🛡️ Debate John Titor: Real Time Traveler or a Hoaxer?

Re: John Titor Update: Exclusive Report!

China has been around for the past 4000 years. Never have they invaded before, but like boys with toys, one never can say -- never!

Every once in a while, someone may need to write about the Chronos Chomaticity, the Quantum Radiance, that the Universe really is, while looking at the Universe with dim eyesballs!
That still though will protect us from all that Brilliance that Was, is Now, and Is the Future!

I guess the hope for boys is that their toys will exist in the future!
The girls may dispute that however!
Re: John Titor Update: Exclusive Report!

I've only posted links to mine because when I didn't, my findings were then questioned. The links are only to verify what I am saying. This way, anyone can go and look for themselves.

I have no problem with debating though. I don't think anyone is questioning our future. Only the source.

We would really miss you. It would be a loss to the forum. I hope you don't leave. Even if you don't want to discuss this any longer, there are many other subjects on the forum.


Hi folks,

No great loss to you I'm sure but I'm going to have to sign off on this discussion board.

I ran a whois registrar search on internic.net for the servers that are connected to Johntitor.com. One is Hearsay.earthlink.net and the other is Speakeasy.earthlink.net. When I checked these, they are both connected to www.melbourneit.com. As we all know, this is in Australia. Isn't that strange. Hmmmm, any thoughts on this? I've been researching Annabelle Leeson and have found an A leeson in Oregon but not this city.

Re: John Titor Update: Exclusive Report!

I know you guys aren't wanting to see more links, but I would really like everyone to read this one and tell me what you see. I want to make sure I am not reading too much into the story. It's at www.whatdoesitmean.com I have read several of her stories and have also verified many of them. The title of the story in question is "US and Russian Military SpecialForecs complete training for takeover of Israel nuclear complex upon outbreak of civil war as American military prepares for overthrow of US government."
Re: John Titor Update: Exclusive Report!


I went to the site of that link to read the article. And what I saw about it makes me suspicious. I have friends in Israel and am pretty aware of what is going on over there. Now there may be people who aren't enchanted with Sharon at this point, but the Israelis I know aren't seeing things in the way she is presenting them. First off, there are far too many people in the Israeli populace who have far too many conflicting opinions. To get most Israelis to agree to any one thing would be a miracle in itself. Secondly, this person sounds like they have an anti-American thing going on. Maybe America is going the way of creating an Empire, maybe not. I do know one thing... while reading the article I couldn't help but hear the theme from the Empire Strikes back. :D It was just so appropriate. (Thank you John Williams. :kiss: )

So, I researched a teeny bit into the person who allegedly wrote the article, a "Sorcha Faal." I found the following link, which has excerpts from donation letters sent out over the web. http://www.rense.com/general63/sorcha.htm It is Rense.com, so you have to consider the source (whether one you find is credible or not - I am not casting aspersions here.) The fact of the matter here is you have to take things on the internet with a grain, and sometimes a bag, of salt. I read enough of the article to make me question the author's sources and or motivations, but let each person make that determination for him/herself.
Re: John Titor Update: Exclusive Report!

What's so anti-american about that person? I mean except where some person says it's anti-american I see nothing anti-american or suspicious..I'd be more willing to question those people's judgments that aren't based on any facts first..
Re: John Titor Update: Exclusive Report!


It's perfectly ok if you want to post up your links LOL. I'm sorry if I gave the wrong idea. It's just some others kept blasting the thread with 3 or 4 posts all in a row with "John titor says this" and "Titor saw this!" and providing all these links. That's what I was pointing out, and I believe Apogee was pointing out the same thing. The links they were blasting us with did nothing to really progress titor's story. But anyways, keep on posting links like the one you just posted, I don't mind :)
Re: John Titor Update: Exclusive Report!

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"DWOMT\")</div>

It's perfectly ok if you want to post up your links LOL. I'm sorry if I gave the wrong idea. It's just some others kept blasting the thread with 3 or 4 posts all in a row with \"John titor says this\" and \"Titor saw this!\" and providing all these links. That's what I was pointing out, and I believe Apogee was pointing out the same thing. The links they were blasting us with did nothing to really progress titor's story. But anyways, keep on posting links like the one you just posted, I don't mind

I will be quoting John Titor whenever and wherever I feel it is necessary.

In order to avoid any misunderstandings with regards to what John Titor has posted, it is critically important to quote his exact words and within the context he posted them. Otherwise it would be too easy for people to twist or misinterpret the meaning of his words.

It would most definitely not do justice to John Titor's postings if we would let others interpret or twist his words, or pretending to have found any incongruence in his words, without quoting them in order to provide the evidence needed.

We have more then enough people who claimed to have found an incongruence in Titor?s story only to be disproved over and over again simply by quoting his exact words and taking them into context.
Re: John Titor Update: Exclusive Report!

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"virtualgirl\")</div>
I know you guys aren't wanting to see more links, but I would really like everyone to read this one and tell me what you see. ?I want to make sure I am not reading too much into the story. ?It's at www.whatdoesitmean.com ? ? ?I have read several of her stories and have also verified many of them. ?The title of the story in question is \"US and Russian Military SpecialForecs complete training for takeover of Israel nuclear complex upon outbreak of civil war as American military prepares for overthrow of US government.\"[/b]

I'm suspicious of this article only because the author continuously refers to Sharon as the "War Criminal" (and yes the fact that they capitalized this makes it even more suspicious, I thought). There are some pretty serious allegations here, and I'm not really sure how to take it. Unfortunately, with things like this, it will only do us good after the fact. If we all start seeing signs of some kind of takeover in the US, it'll raise a red flag becuz you posted this article (not that it wouldn't normally raise some alarm, I'm just saying if they pulled a "9/11" and created some excuse for a military takeover, we'd know things weren't at face value). This does bring up some interesting interactions between Russia, the US, and Israel.
