Memory discrepancies after traumatic events. crossing over to another time line?


New Member
So here is my question. A few years ago I died. was dead for about 20 minutes as far as I can tell. When I was released from the hospital, there were so many things that were different in my world, seeing shadow people in my peripheral vision, people i didnt know who claimed to know me for years. people I did know who claim never met me. things just seeming that it was a degree off from normal. etc. could I have experienced a shift to a new time line because of the death experience? I have had other trauma that I recall as impossible that I survived situations from child hood on. and everytime that I can recall things are so inexplicably different for awhile then everything become "normal" again. Ive read somany things looking for answers but seems Ive gotten closer with postings from here than anywhere else. I dont really care about the time travel thing, though its interesting, but the multiple line theories Ive read seem to really apply to my experience.
What were the circumstances around what you perceived should have been your death?

What were the circumstances around what you perceived should have been your death?
there has been several, Im near 50 and can only remember parts of the earlier ones. the first that i can remember I was born in a small sparcly populated area of north Florida and we had just moved into a new home, and had lived there about a year was a friend and myself 3-4 years old playing in woods, he had stolen a cigar and matches and we tried to smoke it but it was nasty so he threw it into some palmettos and a wildfie breaks out. Idont recall anything but seeing flames. Then we moved and shortly after to a house owned by a relative. It was an old home but in good repair typical of the period for a farm house. same small town. I was in school 2 o 3rd grade I was headed to cross the road to wait for the bus and a car came from out of nowhere and i knew it hit me, but it apparently didnt. i can recall a horn, looking and seeing the right front corner of what I think was a farlane inches from me. I thougth I jumped backwards but I couldnt have. I dont recall much after that one we still lived at the same house but it suddenly was a dilapidated old farm house (and is still there today almost collapsed). we went through a time of almost going hungry (dad worked mom was disabled from a childhood disease)had it not been for the generosity of neighbors. Laterr maybe 9 or 10 I was in a car mom left us in the car at the grocery store. dad had bought a .22 cal revolver and had left it in the car. I along with my 2 brothers were messing with it and I ended up firign the gun toward my lap. I dont recall anything after that changing much...the peopel in the care next to us was watching but no one told mom....that was odd...I was with some friends just before graduation from high school at a lake and we thought we could swim across the lake, it was about a mile wide at that point, we made it to within 20 feet of shore and there was no bottom that I could find and my muscles seized the guys though I was playing. I went down several times before ending up on the shore....In the army I was pulled off a helicopter that I was supposed to fly to garrison from a field excersise to get parts for a vehicle and return. The helicopter crashed and the person who took my place died. Then most recent, I had a sudden cardiac death, was gone about 20 minuts though it seemed like it could have been years I was home alone with my 2 year old at the time. i was sent back...Those are the "high spots" so to speak. Every time something traumatic happendd there was a marked change in something. the earlier things have been amplified inmy mind since the heart attack as the differences were definitely noticeable. there are some personal things i wont put out there and some things that i dont mind telling. There have been several times like I said, some things were just weird or so startling that it seemed to cause some things to shift. there was one more instance where i was robbed as a pizza driver after I got out of army. there were 5 guys and one pointed a gun in the driver window and shot as i was backing away shattering the windshield.. I wasnt hit, but was terrified for a while things changed abruptly after that as well. those are some. You could say some were just life happening but others just plain strange. the last one has had the greates impact on me. I

It appears you are not being permitted to die. I've experienced several circumstances throughout my life that with the same result. Even a suicide attempt that I was lured away from by what turned out to be paranormal events.

I've likened my life to that of just an avatar. Who is the avatar master? Are we all just avatars that exist for the sole purpose of entertainment for some superior intelligence?
It appears you are not being permitted to die. I've experienced several circumstances throughout my life that with the same result. Even a suicide attempt that I was lured away from by what turned out to be paranormal events.

I've likened my life to that of just an avatar. Who is the avatar master? Are we all just avatars that exist for the sole purpose of entertainment for some superior intelligence?
I have often wondered if I really did die and was moved to another time line to finish my journey. I know in the last case I was dead, as i had full knowlege and was aware that time was no longer static. what I mean by that it seemed as if it were an eternity and yet it a could have been just a moment. the explanations of the multiple timelines theory really seems to fit it. except in when I was dead. I wonder sometimes if I stumbled upon a portal of some type. It sounds cliche but i got dizzy and was enveloped by a intense white light then darkness..then I came back to my body . i know the time period as I had put my then almost 3 year old daugher at the table to eat lunch bob the builder was coming on in about 8 minutes....(that was my life then) and I went outside, to the garden and I called 911 35 minutes later...having had the experience and made the 45 feet walk back from the garden to the house. my daughter also tried wake me and was terrified as she could not. she hid herself in her closet for months until we asked why. She told her mom, " daddy was asleep in the garden and he wouldnt wake up." When I called her to bring me a phone she was so excited that I was could see she was shaken. You might be right though with the numerous events that have happened....Idont know what im not getting right here....
There is also the possibility that we all exist in a prison. One that we can not break out of even in death.

Here is an interesting story with a completely different take on all this. In a nutshell we are all gods. And we created the universe as our playground. But listen to this, it is well worth the time it takes:

Been so close as you have been, have you seen the movie of your life in replay?
no I havent had that. Thats whats weird. It seems that as soon as i looked up at the light that was so intense I was in darkness. I had knowlege but seen nothing, heard no audible noise. i had understanding that there was no time where ever I was, that everything Ihad been told was true and that I was not upset about where I was. I had no concern about what had happened.

as for the prison analogy I saw that in anothe thread and it sure meets the definition doesnt it.
I dont think anyone will sit and watch a 4+ hour video.

Break up the interview into segments of 15 minutes listening time as an example, and then go back to it later and repeat the process until you have heard the full 4:26:55....I dont think Einstein expected all of us to listen through the whole interview for that length of time ;):D..
