Mexican Government Releases Alien Mummy Footage


This guy is well known to have produced in the course of the years, clamorous fakes, once, he declared he had found a body of an alien , later it was shown that the body was the body of an indian child. He had to ask for apoplogies to the indian americna community


Senior Member
You have to wonder where all this is coming from. Why now, all the sudden, are we getting disclosure after disclosure? I'd even call it rapid-fire.

Who gave that interview years ago, outlining the things to come? They said something like first it would be terrorism, then climate change, then illegal aliens, then pandemics, then finally it would be alien invasion. I can't remember fully so take that for what it is (a blurry memory), but Google's not going to let me find it so hopefully someone here knows what I'm referring to.


Senior Member
Ah, I remember now! The sequence of events is attributed to Dr. Werner Von Braun, former Nazi rocket scientist who later became a pivotal figure in the U.S. space program. These claims comes from Dr. Carol Rosin, aerospace executive and a former spokesperson for Von Braun in the 1970s.

Rosin recounted in various interviews that Von Braun warned her about a series of "false flag" threats that would be used to push the militarization of space/NWO:

Third-world country “crazies”
Extraterrestrial threat

Those seem pretty close to how things have gone since then. Especially given that plan specifics might change over time, but not the overall narrative.


You have to wonder where all this is coming from. Why now, all the sudden, are we getting disclosure after disclosure? I'd even call it rapid-fire.

Who gave that interview years ago, outlining the things to come? They said something like first it would be terrorism, then climate change, then illegal aliens, then pandemics, then finally it would be alien invasion. I can't remember fully so take that for what it is (a blurry memory), but Google's not going to let me find it so hopefully someone here knows what I'm referring to.
"Somebody" said that an impending alien invasion, would justify an increase in the defence expenditure and thus boosting economy , in the case you are wondering who is this "somebody", think about the M$


"Somebody" said that an impending alien invasion, would justify an increase in the defence expenditure and thus boosting economy , in the case you are wondering who is this "somebody", think about the M$

Current U.S. government will not spend money on the military. They would use the money for something else.


Active Member
Who gave that interview years ago, outlining the things to come? They said something like first it would be terrorism, then climate change, then illegal aliens, then pandemics, then finally it would be alien invasion. I can't remember fully so take that for what it is (a blurry memory), but Google's not going to let me find it so hopefully someone here knows what I'm referring to.
"Report From Iron Mountain" was created in the mid 1960's. It was one of those things that shouldn't have been openly published.

I've heard arguments for both aliens existing and not. Same for the coming alien invasion and not. I tend to lean more towards aliens existing and not all of them being friendly.

Current U.S. government will not spend money on the military. They would use the money for something else.
While a lot of that money has been funneled into useless stupidities and wasted, some has been funneled into black projects and "lost". Many Democrats claim they're anti-war, but behind the scenes they like to keep things going "1984" style. The LWO elites make a lot of behind the scenes profits from all this crap, and an unending alien invasion fits the bill nicely for them. It doesn't matter if real aliens exist or not, it's the constant threat of what "might" be.


Active Member
"Report From Iron Mountain" was created in the mid 1960's. It was one of those things that shouldn't have been openly published.

I've heard arguments for both aliens existing and not. Same for the coming alien invasion and not. I tend to lean more towards aliens existing and not all of them being friendly.

While a lot of that money has been funneled into useless stupidities and wasted, some has been funneled into black projects and "lost". Many Democrats claim they're anti-war, but behind the scenes they like to keep things going "1984" style. The LWO elites make a lot of behind the scenes profits from all this crap, and an unending alien invasion fits the bill nicely for them. It doesn't matter if real aliens exist or not, it's the constant threat of what "might" be.
I just wonder something why not tell the whole truth about supernatural world instead of alien disclose


Senior Member
Dana Scully: They're little clay figurines, Mulder. You could find them at any antique store.

Mulder: I dunno Scully, maybe you should try examining one.

Scully: No, Mulder. Wait---did that one just move?
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