If you were to learn a new language what would you choose?

Im going to have a go at this guys method. I think its worth a crack at it.

When i was young in Ireland i learnt some Gaelic but forgotten a lot now.

While in school learnt some German, french, then later on did a few sessions with a friend that spoke latin.

I can make up phrases in about 6 languages but that guy in the video is amazing.

Havent really tried Asian languages but i have Malaysian/Cambodian neighbours and also an Egyptian friend that runs a cafe.

So will spend some time on this.

desearme suerte
I would not say that. One of our paranormalis members is a poet or a bard.
There are more who write poetry here, not only one.
My English skills are far from perfect, yet I could not put together English poetry, although I tried a few times .. it is a very technical language, very pragmatic, developed over the centuries to be at high efficaciousness, very commercial aspect.
The same goes especially for German (Irgendwie bin ich Deutscher Stammung und mit der Deutschen Sprache kenne ich mich auch ziemlich gut aus .. schreiben und lesen kann ich nicht so gut, aber verstehen kann ich alles).
I feel very sorry to not have learned Russian when I was in school, as it seems to be the most poetic language. Nevertheless, I am glad that my native language is also among the poetic ones, probably next to Russian.
It would be great if I could find a native Russian who could translate a poetry of mine .. not just word for word, but especially the feelings and essence that it carries - I think Russian is among the very few (maybe the only one) languages suitable for that (still very curious about Chinese).
The reason why my interest has come up on languages again is because over 20 years ago holiday house party while asleep a friend woke me up and said, why are you speaking in your sleep in another language.

At this time she knew german so it wasnt that, never found out what it was.

But still interesting, and i do wonder at times if it carries over from a previous.
Im going to have a go at this guys method. I think its worth a crack at it.

When i was young in Ireland i learnt some Gaelic but forgotten a lot now.

While in school learnt some German, french, then later on did a few sessions with a friend that spoke latin.

I can make up phrases in about 6 languages but that guy in the video is amazing.

Havent really tried Asian languages but i have Malaysian/Cambodian neighbours and also an Egyptian friend that runs a cafe.

So will spend some time on this.

desearme suerte

I say old boy how the devil are you (English)...A las puertos del cielo al confin de los mares (Spanish)...Mochten sie mit mir im restaurant essen (German)….Hej hur mar du idag (Swedish)_Ars totem requirit hominem (Latin)...Sawubona unjani namhlanje (Zulu)….Czesc jak sie masz (Polish)...To be sure to be sure (Irish ;))...¬"*%%!&++!!-=<,.. (Klingon)...:cool:...
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