Love Songs


Senior Member
Hm... listening to the songs you've posted and getting the general gist of them, I have to stop and ponder a bit. See, after everything I've been through I am very much gun shy to introduce myself to any man. I obviously have chosen poorly when choosing of my own free will. Therefore have decided to allow God to guide the right one to me. I guess my self worth has increased enough to know the one will come to me as a gentleman would? And, if I'm not worth him stepping forward and instead have to chase him, then what does that say about how he values me? My heart says I'm doing the right thing. Wait. He'll come. ;) Thank you though, for the opportunity to know my own heart. Back to my quiet mode.
Interesting songs by the way.
I like Pink...I saw her on a documentary, which was interesting. I like the live show vid where she spins around...wild. I never heard of the Tenors but they were great and I always liked Phil Collins. I like posting songs and listening to what others like. Love is a four letter word, which basically broke the bank for me. lol Oh well, life goes on.
Edit...and Ishi, I think you are on the right track. Take things as they come and don't let anything get you down. Always move forward.
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Senior Member
Ok one more then I getting back to work stuff :cool: But I shall return to your Paranormalis Lands Thread TN :D
My favourite kind of song..Great lead guitar work with some luscious chords to create musical feelings...
Anyway Night, the start of the video showing the 2 girls wearing short pleated skirts and long white socks took be back to my schooldays, when i was a young impressionable boy wondering what to do with all the girls wearing those and dancing in front of me :eek:..
I sure learnt after i left school lol ;):D



Romantic love is a fairy tale. I think that relationships that last are based on tolerance only. Love has been romanticized, sensationalized, and commercialized to be something it really isn't. The only true, pure love is something one feels for a child or an animal. We are best finding happiness within ourselves. Much easier said than done. I know. But relying on someone else for our own happiness leads to disappointment and sadness. Focus on your kids. If you were meant to meet someone, it will happen on its own. If not, you were meant for other things in life.
