Is Time Going By Faster?


Senior Member
Have you ever heard, the older you get the faster time goes by? There are many reasons for this fact but one reason may be that time is truely passing us by at a faster rate. I feel like a kid on a merry-go-round and time is going by so fast I can hardly hang on. I have explained to people that we are like a leaf in a drain. When we are younger we are at the outer most point of 'our' time and as we age, time spins by faster and faster...until we are gone, like down the drain. Most people, of all ages, I have asked this time question to agree that it seams to be going by faster.
Post vids, articles, and your opinions on this isssue.


Senior Member
This is a vid I watched today that got me thinking about the passage of time again.



Senior Member

The second vid is very interesting to watch. We are moving through space at a faster pace so time seams to be going by a time lapse camera view of a flower blossom that appears to be happening faster than a real time view.



Senior Member
I have heard this as of late, seems as though Days are going much quicker my weeks only seem like 2 or 3 days.
Your right...I usually like to hang one on once a week on Fridays, a tradition of mine. For some reason Friday seams to come by real fast, like I was just sitting there with a cold one and here I go again. Any thoughts or theories would be appreciated as others have agreed with me on this one that don't believe in much else.


Senior Member
i didn't really think much of it till i remembered my Mom calling me and saying "i can't believe it is Friday already it seems like it was only Wednesday yesterday" And then i stopped and thought about it and i realised ya it is going by very quick.

Perhaps it is because we are much busier these days? more to do so time flys. Or maybe it is something else, a Global time lapse syndrom so to speak.

Who or what is causing it is debatable as most people won't stop to think twice about it, but it is not natural, there is another power using this as a advantage or perhaps a way to speed evolution? Or maybe only those who have been touched are experiencing this and it is becoming close to the time where ET's make their apperance.


Senior Member
This tune was playing in my head today so I thought I would pluck it here. Time has taken away so many talented musicians before their time...this is just one of them.



Senior Member
I think time seams to be going faster...although according to the clicks on the clock the time shown remains thy same...why? I feel that we are entering or have entered a new state of consciousness...maybe the Twilight Zone.



Senior Member
From what I've read, this is a pretty common phenomenon as you get older. I don't have references or links handy, but the general idea is this:

When you're a child, most of what you're experiencing is new to you. Your brain absorbs these experiences and because you remember much of what's going on, time seems to move more slowly. Remember waiting for Christmas? How it seemed to take forever? Same sort of idea.

As you age, you're experiencing fewer and fewer *new* things, so your brain tends to filter them out since those events aren't as memorable. As you go about your day, a lot of your activities tend to be somewhat automated (driving to work, going to the store, paying bills). Your brain isn't recording these experiences the way they used to so time appears to pass more quickly.
