Locating a Vortex for Physical Time Traveling


Junior Member
For those HDR users or thinking of using one, it is difficult to locate vortexes around the areas because of all the Wi-Fi interferences and underground fiber cable etc. This was the beginning of frustrations for physical time traveling for me. The Professor here had once told me to look at the horizon down the tree lines and visually follow it and you will notice "wavy" lines or what I would call ghostly lines waving about like waves on the ocean, note this is looking through binoculars. But once you arrive at that location they disappear! Then one could only guess where the intersecting grid points maybe.

So here I am stumped and frustrated! Then I get Steven Gibbs calling me each week, when I first purchased the HDR wondering if I already "physically" time traveled. Lucky me was in the month of November 2007 and it was just plain too cold to go outside looking for vortexes. After many years talking with Steve and the Professor I have determined there are two specific ways to find these vortexes. The first create one yourself! The pro-side you don't have to go looking all over place for one the Con-side it cost bucks upwards if your like me and are going to purchase two specially constructed Tesla Coils producing each around 400,000 DC Voltage.

They are $585.00 assembled a piece! Of course using a "Ground" mat that I preached so much about on my blog. With two 400,000 DC Volts it should be enough to create a zero-point energy vortex. Also to tune the spark gaps, you can use the HDR rub plate and dowse for that tuning. For example: you would rub the plate with one hand and crank from "0" set gap slowly increasing the power or decreasing depending what direction you want to go. Once you get your "Stick" reaction you stop the gap rise or fall and you do the same with the other Tesla Coil.

HDRkid did it plenty of times, he told me some super stories but Steven Gibbs said, too risky to do using artificial vortexes. The second way would be to using the Tri-Field Meter it only costs around $180.00 but you can set it up to locate natural EMF's. The only issue I have with this instrument is what should be the EMF reading when one comes to a real vortex? Steve and HDRkid talk about the size opening of the vortex and if its too small you can't enter into it. So question arises what must the EMF read on the meter to ensure you do have a vortex anomaly and the size opening is correct?


I'm very curious to know what kind of readings you're supposed to get on the EMF meter as well.

I never had plans in regards to activating a vortex, but I'm curious about the possibilities and theories around it.


Senior Member
I'm very curious to know what kind of readings you're supposed to get on the EMF meter as well.

I never had plans in regards to activating a vortex, but I'm curious about the possibilities and theories around it.
I did mention in my posting regarding the Delta Time Generator how this device opens up a quantum sized vortex..
Massive amplification would be needed to create a hole big enough to get through it though...

If you contact Sky Books in America and ask them if they still have the VHS tape available called, the Philadelphia Experiment and the Delta Time Generator, the explanation is there on that tape..

Or i could run it through for you, and i also have the circuit diagram available for it, which i used as a picture avatar last month..The VHS tape goes into much more detail..:)


Senior Member
For those HDR users or thinking of using one, it is difficult to locate vortexes around the areas because of all the Wi-Fi interferences and underground fiber cable etc. This was the beginning of frustrations for physical time traveling for me. The Professor here had once told me to look at the horizon down the tree lines and visually follow it and you will notice "wavy" lines or what I would call ghostly lines waving about like waves on the ocean, note this is looking through binoculars. But once you arrive at that location they disappear! Then one could only guess where the intersecting grid points maybe.

So here I am stumped and frustrated! Then I get Steven Gibbs calling me each week, when I first purchased the HDR wondering if I already "physically" time traveled. Lucky me was in the month of November 2007 and it was just plain too cold to go outside looking for vortexes. After many years talking with Steve and the Professor I have determined there are two specific ways to find these vortexes. The first create one yourself! The pro-side you don't have to go looking all over place for one the Con-side it cost bucks upwards if your like me and are going to purchase two specially constructed Tesla Coils producing each around 400,000 DC Voltage.

They are $585.00 assembled a piece! Of course using a "Ground" mat that I preached so much about on my blog. With two 400,000 DC Volts it should be enough to create a zero-point energy vortex. Also to tune the spark gaps, you can use the HDR rub plate and dowse for that tuning. For example: you would rub the plate with one hand and crank from "0" set gap slowly increasing the power or decreasing depending what direction you want to go. Once you get your "Stick" reaction you stop the gap rise or fall and you do the same with the other Tesla Coil.

