, cheers everyone
You could make that controller out of an arduino or a rasperry pi and make it spin the mercury faster or slower depending on how much you want to bend space-time. Also you mentioned needing an alloy that is resistant to friction why not make the mercury float with a strong set of magnets? I also think you're gonna need 2 gravity generators if you're gonna want to use it for time travel reason being that a normal gravity is always presented bending space-time inwards attracting things to itself making them orbit slowing time down depending on how big the bending in space-time is, so the opposite of normal gravity would be antigravity which instead of bending space-time inwards it bends it outwards repelling things from it self making time move faster instead of slower and possibly making it go backwards, which leads me to the hypothesis that if you had two black holes next to each other and you went in the middle of them you would go back in time because they create a reverse gravity field.
Sadly there is nothing on the internet, or even books i have read, that can give any details on how Tesla could have modified a TV set to be capable of showing or creating time vortexes...I did discover that America had a black and white TV channel operating in 1932, with only a small amount of people actually owning a TV receiver, however the TV frequencies were shown :D..

Dangers of Time-Travel....Stability and Durability of the time machine including the stability and durability of any time vortex..
What is Time?...Paranormalis has lots of very interesting postings on that subject, but i would like to refer you to Preston Nichols on his specific ideas and calculations, that are the only reason why i continue on my personal quest of time-travelling....I would suggest you fast forward "2 hours 43 minutes into the video", where Al Bielek passes over to Preston Nichols :)..

