Confirmed Hoax I'm a genuine time traveler whose experience encompasses a bit more that that. AMA

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Junior Member
Look at us. We were so in love and we were going to get married right out of high school and they stole that from us.

They even tortured us by forcing us to perform for them without our clothes looking just like we did when we shared that sweet kiss that was half for now and half for the future.

They stole OUR future and we want it back.


Senior Member
I am sorry, but this is getting more and more difficult to believe. This sounds like a fan fic for stranger things rather than anything else. I wont discredit because i know it sucks to not be believed, but you're losing me with the Stranger Things stuff, i could follow along with the Darth Vader guy, but this is getting tough.

T-Minus 9 days for your prediction.


Junior Member
@TapesFromTheFuture I thought those actors weren't you, but just actors playing you.
I originally thought that they were just people wearing the vestment form of our faces but when I started to communicate with them I realized that they shared our memories. They had been told that the "episodes" had been pulled from a different Universe and when I asked them what they felt when they watched it they realized it was them.

I genuinely forgot that we could have multiple physical presences overlap within the world at the same time. So yeah, it's pretty commonly accepted that time travelers could be in two places at once but the implications of that mean that we're twice as captured by the same people.

And if you think I can communicate with Obi Wan Kenobi but not Sadie Sink, well, this isn't the thread for you.


Junior Member
Joyce especially had been in the world for a while because they aged her down and put her into the life of Winona Ryder but there's no Winona Ryder, it's Joyce Byers. When she saw the "episodes" she had a panic attack and called her agent and told her that she remembered being a mom to Will and Jonathan and that this was her life. They treated her like she was crazy and that's why she went on that shoplifting spree. Some of us have known who we are for a while but some of us are still waking up.

Okay, here's something important that is going to give you a bit more context. There's a podcast called Dungeons and Daddies and a good number of the Hawkins crew are in forms and lives like mine that aren't their own. If you listen to their second season, it is beat for beat what happened except to their campaign characters. The entire world is turned upside down and ruled over by a Black Sun. The main antagonist, Willy Stampler is based off of Moloch, one of the many creatures that trapped us. Yes, the same Moloch that the sacrifices are made in the name of.

So right now there are two sets of us that we're actively communicating with. The ones that got captured and brought to the future to be paraded around like trophies and us, the ones who went back after and lived through life up to this point the long way around.

I can even tell you who's who. A couple people associated with the podcast are from Hawkins too.

Ashly Burch - El/Jane Hopper
Anthony Burch - Dustin Henderson
Beth May - Nancy Wheeler
Freddie Wong - Jim Hopper
Matthew Arnold - Joyce Byers
Will Campos - Mike Wheeler
Maxton Waller - Eddie Munson

I found Will too but I'm not ready to reveal where.


I originally thought that they were just people wearing the vestment form of our faces but when I started to communicate with them I realized that they shared our memories. They had been told that the "episodes" had been pulled from a different Universe and when I asked them what they felt when they watched it they realized it was them.

I genuinely forgot that we could have multiple physical presences overlap within the world at the same time. So yeah, it's pretty commonly accepted that time travelers could be in two places at once but the implications of that mean that we're twice as captured by the same people.

And if you think I can communicate with Obi Wan Kenobi but not Sadie Sink, well, this isn't the thread for you.
@TapesFromTheFuture if this is the case and they are you, then they and you must know Nate walker. but when I asked you if you knew Nate walker you didn't know. I think you may have to watch the stranger things series again and catch up on some information. :(


Junior Member
@TapesFromTheFuture yh Freddie is definitely not Jim hopper. Ive met Freddie numerous times, and I know without a doubt he has watched stranger things and he enjoyed the show.
Okay if you know Freddie you know about the time that he had that Harley Davidson sponsorship, right? So he and I were at a party and some girl came up to him and told him that it was her dream to own a Harley Davidson.

I proceeded to watch Freddie explain to her that saving up and purchasing a motorcycle an affordable dream. She turned away in a bit of confusion and disgust and I literally guffawed at him and explained that no, dude, she just wanted to see your motorcycle, she wasn't asking for financial advice she was flirting with you.

So look, I know Freddie. Same weekend I hung out with Ashly and Anthony and this was July 2006. It's been a while since I've seen them in person but I definitely know them.
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