Mike Ruppert speaks of civil war!

Mike Ruppert speaks of civil war!

Knowing what they know? I doubt that most of them would forgo being paid for something they do best.

As for a civil war? I don't think so. It's very much like a chess game that has been played for years by the best, neither side want's to dump the board, there is just way too much to loose. Who in their right mind would want to start over with half or less of what you had at the beginning?

Trading queens in the beginning is one thing, trading all your knights, bishops and castles AFTER you lost your queen makes no sense.

Just as Toshiro Mifune said in Tora Tora Tora about waking a giant and filling him with a deep resolve, even headless this giant would be cause for great hesitation.
Albeit the folks in this country may be slow, some one better make damn sure that they have covered all the bases and the cooler. If they have screwed up even the slightest, their downfall is most assured. It's very hard to move a 20 ton boulder at the top of a mountain, when it starts to move it's very like slow motion, but just try to stop that boulder 15 feet from where it started to roll.

May God have mercy on your soul if you take part in maiming our country in any way, fashion, shape or form. Be that from the inside or the outside. I certainly will not pity you.
Mike Ruppert speaks of civil war!

Originally posted by Paul J. Lyon@Nov 16 2004, 06:25 PM
It's probably best to think of the White House as the whole government at this point; the other branches will soon be its surrogate toadies....this strange centralization of power is occurring just now... it is an emergency posture.? The government seems to be gearing up for some big steps.

The alphabets are being put under the direct control of the White House, and some of them do not like it at all.

We have in the past depended upon the balance of powers in Washington to expose any single branch or faction who was going for the big power grab. Now, suddenly, we see that we can no longer depend upon this institutionalized tension and balance.

The rats have cover.
Mike Ruppert speaks of civil war!

Maybe a draft would kickstart it?


Government looking at military draft lists
The Monitor

McALLEN, November 15, 2004 ? It?s taken one year, seven months and 19 days of combat in Iraq for the Lone Star State to lose 100 of its own.

Texas is the second state, after California, to lose 100 service members, according to The Associated Press.

With continuing war in Iraq and U.S. armed forces dispersed to so many other locations around the globe, Americans may be wondering if compulsory military service could begin again for the first time since the Vietnam War era.

The Selective Service System (SSS) and the U.S. Department of Education now are gearing up to compare their computer records, to make sure all men between the ages of 18 and 25 who are required to register for a military draft have done so.

The SSS and the education department will begin comparing their lists on Jan. 1, 2005, according to a memo authored by Jack Martin, acting Selective Service director.

While similar record checks have been done periodically for the past 10 years, Martin?s memo is dated Oct. 28, just a few days before the Nov. 2 presidential election, a hard-fought campaign in which the question of whether the nation might need to reinstate a military draft was raised in debates and on the stump.

It took several more days, until Nov. 4, for the document to reach the Federal Register, the official daily publication for rules and notices of federal agencies and organizations.

The memo was also produced after the U.S. House voted 402-2 on Oct. 5, against House Resolution 163, a bill that would have required all young people, including women, to serve two years of military service.

Under federal law, a military draft cannot be started without congressional support.

About 94 percent of all men are properly registered for a draft, according to Richard Flahavan, associate director of the office of public and intergovernmental affairs for SSS.

Martin?s memo is just a routine thing, Flahavan said.

?Back in 1982 a federal law was passed that basically linked federal grants, student loans and federal assistance to students with Selective Service,? Flahavan said. ?You had to register with Selective Service with a Social Security number (in order to receive federal assistance), and as a consequence of the law the Department of Education came up with an agreement on how to exchange and compare data to comply with the law.

?It just so happens that the current agreement in effect expires next month,? Flahavan said. ?All we did is update the agreement slightly, but it has no substantive changes. There is nothing new or shocking to link this to some type of draft right around the corner because its all been in place for almost 18 years.?

Flahavan said the written agreements between SSS and the Department of Education normally run for about four or five years and suggested that a reporter search the 1999 or 2000 records of the Federal Register for the most agreement.

A search of the Federal Register by The Monitor found four such agreements between the two agencies, with effective dates as follows: Jan. 1, 1995; July 1, 1997; Jan. 1, 2000; and July 1, 2002.

All four agreements lasted for 18 months, during which time the SSS and the Department of Education could complete their comparisons.

The most recent agreement, which began July 1, 2002, actually expired Jan. 1, 2004, according to federal records located by The Monitor.

?This has nothing to with current events,? Flahavan said. ?This is just the periodic renewal of previous agreements ? this one is 18 months but normally it runs four years and that?s why we?re doing it now. I?m not quite sure why it?s 18 months versus the normal number of years.?

Flahavan said the agency was required to place the agreement in the Federal Register.

?That?s fine and we did,? Flahavan said. ?We believe the public wouldn?t stand for a draft that isn?t fair and equitable.

?And the only way to be fair and equitable is if everyone who should register is registered, because that?s the pool from which the people who would be drafted would be selected from. So you want everyone who should be in the pot in the pot,? Flahavan said.

U.S. Rep. Lloyd Doggett, D-Austin, who officially begins representing western Hidalgo County residents in January, said Congress has voted on record against a draft.

?It was a near unanimous vote in the House,? Doggett said. ?When things are filed in the Federal Register, there will be standards, and they are a reminder that if we cannot get more international participation that the risk of a draft remains out there.

