Mexican Government Releases Alien Mummy Footage


Junior Member
The "journalist" who's behind this has presented hoaxes before. In fact, this is not his first "mummified alien" hoax - he's done it twice before! Once in 2017 and once in 2015. And before that, he participated in some cryptid hoaxes. Jaime Maussan - Wikipedia

Sure, his last four finds were hoaxes, but this one is legitimate! lol

He also lied about what the National University of Mexico said. He claimed they supported his claim of extraterrestrial origin, but they came out and stated that they said no such thing.


Senior Member
The metal thing across the chest is odd. Plus, it looked like an MRI machine.

The UFO enthusiast and investigator in question also seems too serious to be involved in a massive
hoax like aliens made of cake. He testified under oath. He's risking possibly going to prison
by doing shenanigans on that large of a scale? If I were involved in a hoax that absurd
I would probably break down and start laughing in the middle of the congressional hearing.
The fact he doesn't says to me either he truly believes pieces of cake are extraterrestrial
life (Cake obviously didn't evolve the same way we did lol) OR....maybe the real bodies
were switched for cake by the UFO conspirators.
