in need of help from a time traveler


Temporal Engineer
I was just being an honest realist.

But if you want a speculation. Here goes. You get lucky and find out someone is willing to give you a one way trip to the past to correct something. You take the offer. You manage to save your fiance from getting run over by a car. One more problem exists. The other you. Yes there are now two of you. Which one gets the fiance? Would you cease to exist if you kill your younger self? It looks like you are still screwed.


Senior Member
I was just being an honest realist.

But if you want a speculation. Here goes. You get lucky and find out someone is willing to give you a one way trip to the past to correct something. You take the offer. You manage to save your fiance from getting run over by a car. One more problem exists. The other you. Yes there are now two of you. Which one gets the fiance? Would you cease to exist if you kill your younger self? It looks like you are still screwed.

This is on the proviso that after time travelling there are two "YOU's", which is speculation apart from the time travel event in itself.

Who's to say a split doesnt occur and there just one person then the paradox doesnt come into play?


Junior Member
This is on the proviso that after time travelling there are two "YOU's", which is speculation apart from the time travel event in itself.

Who's to say a split doesnt occur and there just one person then the paradox doesnt come into play?
hello M how are you doing ? in the case of the split as you saying, theoretically speaking there would not be an overposition of your future yourself to your past self and you can correct and write over that same line but if the presence of your future self "kills' your past self it would be a total overwriting of it , wich is the same as the infinity universes theory or where you can merge your future one to another past one line where you were or wern't born


New Member
Hello. Our colleague, Malesch, has insufficiently conveyed useful information from what we gather. The main reason for the lacking discovery of time travel within 1 universe is the assumption that massless particles move. Information moves and is restricted to approximately 'c' along particle channels. A photon, for example, appears to move at "c". However, this is just the present information about the photon as set by interaction or measurement. States must be conserved within a universe, i.e. the photon exists when observed or measured. The photon itself exists everywhere at once within its particle channel. Channel networks of various massless particles exist like this and create the interactive universe through various interactions with the Higgs field and states stored within the Higgs field (mass particles). If you could just of think of things in this manner you would be less confused by causality, such as the double slit experiments.

Another way this can be considered is massless particles in general have no causality dimensions and can therefore "experience" causality in any direction. All mass particles can be sent across channels when the causality dimensions are uncoupled. This retains the remaining state information which is reassembled when recoupled with causality dimensions. The energy required to uncouple/recouple is low, but the state information and reassembly information is complex.

Malesh was speaking primarily about uncoupling state information for specific travel, which is not useful in this discussion.

I hope this encourages some thoughts. We are open to any questions.

Also, please message us if Malesch has contacted you directly.


Junior Member
Greetings i like to emphasise that it is physically imposible to actually go back in time as in doing so would create a copy of the timeline that you travel to instead or the original

Chapel Perilous

Junior Member
To change the past is tricky business. What one seeks to undo almost certainly impacted others, to change one timeline is a butterfly effect unfolding. If it involves loss of a loved one, do you change their time to depart the mortal coil? Does one undo an affair that opens the way to one or the others destined union or lessons required to advance?
I've seen past timelines shift in a book where future entries erased past entries.
Healing is undoing via present and future timelines. I'd start with the now and let the past be that.


Senior Member
The OP of this thread started on Paranormalis September 17th 2020, and was last seen on September 25th...I believe he lost interest when he realised nobody could help him, hopefully he found the right answers to his problems other than time-travelling..


Senior Member
Though this hasnt been confirmed or denied, maybe he/she did move off maybe not.

Its easy to assume, as well as maybe just as you said TF gave up and went another way.

Lets hope it was all ok, its always possible might arrive back at Para:)
