Looking for others with similar experience

Old Viking

Junior Member
More than likely they may be extradimensional scientist of some sort. This means for some reason they find you and your location as well as particulars of interest, so they're taking data as well as measurements on your doings.

I would take notes on them as well. They don't by what you say seem to pose a kidnapping, or any sort of harassments. Do you have a mechanical watch? If you do, as you might use a digital one now, I would keep that watch upon you and look for missing time.

On a hunch ventured, with the times being what they are, for some reason they find appealing interest study wise. It's probably a good gesture to show some level of niceness, rather than hostilities. These being may be from other dimensional states of being, so that's why the pensile thin appearance on your, as you said, first noting them. Hope that this brief answer has been of some consolation during your time of puzzlement. Regards, Lamdo 264

Note, I had seen a shadow person standing briefly in front of my kitchen cupboard and then disappear, so these apparitions to you, may have something to do with goings on in their reality, that they desire to base information on what you're doing?

SOURCEWORK AND THIS IS JUST BRAND NEW: If there should be a large body, such as an asteroid strike say supposed by said seers in year 2029, would then estimated happenstance, in some way affect events in the timelines, in similar fashion to a lost grip on a squeezed bar of soap in the shower or tub?

Believe it or not, O.V. Star Trek shows some instances with ultra terrestrials. See the video in Star Trek the pilot series, starring Lee Merriweather as an apparent computer powered nemeses. Good militaries in their teaching premises, teach when you're stuck in an odd situation, to use that imagination. Note, this may, or may not get you out of the pick-hole you're in. # Search video utility for { Star Trek - I want to touch you } for entity disappearances.
Thank you for replying, I had several other encounters since posting these. It seems that for some unknown reason why "they" have a real interest in me. I saw another being in a silver gray protective suit that had a window in the head piece to look out of. It stood there several seconds until it realized I was looking at it and then faded away. It took it 4-5 seconds to fade away unlike the dark being which just vanished before my eyes. This was during a time when I felt like "they' were trying to plug something into the back of my neck while I was in bed. I still grappling with what is happening to me. I never would have guessed in my retirement I would be dealing with something like this. I wish there was someone I could sit down with and repost this to but I know they would just think I am crazy. I saw the Star Trek show you are talking about, in fact since I was a teenage I have been a fan of Star Trek and have all the different series along with Star Wars and many other SiFi series. Working hard to maintain my sanity and sense of humor

Old Viking

Junior Member
Thank you for replying, I had several other encounters since posting these. It seems that for some unknown reason why "they" have a real interest in me. I saw another being in a silver gray protective suit that had a window in the head piece to look out of. It stood there several seconds until it realized I was looking at it and then faded away. It took it 4-5 seconds to fade away unlike the dark being which just vanished before my eyes. This was during a time when I felt like "they' were trying to plug something into the back of my neck while I was in bed. I still grappling with what is happening to me. I never would have guessed in my retirement I would be dealing with something like this. I wish there was someone I could sit down with and report this to but I know they would just think I am crazy. I saw the Star Trek show you are talking about, in fact since I was a teenage I have been a fan of Star Trek and have all the different series along with Star Wars and many other SiFi series. Working hard to maintain my sanity and sense of humor

Old Viking

Junior Member
Are you religious at all? Have you ever tried to pray when this happens to you? (My apologies if you've already addressed these questions.)
Oh yes, I have asked God for help and understanding to help to get me through this. I am dealing with so many unknowns that I have to fall back on my faith in God. I go for long walks every day during which I pray to God for help. I think I am holding up pretty well considering what (unreal) has been happening to me. I fear for my wife's safety. So far I am hanging in there and trying to stay positive. I still believe they mean me no harm but I just had another doctor visit and was given more meds. I was doing great until this all happen and now I am on 4 meds and everything seems to be going down hill for me.


Q. Have you tried setting up a camera with the lens aimed towards the activity?

Have there been any witnesses besides yourself?