?And I think we do need people to remain watchful of this possibility.?

Doggett said one type of ?draft? was already being used by the military.

?I?m concerned that a very real form of the draft is there now for those already in the service,? Doggett said. ?People are being forced to stay in beyond their commitment, and that?s an indication of being overextended.

?I want us to pursue policies that don?t overextend us and involve more international participation, so that Americans don?t have to do all the dying and endure all the pain for these international activities,? Doggett said.

Flahavan said the computer records check would help Selective Service with its compliance rates.

?From 1999 to 2000, it was dropping about a percent a year,? Flahavan said. ?It?s now inching back up about a percent a year. Last year it was 93 percent.

?At the end of 2004 we anticipate about a 94 percent compliance rate,? Flahavan said. ?We?re pleased we?ve got it back on the rise and that?s where we want to keep it ? that?s our goal.?
Mike Ruppert speaks of civil war!

Bush will have no trouble with Congress. The idea in the Senate right now is that the highest duty of a Senator is to comply with the wishes of the president. Imagine. It has taken them this long, but now they feel free to proudly announce that the U.S. Senate will not be a check on the President of the U.S. All departments will soon no doubt begin to parrot the same sentiment as the Senate and the CIA Director: if Bush wants it, it better be done. You see that this makes one of the so-called balancing branches nothing more than an executive department.

Dark days, these.
Mike Ruppert speaks of civil war!

I found this interesting also...

Russia to acquire new nuclear weapon systems

Moscow, Russian Federation

17 November 2004 14:52

advertisementPresident Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday that Russia will in the coming years acquire new nuclear weapon systems that other nuclear powers do not yet have and are unlikely to develop in the near future.

"We have not only conducted tests of the latest nuclear rocket systems," Putin said in televised remarks to a meeting of generals representing the various branches of Russia's armed forces. "I am sure that in the coming years we will acquire them."

He added: "Moreover, these will be things which do not exist and are unlikely to exist in other nuclear powers."

Putin failed to specify what type of complex he was referring to, but Russia has been seeking to upgrade its nuclear arsenal after the United States announced plans in 2001 to develop a missile defense shield in abrogation of its 1972 ABM Treaty with Moscow.

Washington argues its shield will only be capable of defending the US from attacks from so-called "rogue states" and cannot stand up to Russia's massive, Soviet-era nuclear arsenal.
Mike Ruppert speaks of civil war!

Originally posted by icepick_lobotomy@Nov 17 2004, 05:27 PM
I found this interesting also...

Russia to acquire new nuclear weapon systems

Moscow, Russian Federation

17 November 2004 14:52

advertisementPresident Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday that Russia will in the coming years acquire new nuclear weapon systems that other nuclear powers do not yet have and are unlikely to develop in the near future.

\"We have not only conducted tests of the latest nuclear rocket systems,\" Putin said in televised remarks to a meeting of generals representing the various branches of Russia's armed forces. \"I am sure that in the coming years we will acquire them.\"

He added: \"Moreover, these will be things which do not exist and are unlikely to exist in other nuclear powers.\"

Putin failed to specify what type of complex he was referring to, but Russia has been seeking to upgrade its nuclear arsenal after the United States announced plans in 2001 to develop a missile defense shield in abrogation of its 1972 ABM Treaty with Moscow.

Washington argues its shield will only be capable of defending the US from attacks from so-called \"rogue states\" and cannot stand up to Russia's massive, Soviet-era nuclear arsenal.

Boys will be boys.
Mike Ruppert speaks of civil war!

If organized crime basicly ran my country and I was forced to pay my military men potatos because my govt. was too broke to pay them in cash, I would tell the rest of the world I was making new improved Nuclear Missles also.
Mike Ruppert speaks of civil war!

Putin and the Russkies are no one you want to underestimate. Napolean, Hitler and others have done it to their detriment.

Mike Ruppert speaks of civil war!

Originally posted by StarLord@Nov 17 2004, 06:42 PM
If organized crime basicly ran my country and I was forced to pay my military men potatos because my govt. was too broke to pay them in cash, I would tell the rest of the world I was making new improved Nuclear Missles also.

So what's stopping you?
Mike Ruppert speaks of civil war!

It certainly appears that Russia and China are now politically and militarily poised to strike at the U.S. and Western Europe (and Japan) in a kind of retro Cold War, and thus in a position to fulfill Titor's prophecies of the nuclear war. However, China has never withdrawn from its flat policy of entitlement to preemptive strike and its delusion that it can survive nuclear war; it was true decades before Titor, and might be changed only under commercial pressure.

Russia has always been... well, Russia. Our future boys, the historians, should be able to describe how you can never quite understand, and certainly can never trust, the big cold bear. If it thought it could win, and thought it was justified somehow, it would strike at anyone. In fact, we would probably never know exactly why it had done so. They used to say the same thing about China (that it was "inscrutable," etc.) and you now hear it about North Korea.

But the subject of the thread is the likelihood of an American civil war in the near future, not a nuclear war, and the two are absolutely distinct despite the tenuous connection of the Titor predictions. Even under Titor, the nuclear war is a separate topic. You certainly cannot make a nuclear war more likely by asserting your Constitutional rights (which are... quick, look!... disappearing as we speak).
