John Titor may be back


That's the bigfoot b.s. again. Titor is coming back one way - it has been announced. He will be identified with a photo of his left hand. He has 12 days to show.

It's funny, because I know someone who thinks he is Titor and doesn't know it. I know someone who thinks he is the future Titor. Someone else thinks she is marrying Titor. I'm wondering what they are all going to do when their fantasies don't play out.

@Ren (Just want you to see this thread)


Senior Member
I know the song that he would use to validate his identity.. So far nobody has gotten it correct.

The Song is by Johny Cash "A Boy Named Sue".

On what basis do either of you make such a claim? And why would a time traveler need to verify their identity? I would think the objective would be more about concealing it.

It also seems that an authentic time traveler would be able to fairly easily provide a long list of 'proofs' given their ability to influence the time line. All they would have to do is mark their trail with a stream of data, perhaps even something regarding their identity.

I can think of numerous ways to do so.

I will now go back in time and mention Johnny Cash's "A Boy Named Sue" on Jimmy Church's radio show.
The person named Sue who mentioned "Johnny Cash" has no foreknowledge of this fact.
Logically, you will see.


That's the bigfoot b.s. again. Titor is coming back one way - it has been announced. He will be identified with a photo of his left hand. He has 12 days to show.

It's funny, because I know someone who thinks he is Titor and doesn't know it. I know someone who thinks he is the future Titor. Someone else thinks she is marrying Titor. I'm wondering what they are all going to do when their fantasies don't play out.

No one can say for sure.

Who is Titor? Ultimately, Titor is a large set of characters arranged in a specific order on a screen, and whatever truths can be derived and confirmed from the information contained therein. This is what everyone identifies as "John Titor".

This is the fundamental premise of the whole Titor saga. Thus whatever 'proof' there is must have qualifiers based on the posts themselves.

Again, ...For it to be confirmed as 'Titor', there must be not only a solid connection between the claimant's specific identity and the confirmed original posts, but also a way to confirm that the claimant was the one actually making the posts. If a claimant cannot meet that basic criteria of qualifiers, they are not 'Titor'.

That being said, consider all the other complications in trying to confirm the identity of Titor;

Because, presumably, humans have not 'yet' figured out time travel, if Titor is alive as per the original cover story, then he's a kid that doesn't know it unless he told himself via some cryptic means or someone else did. Which means he otherwise has to come in a time machine as an adult and expose himself to all kinds of risks and issues. Why would 'Titor' want to show up anyway? Why would he want to take such a risk?

Will he demonstrate his time machine to the world?

And not only would you have to meet the above mentioned criteria, but there would have to be TWO of them to confirm it through DNA match of differing ages, as well as family, etc etc.

And that is assuming it is physical time travel. How does multi-verse theory fit with all of it? What if time travel is not physical but technology assisted astral travel or remote viewing, or works like a radio where there must be a receiver, or is a way to tap into the internet of the past, or whatever. How does that work in all of it? If you don't understand the context of how time travel actually works, then you cannot say for sure what is really transpiring in the posts.

How do you know the cover story is even remotely accurate? It could all mean something else entirely.

How do you know it isn't more than one person all pretending to be Titor? ...or two of them taking turns, each playing the role of several people and scripting questions to themselves and/or each other?

It stands to reason that time travel would be a protected thing, thus there would need to be secrets and ways of communicating in order to protect those secrets. How many ways are there to encrypt something, and how can it be used when conveying information across time lines and multiple universes? How does that fit into all of it?

Why would a time traveler post on the net claiming to be a time traveler? Was it to send a message perhaps? An experiment maybe?

There are all kinds of questions that would need to be addressed in order to confirm who is 'John Titor'. It isn't going to be as simple as a hand and a photo, or whatever. Everything will have to all fall into place to define a clear and concise truth.

The fantasy is in wanting to believe in 'Titor' so much that one disregards reason in favor of a modern day internet Santa Claus.
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Because, presumably, humans have not 'yet' figured out time travel, if Titor is alive as per the original cover story, then he's a kid that doesn't know it unless he told himself via some cryptic means or someone else did. Which means he otherwise has to come in a time machine as an adult and expose himself to all kinds of risks and issues. Why would 'Titor' want to show up anyway? Why would he want to take such a risk?

