Methods for Physical Time Travel


Senior Member
What's going through my mind is that somebody who lost a child, concerning the gun man that had Bell's home pinned down for a while, might have found out about his involvements. This is if he was mixed up in it. This could also be misinformation to discredit any affiliation with that past project.

Bell was an opportunist and also in possession of a considerable I.Q. The entire Montauk Project to me sounds as if to be a queer deal. Yeah I remember Swerdlow's name, but there may have been a few medics, because all they took were vitals and the general condition of the children. There were a lot of them.

I know that this sounds like a weird thing to say, but maybe they were afraid of Bell after his death? Bell had military knowledge, I know that by his diagnostics on the YF-23 which is on record. Maybe this was his early days when he needed the money.

The idea of taking the contract, was not the morality of what they were doing or trying to collect from the kids, but to stay in line with this as a military project. So possibly maybe in some way he could have been involved.

Many of these kids were deposited into far off times and or other locations. This was by Project Rainbow, of what they say was a time-tunnel like device, which was branched off from the Montauk linear accelerator chair. This entire operation was about to see how the US would do in the future, or what was in store there.

But Bell by nature, would have taken the contract, both for the money and because he was tremendously capable and learned quickly. Thanks for your touch back on this issue.

You will learn a lot more by reading for yourself, the books that form the whole of the Montauk Project, as related by Preston Nichols and others...Reading other peoples "thoughts" on the topic inevitably leads to misinformation..


Senior Member
Lets see sometimes, it never goes ahead. Im yet to find it on the kghost radio station for previous.
Art Bell's house was pinned down by a sniper. This is public news. Maybe he was in with intel organizations that both turned on him and discredited him. That would give them a motive him reported by someone as being a medic for that program, for the excuse of shooting up his home. Here's the link for the Montauk information and for Bell's house under duress. No, actually I'm glad I had brought this up.

There isn't an extreme exact this this kind of reporting, so what do you want? And this is the only thing I can't find after a lot of articles printed on his house being shot at. Hmmgm, that's funny don't you think that there should have been more articles in print, rather than just a lame j-peg? Oh' I'm sorry has Toto pulled back the curtain showing the man working the controls for the great and powerful Oz? Again, I'm sorry how stupid of me, all of a sudden I'm in error.10001


Senior Member
well remember they would look into the future to see who's a future threat with disclosure.
since he mainstreamed all these paranormal stories, had whistleblowers on air, he was an obvious threat.
so they likely picked him up at some point, mind programmed him and put him in the project.
makes perfect sense to me.

since they could time travel easily they could've picked him when he was old or young.
my guess he had absolutely no recollection at all if he was.

there are spiritual rules the cabal needs to follow as outlined in the channeled information in the law of one.
if someone is of noble character they can't just be killed. If attempts are made random circumstance conspires to protect them.
this is why they try to get you take a bribe or seduce ya with a seductive gov agent if you're married. Once you ethically compromise yourself then assassination attempts work.

law of one is required reading in the secret space programs

so only thing the cabal can do is mind program people.
that's why they don't kill every whistleblower right away. They CAN'T

also why they make everyone who enters the cabal/deep state to do something really horrible to someone else.
not only gives them blackmail leverage but also puts them under their spiritual dominion. So if they need to be assassinated in at some future point if they decide to start doing good and talking to the public they can be.

this is also the reason why the reptilians don't do a hard takeover.
they need to ethically compromise the entire world's population.


Senior Member
You will learn a lot more by reading for yourself, the books that form the whole of the Montauk Project, as related by Preston Nichols and others...Reading other peoples "thoughts" on the topic inevitably leads to misinformation..
I'm actually maxed out on Montauk. What isn't well known however, is that there was a broadcast ray that went into the general publics mind, in about a 700 to one thousand mile radius surrounding the Montauk base. Remember, they were dealing with psy frequencies, so actually the doings at Camp Hero were about as covert as a public sports event.

This is laughable, as over a quarter of a million people already knew.*You want links, look up the varied animal parade in Peter Moon's book on the Montauk Experiment. If you were psychic then, you more than likely received a load full of info on the Montauk doings, whether you liked it or not.

The animal parade was a testing of a broadcast psy mind control beam emitted from the main reflector dish leftover from the bases old days as a radar picket base. There were deer, bear, bobcats, skunks you name the wood critter they were there. All paired two by two, in a parade walking down main street to people's amazement.
They did such horrible things there, but on the reverse side of the coin, was pure comedy. Top secret by megaphone broadcast. Thanks

They have an illustration of this animal parade in one of these books, it's worth looking at. The poor town residents had no idea what these animals were doing, or what factors were responsible for this.


Senior Member
I'm actually maxed out on Montauk. What isn't well known however, is that there was a broadcast ray that went into the general publics mind, in about a 700 to one thousand mile radius surrounding the Montauk base. Remember, they were dealing with psy frequencies, so actually the doings at Camp Hero were about as covert as a public sports event.

This is laughable, as over a quarter of a million people already knew.*You want links, look up the varied animal parade in Peter Moon's book on the Montauk Experiment. If you were psychic then, you more than likely received a load full of info on the Montauk doings, whether you liked it or not.

The animal parade was a testing of a broadcast psy mind control beam emitted from the main reflector dish leftover from the bases old days as a radar picket base. There were deer, bear, bobcats, skunks you name the wood critter they were there. All paired two by two, in a parade walking down main street to people's amazement.
They did such horrible things there, but on the reverse side of the coin, was pure comedy. Top secret by megaphone broadcast. Thanks

They have an illustration of this animal parade in one of these books, it's worth looking at. The poor town residents had no idea what these animals were doing, or what factors were responsible for this.

Of course iam aware of the Sage Radar system that was transmitting "mood control frequencies" through the town of Montauk, and the animal parade stampede...Scientists there were also conducting weather control scenarios that were originally created by Wilhelm Reich back in the 1940s under the code name of the Phoenix Project..

If you ever get the chance to read the first book in the Montauk collection, Montauk Project Experiments In Time, go to Chapter 3, a visit to Montauk, where you will find the illustration of the animal parade stampede on the back of page 23...Also on page 23 is a photo of the Sage Radar Reflector...Iam certain you will enjoy reading the whole book, and if you need any help with it give me a call :)..


Senior Member
Of course iam aware of the Sage Radar system that was transmitting "mood control frequencies" through the town of Montauk, and the animal parade stampede...Scientists there were also conducting weather control scenarios that were originally created by Wilhelm Reich back in the 1940s under the code name of the Phoenix Project..

If you ever get the chance to read the first book in the Montauk collection, Montauk Project Experiments In Time, go to Chapter 3, a visit to Montauk, where you will find the illustration of the animal parade stampede on the back of page 23...Also on page 23 is a photo of the Sage Radar Reflector...Iam certain you will enjoy reading the whole book, and if you need any help with it give me a call :)..
Yeah, got it first time, but thanks for the adviso on the pos re-do. Believe me, I know more about the Montauk Project than I ever want to know again.