HDRkid did it plenty of times, he told me some super stories but Steven Gibbs said, too risky to do using artificial vortexes. The second way would be to using the Tri-Field Meter it only costs around $180.00 but you can set it up to locate natural EMF's. The only issue I have with this instrument is what should be the EMF reading when one comes to a real vortex? Steve and HDRkid talk about the size opening of the vortex and if its too small you can't enter into it. So question arises what must the EMF read on the meter to ensure you do have a vortex anomaly and the size opening is correct?
I think you would need to be in an open space like a field to go searching for a vortex and if you find it then the meter on your Tri Field device would be pinned right back!!..

I would also suggest that you go into a field that has had very weird happenings in it, like even a vortex opening up for example..
However i feel you will be searching for that elusive vortex forever, if you choose the Trifield Meter..

grant ross

New Member
My wife and I had gotten a time machine from Mr Gibbs. I can not seem to get him on the phone. We have had zero luck working the thing. I would love to time travel, but we have no idea how to find a vortex, where to look or where to begin looking. Any advise. I have bought my wife some dowsing rods, a EMF detector and something else close to the emf, but still using those what should I be looking for how should I use these. We are desperate we want to be with the "in" group that travels like mr gibbs. I love history and would love to see it first hand but we are very confused and lost as to how to find a vortex.


Active Member
My wife and I had gotten a time machine from Mr Gibbs. I can not seem to get him on the phone. We have had zero luck working the thing. I would love to time travel, but we have no idea how to find a vortex, where to look or where to begin looking. Any advise. I have bought my wife some dowsing rods, a EMF detector and something else close to the emf, but still using those what should I be looking for how should I use these. We are desperate we want to be with the "in" group that travels like mr gibbs. I love history and would love to see it first hand but we are very confused and lost as to how to find a vortex.

did you buy the Natural EMF Meter and did you check CarlosX Time Travel web site yet..write back.


Hi I'm Frog I just wanted to say even though I don't want to buy an HDR when I was a teenager I borrowed an HDR from a person and I didn't know how to work it and my mom and dad didn't understand it either my mom was scared something would happen to me when turning it on and so much more that I had to give it back to this person for fifteen dollars which was huge in the past I am an adult now and understand stand it completely now but I don't have time to buy one now and because it is expensive to buy one anyways as for a vortex hdrkid told me that getting a cat or kitten would help you find a vortex and he mentioned some other things as well I don't have an emf technology but I do talk to ghosts and spirits through my ghost radio or frank's box I know some people are skeptical and some people are not skeptical but if you communicate and ask questions they will answer you and do other stuff in general here is something if people can use a oujia board and other technology I believe that spirits or ghosts are time travelers like us trying to assure us of heaven and hell and other places do exist and through those dimensions in spacetime and other side then they can do anything as well I know other eras, dimensions, and etc do exist the tricky part is how to get there and achieve what you want and need in general and in private say for example you want to open a vortex from a to b how do you get from a to b well here is the answer by using a wormhole or a time machine or etc by traveling to a to b you need something to open a to b destination and then you can get to your location which is b by getting back you must use that wormhole or time machine open the vortex and arrive from b to a your final place which is where you left b to a which is real earth or your timeline if you get stuck then you can build another time machine or build a wormhole generator to get back I don't have a wormhole generator so don't ask me this is my beliefs and my opinion you can do whatever you want I am just not responsible for your actions so what happened to mad man markum he either died from raditation, he went to the past or future or both or just one and was scared in the future or past and never could get back, last one he is lost in limbo never to return there are many people believe that he was in trouble and didn't care about what was happening so he left this timeline never to return and others believe he was mind controlled to build the time machine probably from time travelers of the future or from aliens and when he arrived he couldn't come back at all to our timeline.


New Member
Does anyone know how to create an artificial vortex using copper pipes? I believe I read that this was possible on one of the Gibbs sites, but there were no instructions on how to do this. I have recently purchased a Thunder Tech XL from Higher Power Technologies. I went back and forth on which machine to buy and never got a reply from Steven Gibbs, so I bought the Thunder Tech XL. Does anyone have any experiences with this machine? Once you find a natural vortex and you are over it, how do you power up your machine with no electricity in the middle of a field? I do have copper L shaped dowsing rods and a Trifield EMF meter. I am very much a newbie at this, but I have meditated for years, have had an OBE, have remote viewed for a very short period of time, can see energy waves/ particles in nature and in rooms, and can feel crystals vibrating. Thanks in advance for your advice.