I did find a potential motive with the help of Ren. The unix 2038 bug and the possibility of the TTD using Unix to operate. But, I know you don't believe any of the story is true... just sayin'....

Will he demonstrate his time machine to the world?

And not only would you have to meet the above mentioned criteria, but there would have to be TWO of them to confirm it through DNA match of differing ages, as well as family, etc etc.

Of course. Proof would need to be quite extensive. Yes. And I'm sure the government will get involved really fast.

And that is assuming it is physical time travel.

You do have a point. We've all made the assumption of physical time travel.

How does multi-verse theory fit with all of it? What if time travel is not physical but technology assisted astral travel or remote viewing, or works like a radio where there must be a receiver, or is a way to tap int the internet of the past, or whatever. How does that work in all of it? If you don't understand the context of how time travel actually works, then you cannot say for sure what is really transpiring in the posts.

Which is precisely why we need to speak with the man again and ask the proper questions.

How do you know the cover story is even remotely accurate? It could all mean something else entirely.

Yep. Noobs take the story too literally. I personally feel it was made to point to Alas, Babylon.

How do you now it isn't more than one person all pretending to be Titor?

Team of people. Yes.

Why would a time traveler post on the net claiming to be a time traveler? Was it to send a message perhaps? An experiment maybe?

Yep. We've discussed this before. People should consider this. I do agree.

There are all kinds of questions that would need to be addressed in order to confirm who is 'John Titor'. It isn't going to be as simple as a hand and a photo, or whatever. Everything will have to all fall into place to define a clear and concise truth.

Yeah, well, we have to start with something.

The fantasy is in wanting to believe in 'Titor' so much that one disregards reason in favor of a modern day internet Santa Claus.

So much that peoples' logic flies out the window? That a time traveler is going to follow you around a grocery store and marry you? I wish people would sit back and think about how silly some of those fantasies are. Fantasies are fine in your head when you go to bed at night, but when someone tries to manifest them, they may need professional help, right?


Yeah, well, we have to start with something.

This comment seems to be a good place.

The posts are the premise, the start of 'John Titor'. And anything based upon a false, incomplete or faulty premise will also be false, faulty or incomplete. Thus any variation from the posts is questionable or suspect.

Start by defining and acquiring, and then the process of authenticating, what is the posts from John Titor on his visit in 2001.

When you start to really consider all these things that I have been mentioning on this thread, when you go take a thorough scientific and open minded honest approach of trying to figure how all this works, it gets complex in a hurry through exponential possibilities of layers and layers of what where when who how and why. It is important to have a solid foundation in which to base any conclusions.

Start with an authenticated original untainted copy of the posts, a.k.a. "John Titor".
It starts getting complicated real quick when you change the order in which knowledge/information is acquired, then apply it to cause and effect, noting the differences in the time line and butterfly effect. Anyone lacking a high level IQ will have difficulty understanding, ...
I liked your post so people would think I'm super smart...

j/k... kind of. You brought up some interesting points, especially about the unpredictable repercussions of the butterfly effect. I've always imagined that if I traveled back in time, it would be a leap into my body in the past, not a leap of my body into the past, if you get my meaning.

Sort of like, how would my life have turned out if I'd known back then what I know now?

I never thought much about how the world would turn out. Although... isn't the exciting thing about the future that it's unpredictable?


I liked your post so people would think I'm super smart...

You brought up some interesting points, especially about the unpredictable repercussions of the butterfly effect.

I liked your post because it shows you're thinking and because you are engaging.

I am reasonably intelligent, and when I start to consider these things I get lost in trying to keep up with it all. You really have to have an organized mind for it. It can be exhausting!

I've always imagined that if I traveled back in time, it would be a leap into my body in the past, not a leap of my body into the past, if you get my meaning.

I do get your meaning, as I have thought of it in that context as well. And how do we know it doesn't actually work like that? There are many accounts and experiments that support the idea of a connection to a greater level of consciousness.

Sort of like, how would my life have turned out if I'd known back then what I know now?

A lot of people have considered that, I am sure. I know I have.

I never thought much about how the world would turn out.

How could you possibly be able to determine such a thing? But it is indeed fun to think about.(if it doesn't drive you mad) , ...or as you describe it, "exciting".
