Mirrors----can someone explain the interdimensional travel theories around them?


Senior Member
I hate Mirrors, i actually only own one and it is in my bathroom and it is tiny, when i was young i remember my mom had a full length mirror and i would lay in her room and see swirls of black mist and figures moving around in it, hated them ever since.


I hate Mirrors, i actually only own one and it is in my bathroom and it is tiny, when i was young i remember my mom had a full length mirror and i would lay in her room and see swirls of black mist and figures moving around in it, hated them ever since.

There was one time that sticks out in my memory where I asked (a) child where she had seen
(them) coming from....She took me into a room with a large mirror and pointed at the mirror.

This was an actual, true haunting that I helped with so, I have to be vague with the description.
The (spirit) went into and from the mirror.

This is from a real life situation that is held within confidentiality, as are most.
So, I cannot say much if anything about ALL I have seen.

I sometimes prefer to have people not believe than believe....Does that even makes sense?


Senior Member

There was one time that sticks out in my memory where I asked (a) child where she had seen
(them) coming from....She took me into a room with a large mirror and pointed at the mirror.

This was an actual, true haunting that I helped with so, I have to be vague with the description.
The (spirit) went into and from the mirror.

This is from a real life situation that is held within confidentiality, as are most.
So, I cannot say much if anything about ALL I have seen.

I sometimes prefer to have people not believe than believe....Does that even makes sense?

Yes, it does make sense. I hold back a lot of strange things I went through in regards
to the paranormal because a lot of it would sound not just evil and terrifying but ludicrous
so I only reveal some of it. I have the feeling that people I have spoken to as well as
people in my immediate family do the same thing just instinctively, feeling it's smarter.


Senior Member

There was one time that sticks out in my memory where I asked (a) child where she had seen
(them) coming from....She took me into a room with a large mirror and pointed at the mirror.

This was an actual, true haunting that I helped with so, I have to be vague with the description.
The (spirit) went into and from the mirror.

This is from a real life situation that is held within confidentiality, as are most.
So, I cannot say much if anything about ALL I have seen.

I sometimes prefer to have people not believe than believe....Does that even makes sense?

There is a quote from a song i always like "You would cry you would scream if you knew half the things i seen"

I tend to get asked "how do you know that" a lot in conversations and having to play stupid or just respond with "i just do"
It is easier than trying to explain how i know some of the things i do lol
Half the reason i don't argue anymore with people who don't believe in ET's, i rather not have them believe than be woken up in the middle of the night to 2 grey's.

So i get it man i get it lol


There is a quote from a song i always like "You would cry you would scream if you knew half the things i seen"

I tend to get asked "how do you know that" a lot in conversations and having to play stupid or just respond with "i just do"
It is easier than trying to explain how i know some of the things i do lol
Half the reason i don't argue anymore with people who don't believe in ET's, i rather not have them believe than be woken up in the middle of the night to 2 grey's.

So i get it man i get it lol


