minuteman project and Waco type events thread

minuteman project and Waco type events thread

That's what worries me, move one pawn and you may see the whole board turn to kibbles and bits.

Here's to all the brave souls that gave their all on December 7th and hardly had a chance to play even one move. May Spirit Bless Them.
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

I thought this might be something to watch as a possible future waco-type event. Depends on how many show up and the media coverage it receives:


<span style=\'color:red\'>\\"YOU STOLE MY VOTE\\" 51 CAPITAL MARCH

at Noon Everywhere!

On December 12th 2004 at 12 noon, before the steps of your State Capitol and the Federal Capitol, join with us to protest the theft of our votes and our voting rights in the 2004 election.

As citizens, it is our duty to protect those basic rights that insure the survival of our democracy and constitution for present and future generations of Americans.

Egregious infringements of our voting rights occurred in the 2004 election: our voting systems were compromised and our votes violated. The line was crossed: we no longer trust our voting systems. As citizens, we must stand together and demand:

Of our fellow citizen state electors,
Do NOT cast your ballots for president and vice-president until state election officials provide a complete, fair, accurate and verified manual vote recount
Of our state elected representatives,
Direct state election officials to immediately undertake a full statewide supervised manual vote recount
Launch an immediate public investigation into all reported incidents of voter intimidation, misinformation, and other acts by state employees intended to dissuade, interfere with, or prevent voters from exercising their constitutionally guaranteed right to vote
Act to restore integrity to our voting systems by adopting state provisions of the Voter's Bill of Rights and eliminating unsecured vote tabulation PCs and software
Of our federal elected representatives,
Investigate vote fraud and vote count manipulation in the 2004 elections.
Enact legislation incorporating federal guarantees protecting our voting power and the integrity of our voting systems, and all federal provisions of the Voter?s Bill of Rights.
Join with us in a people's uprising, a citizen protest. Volunteer to help mobilize the citizens of your state to converge on your state capital in peaceful protest of our stolen rights.

On December 12th, go to your state or federal capitol and make your voice heard.

Make a sign and show up!

Kip Humphrey
The 51 Capital March
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Thanks for the article Sosue... It just amazes me how people on the political left just can't let things go; too many people have gotten their undies into a twist. The real issue, however, will only become an issue of concern if there is a deluge on either capital building. So, we will have to wait until the 13th to know if there is anything to worry about over this.

I'll make sure to keep my eyes out in the news.
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Originally posted by pauli@Dec 10 2004, 04:17 AM
Thanks for the article Sosue... ?It just amazes me how people on the political left just can't let things go; too many people have gotten their undies into a twist. The real issue, however, will only become an issue of concern if there is a deluge on either capital building. So, we will have to wait until the 13th to know if there is anything to worry about over this.

I'll make sure to keep my eyes out in the news.

Well, unintentional, it ain't just people on the left. If the election was rigged ahead of time, would you care? There are many Republicans who have become disillusioned with the current administration too. I'm conservative, even voted for W in 2000. Too much evidence is floating around that the election was rigged in advance. Too many lies, frauds and deceptions have been perpetrated by the current administration. Yet, complacency still rules with the majority. Is anyone going to care? Maybe one day when we wake to what is obviously going on to me. One day we'll wake up and and it will be evident to most that we don't live in "America" anymore. This isn't about Kerry getting screwed. The American public got screwed, and nobody seems to give a rat's ass. Just my thoughts.

minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Ok, we got screwed. I am sure many people care about this. What do you suggest be done about it?
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Originally posted by StarLord@Dec 10 2004, 01:48 PM
Ok, we got screwed. I am sure many people care about this. What do you suggest be done about it?

In the real world, beats the hell outta me. The PTB ain't gonna go quietly without a major upheavel, that forces them out.

In a fantasy world have new elections with no "traditinal" Democrats or Republicans allowed to run. Also no corporate or PAC campaign contributions. Also have enough voting machines (no e-voting machines) so people can vote in a timely manner. Finally, have a strict Constitutional lawyer review all federal laws for elimination due to un-Constitutionality. Anything looks suspect, it's gone. Yes, major havoc would ensue, but we're in need of a good flush to clean out the cowpiles that has become our federal govt. I know, keep dreaming.

minuteman project and Waco type events thread

When Richard Nixon and Billy Graham agreed that Jews were too powerful, and the conversation was recorded in the White House, it was close to the end of our way of life.

When Gerald Ford pardoned Nixon for anything he might have done illegally, it was closer still.

When Ronald Reagan allowed Oliver North and the others to secretly dismantle the trust between the American people and their government in times of emergency, it was getting closer.

When Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter let themselves be distracted and bewildered by the syndicates running world trade, it was very close.

When George W. Bush and Karl Rove were willing to wreck the Constitution for the sake of winning two elections, it was too close for comfort.

Close but no cigar.
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

When Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter let themselves be distracted and bewildered by the syndicates running world trade, it was very close.

I don't know about Carter, but I think you could replace that with "was a willing stooge for and part of" in Clinton's case.

As to Oliver North, You have him among others to thank for the fact that there is not a soviet backed communist regime sitting on our southern border.
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Originally posted by Darkwolf@Dec 10 2004, 08:23 PM

I don't know about Carter, but I think you could replace that with \"was a willing stooge for and part of\" in Clinton's case.

As to Oliver North, You have him among others to thank for the fact that there is not a soviet backed communist regime sitting on our southern border.

You mean that if it weren't for that polecat North, we could have a DMZ along the border instead of a sieve that is rapidly turning into an open floodgate for immigrants! Dash it all! :D
