John Titor


Qronos1 has my attention though... on the other hand, where as he actually mentioned "Yes WW3 took allot from us and the asteroid that hit the earth in 2032 also did some bad things, but we have come out off all that ok." I don't know about Qronos16, but the meteor is a big deal in this debate. Qronos1 not only mentioned it, but gave the correct time frame for it as well, back in 2005, when we were yet to learn about it at all. Hmm.

Actually, Apophis has been known since 2004 and was causing quite a stir in 04 and 05

99942 Apophis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This, I found interesting.

Using criteria developed in this research, new measurements possible in 2013 (if not 2011) will likely confirm that in 2036 Apophis will quietly pass more than 49 million km (30.5 million miles; 0.32 AU) from Earth on Easter Sunday of that year (April 13).
Predicting Apophis' Earth Encounters in 2029 and 2036

EASTER SUNDAY April 13th 2036:eek:
It's called diveregence son. Our reality is not his... HE even said as much dozens of times in his postings... it is a shame some people only paid attention to what they wanted instead of all that he had to say.
Actually, this is only true in a mathematical sense, not a practical one.


Senior Member
It's called diveregence son. Our reality is not his... HE even said as much dozens of times in his postings... it is a shame some people only paid attention to what they wanted instead of all that he had to say.
Actually, this is only true in a mathematical sense, not a practical one.

Actually, you're full of $#!+, He did not mean it in the abstract mathematical sense but a very literal one.... God people like you, I swear...... Dude, if you're gonna rip on the Titor story and make stuff up for the sake of great trolling , at least read the whole thing first so you don't come off sounding like an idiot.
I am not "ripping on the Titor story" at all. As a matter of fact, I am a huge proponent of the likelihood that time travel exists and that Titor was an actual Time Traveler. There is no other explanation. I am merely suggesting that the conventional wisdom surrounding people's understanding of MWI is not necessarily correct as understood. If, by my statement it appears I am attacking you or your beliefs, I apologize, I was not.

Let me ask you a question: How are the mission planners who sent Titor on his trip be sure the object of the mission (a 5100 in this case) has even been invented on the world line he arrives at?
I have a feeling your answer may illustrate for you that we are actually in agreement on this point.


Senior Member
I don't think John Titor is CIA. But I do think there is some sort of connection with Men in Black and maybe Aliens.

Ever notice how John Titor made many specific predictions that have become true yet nobody really can remember enough to follow up with his predictions.

If I said, "Please check all my past predictions as ren1999 John Titor on Google." None of you have the energy or the desire to do so. It is probably a condition of time-travel. If I was a time-traveler, perhaps most people would not even be able to read my posts or remember I was here.

Perhaps John Titor is not supposed to be here. That is why he gets such irrational hostile reactions to his messages.

So, John Titor fans. I'm asking you. Do you have the ability to Google and learn the truth?
So, John Titor fans. I'm asking you. Do you have the ability to Google and learn the truth?

The information you are (possibly) looking for has been out and published for about 1.5 years. Availing yourself of it may answer some questions you and others may have.


Junior Member
It's called diveregence son. Our reality is not his... HE even said as much dozens of times in his postings... it is a shame some people only paid attention to what they wanted instead of all that he had to say.
Actually, this is only true in a mathematical sense, not a practical one.

Actually, you're full of $#!+, He did not mean it in the abstract mathematical sense but a very literal one.... God people like you, I swear...... Dude, if you're gonna rip on the Titor story and make stuff up for the sake of great trolling , at least read the whole thing first so you don't come off sounding like an idiot.


WORDS have power, but also the power to be disliked. If you get angry so easily be looking at another person's words that describe his beliefs, you may regard importance as anything concerning the ego. Fight for nothing, and defeat yourself for wisdom.


Senior Member
Bah freaking humbug. When You seen as many faker troll loony wanna bes your defenses ae liekly to always be up/// Especially when people say errounous things... Like Titor meaning multiple realities in an abstract mathmatical sense.......

Christ if anyone has read anything of the story and not just recaps from others then they would know better.

Read the darn story at least sheesh!
Especially when people say errounous things... Like Titor meaning multiple realities in an abstract mathmatical sense.......

That's not exactly what I said.
Math is not abstract. As a matter of fact, and I thought I was clear on this, but I will repeat it, mathematics (not necessarily statistics) is quite possibly the furthest thing from abstract that one can get.

Again: MWI is a true phenomena and state of the multiverse. I believe we can agree on this. What we may disagree on is its implications. As long as a potential time traveler or his mission planners decide to maintain a low divergence on their mission (which they must for planning purposes), then the practical problems of MWI fall away and you are left with only a mathematical differences between world lines.

Allow me to explain.
If I were a time traveler and I decided to go back in time 5 years to the year 2012, let's assume for argument's sake my divergence would be .00004% (And my WL of origin is 0.00000% obviously). Because the divergence is so small, the world lines are so similar that I can barely tell the difference. Even the differences that Titor claimed he noticed (with a 2.5% div) would not even be visible to me on my trip. Why? Because the miniscule div measurement of 2.5% (which resulted in only small/subtle differences in my perceptions) is orders of magnitude larger than my piddley .00004%.

Later, if I decide to go on a second trip to only 2 years into the past to 2015, let's pretend my div for such a short trip would be .0000004%.
Now, I ask you: if I couldn't see any differences in the WL's with a .00004% div (they appear identical) do you think I would notice any differences with an even tighter divergence? Of course not. So, even though the WL's are different, they appear to be the same. The only difference between the two then only arises in the statistical difference between the three World Lines.

This brings me back to my original question: How could John and his bosses and planners even be sure the object of his mission would be on the target world line if they did not have any assurance it had been invented? This question seems to have been, in part here, answered.

Hears one that'll really fry your noodle: Why bother changing a world line at all if the changes you are making only affect the WL you are on? There's an answer for that too. Stay tuned.
-Temporal Recon
