

Junior Member
Note: I am not a doctor.

Misanthropy, defined by Merriam-Webster, is the hatred or mistrust of people, or basically, all of mankind. I think we run into a lot of people like this, especially online. There is always that one person who hates everybody they meet. They will find an excuse to be mad at them and hate them. They never forgive, can never take a joke, etc. There are many causes of this disorder and, fortunately, there are treatments available for those who suffer from it.

Some of the symptoms of Misanthropy, besides the basic hatred of others, mimic symptoms of anxiety or panic attacks. These include, feelings of panic, terror and dread, trembling, rapid heart beat, and avoidance. Avoiding people, not talking to other people, blocking conversations online, not looking at others, and hiding out indoors are a few examples of this avoidance.

How on Earth does someone acquire such a disorder? It is actually itself a symptom of a larger issue such as:

Adult ADHD
Alzheimer Disease
Concentration Disorders
Bipolar Disorder

Fortunately, treatments are available. Again, I am not a doctor, so don't sue me for writing this article and please, PLEASE, see a doctor for ANY condition or symptom that you have. Research yourself and see a professional. That being said, the apparent treatments include behavior therapy and anti-anxiety medication.

In retrospect, please keep in mind that there is hope out there, even for those who dislike most human beings.

Misanthropy Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatments and Causes - RightDiagnosis.com
Meriam-Webster dictionary

Why must Americans create illness and take so much medicine? If you get more fresh air and less lazing you will feel better without a pill!


where the wild things are
Note: I am not a doctor.

Misanthropy, defined by Merriam-Webster, is the hatred or mistrust of people, or basically, all of mankind. I think we run into a lot of people like this, especially online. There is always that one person who hates everybody they meet. They will find an excuse to be mad at them and hate them. They never forgive, can never take a joke, etc. There are many causes of this disorder and, fortunately, there are treatments available for those who suffer from it.

Some of the symptoms of Misanthropy, besides the basic hatred of others, mimic symptoms of anxiety or panic attacks. These include, feelings of panic, terror and dread, trembling, rapid heart beat, and avoidance. Avoiding people, not talking to other people, blocking conversations online, not looking at others, and hiding out indoors are a few examples of this avoidance.

How on Earth does someone acquire such a disorder? It is actually itself a symptom of a larger issue such as:

Adult ADHD
Alzheimer Disease
Concentration Disorders
Bipolar Disorder

Fortunately, treatments are available. Again, I am not a doctor, so don't sue me for writing this article and please, PLEASE, see a doctor for ANY condition or symptom that you have. Research yourself and see a professional. That being said, the apparent treatments include behavior therapy and anti-anxiety medication.

In retrospect, please keep in mind that there is hope out there, even for those who dislike most human beings.

Misanthropy Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatments and Causes - RightDiagnosis.com
Meriam-Webster dictionary

Why must Americans create illness and take so much medicine? If you get more fresh air and less lazing you will feel better without a pill!

Mind control. The government wants us to be lazy, so it can continue to control us. Chip away at our freedoms, while we're being controlled with mind altering drugs.

Night Vision

Senior Member
Note: I am not a doctor.

Misanthropy, defined by Merriam-Webster, is the hatred or mistrust of people, or basically, all of mankind. I think we run into a lot of people like this, especially online. There is always that one person who hates everybody they meet. They will find an excuse to be mad at them and hate them. They never forgive, can never take a joke, etc. There are many causes of this disorder and, fortunately, there are treatments available for those who suffer from it.

Some of the symptoms of Misanthropy, besides the basic hatred of others, mimic symptoms of anxiety or panic attacks. These include, feelings of panic, terror and dread, trembling, rapid heart beat, and avoidance. Avoiding people, not talking to other people, blocking conversations online, not looking at others, and hiding out indoors are a few examples of this avoidance.

How on Earth does someone acquire such a disorder? It is actually itself a symptom of a larger issue such as:

Adult ADHD
Alzheimer Disease
Concentration Disorders
Bipolar Disorder

Fortunately, treatments are available. Again, I am not a doctor, so don't sue me for writing this article and please, PLEASE, see a doctor for ANY condition or symptom that you have. Research yourself and see a professional. That being said, the apparent treatments include behavior therapy and anti-anxiety medication.

In retrospect, please keep in mind that there is hope out there, even for those who dislike most human beings.

