Is there any current confirmed TIME TRAVELERS ON HERE NOW???


Senior Member
i can sense irony :p
the truth is that HDRKID has a lots of knowledge and expirience with HDR. more than anyone here...
Maybe just a little irony ;)

This site has had a lot of claimants, but he's the only one who's stuck around and doesn't let others chase him off. I find that interesting, even if I personally don't have a reason to believe him.


Junior Member
Maybe just a little irony ;)

This site has had a lot of claimants, but he's the only one who's stuck around and doesn't let others chase him off. I find that interesting, even if I personally don't have a reason to believe him.
I understand you,but that is your personal choice what to belive and i dont blame you.
I'm reasherch a lot about everything in last 7 years or more, and there is alot what 99% pepole find insane,just because they didnt tryed or have just an apinnion.problem of this society is closed and weak mind and "soul"
but that is just my point of view ..

Alexis Everson

Junior Member
I am the future and you can not go beyond me. I can show you what the future was instead of silly newspaper clippings, like from an episode of Superman. Read my last word in my username backwards. All have the gift to see the future in Revelation of John that is coming to pass.
Sounds like that movie Dune! MOWADDEEEEB



Senior Member
Thank you cosmo.

I believe that just like light is a wave... time is also a wave.

View attachment 7932

The HDR has knobs so you can change frequencies. Steven Gibbs says the HDR magic is resonance.

I know that during the past four years i have been on Paranormalis, you have never replied to any of my questions....Therefore i will try again...
You speak about "resonance", so can you tell all of us what the resonant frequency of time is??...Or perhaps, you could inform us what is the frequency that the HDR is trying to resonate with, and how it is supposed to do it, in a precise frequency and with complete stability?
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