Is Time Going By Faster?


Senior Member
From what I've read, this is a pretty common phenomenon as you get older. I don't have references or links handy, but the general idea is this:

When you're a child, most of what you're experiencing is new to you. Your brain absorbs these experiences and because you remember much of what's going on, time seems to move more slowly. Remember waiting for Christmas? How it seemed to take forever? Same sort of idea.

As you age, you're experiencing fewer and fewer *new* things, so your brain tends to filter them out since those events aren't as memorable. As you go about your day, a lot of your activities tend to be somewhat automated (driving to work, going to the store, paying bills). Your brain isn't recording these experiences the way they used to so time appears to pass more quickly.
I'll agree with that...but still think this may also have something to do with the earth's rotation, the earth's decreased magnetism, or some other mystery force out there.. Maybe I'm getting to be an old closed. lol Here is a vid I saw that blames the phenomena on old age. Too bad as time goes by fine wine improves with age but people look like they have been to hell and back! The Ripple/wrinkle effect.

