If you could travel back in time...

Freak Show

Active Member
Nah, think i'll just let it go.... people ask for the truth, answers. but when i give it to them they then want to debate me on it or try to prove it wrong. i can't say it 50 different ways, the truth is always the same. You won't find 50 mediums on a forum like this, they don't want their money making dog and pony show to end. So i try to teach, offer incite but instead get told to be quiet because what i said interfered with what they thought. I'm not preforming a magic trick here. It's not worth it for me to argue the truth. i'll just silence myself. people can continue to keep guessing for now


Active Member
So i asked that question, by increasing your vibration you are still astral projecting. You otherwise do not have enough energy to move forward, backward or side to side. If that were true you would already be doing that.
Well thats a very debatable question as time travel not that much of a big deal to me. But yeah you would still be attached to astral but it would be physical time travel


Senior Member
Well, anywho..

I would first go forward in time to get that longevity vaccine and cure any diseases or genetic disorders. Then I would go backwards. Probably the 1990s. That was the greatest decade to live as an American, honestly. I would relive that decade again, with more money and LOTS more females. Then when that was up, I might try out something adventurous. I wouldn't mind helping to retake Jerusalem in 1099. I'd have to do some kind of penance to undo all the damage from living the 90s again.


Freakshow, don't be the party pooper. This thread's purpose is to explore possibilities and ifs. We assume in this case, that time travel is possible... Don't crash it.

I'm locking you out of this particular thread for now.

Thank you for understanding.


New Member
Depends if I could only do this once, or as many times as I wanted. I would go back and fix my mistakes and if I could TT as much as I would like, would also see my ancestors, or just different eras.


Senior Member
@Kairos Nope, you cant go forward in time in this thread, therefore you would have to do without that longevity vaccine including the diseases and genetic disorder cures..:D.
Secondly if you went back to 1099, you could not make penance for all the things that you did in the 1990s, simply because in 1099 you had not yet done those things that you did in the 1990s...;)

And thirdly if the OP of this thread mean that we could only ever go "back in time", then you would be staying in 1099 (unless you wanted to go back further in time), which would mean that i would be placed in 1967 but could still see Caroline Munro in the 1970s because i would be moving forward in time in a natural progressive manner....However, you could enjoy New Years Eve 1099 and see the beginning of 1100, now lets look at history and see what happened in the 1100s :unsure: :oops:..
