Kozyrev Mirror

just came across this:


I thought some others might be interested. I have not started reading yet, so forgive if this is well known or redundant.

I've been interested in replicating a Kozyrev mirror for some time now. Thought about using mylar but am unsure if that would be a suitable substitute. i.e. Material wise.

Hoping to gain more knowledge of Kozyrevs' concept of SpaceTime .

POinters toward the remainder of this book, other articles or information pertaining to Kozyrev would be greatly appreciated.

According to one of the articles linked regarding the mirrors, a theory why these mirrors should behave as they do is that "in the absence of an electromagnetic field, we have access to an energy field of “instantaneous locality” that underlies our reality ". You might expect, if this were true, that even a Faraday cage might have beneficial effect. I think it is suggestive that H. Puharich designed experiments that suggest that ESP testing showed an enhancement in performance if the subject was inside a Faraday cage.
According to one of the articles linked regarding the mirrors, a theory why these mirrors should behave as they do is that "in the absence of an electromagnetic field, we have access to an energy field of “instantaneous locality” that underlies our reality ". You might expect, if this were true, that even a Faraday cage might have beneficial effect. I think it is suggestive that H. Puharich designed experiments that suggest that ESP testing showed an enhancement in performance if the subject was inside a Faraday cage.

Makes me ponder the idea that esp/akashic record/morphogenic field may have a scalar component. I have played with Jerry Deckers simple scalar beamer in the past with very interesting results.
According to one of the articles linked regarding the mirrors, a theory why these mirrors should behave as they do is that "in the absence of an electromagnetic field, we have access to an energy field of “instantaneous locality” that underlies our reality ". You might expect, if this were true, that even a Faraday cage might have beneficial effect. I think it is suggestive that H. Puharich designed experiments that suggest that ESP testing showed an enhancement in performance if the subject was inside a Faraday cage.

Preston Nichols wrote in the Montauk Project book about "psychics" who had their psychic abilities blocked, when ever the transmitter on the Montauk Airforce Base was switched on, for a couple of hours everyday.....The frequencies ranged between between 405Mhz upto 420Mhz...
The scientists at Montauk discovered that very fast transmitter frequency changing, was responsible for the Time-Warping activities that they were experimenting on..
I don't know German, help. Can someone translate this?
That is just blah blah.

I made one of the first Kozyrev-mirrors in the end of 2008 (see picture Abb.1). It has a film of aluminium
on the tube of plastic inside. It has a diameter of approximatly 90.6 cm - a hub after global scaling.

Abb.1 Kozyrev-mirror closed and open
I made experiences inside the construction (text end)

My opinion:
The mirror seems interesting. I think aluminium shields some radiation or electromagnetic waves. But I cannot remember what exactly. That is why some conspiracy theorists were those tin foil heads.
