Is everyone psychic?

Everyone has the potential to develop psychic abilities. However, since these things aren't taught in school, and movies tend to make them seem fringe or even fake, a lot of people never discover how to use them. I've observed that the vast majority of psychic expression for most people is done unconsciously, without their awareness. This includes things like synchronicity, or random strangers saying something that means something to you personally, even if they're talking to someone else.

Once one becomes aware of these abilities, they can practice gaining conscious control over them. With certain exceptions, there tends to be a certain mindset held by people who intentionally seek these abilities, including ideals like being a good person, existence of karma, etc, so I think the number of people abusing it would be fairly low.
Everyone has the potential to develop psychic abilities. However, since these things aren't taught in school, and movies tend to make them seem fringe or even fake, a lot of people never discover how to use them. I've observed that the vast majority of psychic expression for most people is done unconsciously, without their awareness. This includes things like synchronicity, or random strangers saying something that means something to you personally, even if they're talking to someone else.

Once one becomes aware of these abilities, they can practice gaining conscious control over them. With certain exceptions, there tends to be a certain mindset held by people who intentionally seek these abilities, including ideals like being a good person, existence of karma, etc, so I think the number of people abusing it would be fairly low.
That makes sense, not that I was expecting too many people "abusing" it, I wasn't even sure if you could or not...So thanks! :)
There is another thing that observed over the years.

My conscience will is not the one calling the shots.

We may not be the masters of our own destiny.

PS. Not all police officers are bad...
It comes down to your environment. Where I live violent crime is a constant so we move about taking care not to provoke or become a victim of an attack.

Sometimes I get "that feeling" to just not go into "that bar" not talk to "that guy or girl" not park at "that spot" not stopping at "that red light" in the middle of the night. Stuff like that I suppose it is not what you where thinking off but I guess "that feeling" can be part of the "psychic" ability hence I take "psychic abilities" very seriously.
It comes down to your environment. Where I live violent crime is a constant so we move about taking care not to provoke or become a victim of an attack.

Sometimes I get "that feeling" to just not go into "that bar" not talk to "that guy or girl" not park at "that spot" not stopping at "that red light" in the middle of the night. Stuff like that I suppose it is not what you where thinking off but I guess "that feeling" can be part of the "psychic" ability hence I take "psychic abilities" very seriously.
No, that is a part I was talking extra sense, in a way...or, just when you pick up a "vibe" from someone...
No, that is a part I was talking extra sense, in a way...or, just when you pick up a "vibe" from someone...

"vibe" yes yes yes and yes...

Exactly that.

Once without watching the news I just felt horrible and sad and depressed. I guess the words "astral plane or astral world" comes to mind our own private "forth dimension" or soul connection? When I saw the news there it was the worst earthquake the world ever saw. I don't know but it is hard to ignore that humanity has and share this ability and have been for a very long time.

I mean you can imagine a T-rex/lion/or predator planning its dinner menu/or to add to its scull collection and us "humans" not wanting to end up as dinner or on the predator's wall. The reason I am pointing to the movie Predator, it shows how "some" just knew something with ill intent was watching/stalking them...

So just maybe we are all connected somehow???
I believe everyone has the ability.
I agree some abilities get developed while others go undeveloped. From my experience I can say that the past 10 years I seam to be guided, I'm sort of going for the ride like the roller coaster up and downs in life but I hang on for the ups to return. I have faced life as forks in the road...go one direction and live to see tomorrow go to the dark road on the left and possibly end up a front page statistic. I have reinvented myself over the years and now do remodeling work. If I see a picture I will build it exactly as I see it and in my sleep review each step...step by step. I amaze myself as whatever I attempt turns out although I have never attempted the project. I feel I am and know I am being guided by external influences. In this same time period I had worked for a large corporation and every time a GM or SM gave me a rough time I knew their days were numbered and they would be fired. It happened too many times to count so I expected it and it happened. I never wished bad on anyone but was astonished to what I had seen happening like I had a shield that repelled negative energy. I seam to get instructions...commands in my sleep. The latest is my sister who lives in NM has bad tires on her truck and is walking...In the night, I was told to get her some tires, which I will. Now I do help my sister and others so would do it anyway to be helpful but I was told directly to do it and firmly. If anyone can relate to this you know what I am talking about. I go thru life not worrying about the little things and joke about the big things because to me it doesn't really matter as I have had a taste of something else. Does that make sense to anyone? I believe we all have powers.