Misanthropy Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatments and Causes - RightDiagnosis.com
Meriam-Webster dictionary
:D I am a Misanthrope PaulaJedi :cool: Have been most my life as far back as I can remember. First time I have seen your post regarding Misanthropy :) I did a post about Misanthropy when I first stumbled on this awesome site. Here is some good reading material describing being a Misanthrope :eek: "I Am a Misanthrope"
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Note: I am not a doctor.

Misanthropy, defined by Merriam-Webster, is the hatred or mistrust of people, or basically, all of mankind. I think we run into a lot of people like this, especially online. There is always that one person who hates everybody they meet. They will find an excuse to be mad at them and hate them. They never forgive, can never take a joke, etc. There are many causes of this disorder and, fortunately, there are treatments available for those who suffer from it.

Some of the symptoms of Misanthropy, besides the basic hatred of others, mimic symptoms of anxiety or panic attacks. These include, feelings of panic, terror and dread, trembling, rapid heart beat, and avoidance. Avoiding people, not talking to other people, blocking conversations online, not looking at others, and hiding out indoors are a few examples of this avoidance.

How on Earth does someone acquire such a disorder? It is actually itself a symptom of a larger issue such as:

Adult ADHD
Alzheimer Disease
Concentration Disorders
Bipolar Disorder

Fortunately, treatments are available. Again, I am not a doctor, so don't sue me for writing this article and please, PLEASE, see a doctor for ANY condition or symptom that you have. Research yourself and see a professional. That being said, the apparent treatments include behavior therapy and anti-anxiety medication.

In retrospect, please keep in mind that there is hope out there, even for those who dislike most human beings.

Misanthropy Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatments and Causes - RightDiagnosis.com
Meriam-Webster dictionary
:D I am a Misanthrope PaulaJedi :cool: Have been most my life as far back as I can remember. First time I have seen your post regarding Misanthropy :) I did a post about Misanthropy when I first stumbled on this awesome site. Here is some good reading material describing being a Misanthrope :eek: "I Am a Misanthrope"

You certainly don't seem like it here, but I'm sorry to hear it.

Night Vision

Senior Member
Note: I am not a doctor.

Misanthropy, defined by Merriam-Webster, is the hatred or mistrust of people, or basically, all of mankind. I think we run into a lot of people like this, especially online. There is always that one person who hates everybody they meet. They will find an excuse to be mad at them and hate them. They never forgive, can never take a joke, etc. There are many causes of this disorder and, fortunately, there are treatments available for those who suffer from it.

Some of the symptoms of Misanthropy, besides the basic hatred of others, mimic symptoms of anxiety or panic attacks. These include, feelings of panic, terror and dread, trembling, rapid heart beat, and avoidance. Avoiding people, not talking to other people, blocking conversations online, not looking at others, and hiding out indoors are a few examples of this avoidance.

How on Earth does someone acquire such a disorder? It is actually itself a symptom of a larger issue such as:

Adult ADHD
Alzheimer Disease
Concentration Disorders
Bipolar Disorder

Fortunately, treatments are available. Again, I am not a doctor, so don't sue me for writing this article and please, PLEASE, see a doctor for ANY condition or symptom that you have. Research yourself and see a professional. That being said, the apparent treatments include behavior therapy and anti-anxiety medication.

In retrospect, please keep in mind that there is hope out there, even for those who dislike most human beings.

Misanthropy Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatments and Causes - RightDiagnosis.com
Meriam-Webster dictionary
:D I am a Misanthrope PaulaJedi :cool: Have been most my life as far back as I can remember. First time I have seen your post regarding Misanthropy :) I did a post about Misanthropy when I first stumbled on this awesome site. Here is some good reading material describing being a Misanthrope :eek: "I Am a Misanthrope"

You certainly don't seem like it here, but I'm sorry to hear it.
:D Well it is easier to talk to and be around people online PaulaJedi. Internet supposed to be a safe haven for a Misanthrope to be able to still have some sort of human interaction especially when it is a site that has many interesting minds and not just the idiots and low lives that dwell in the FB Lands. I happen to be one of the outspoken ones is all :) I am still able to communicate and develop friendships with certain people that I feel comfortable with but is near impossible for me to do that in person :confused: Can't even go to stores or out to eat and be around people without having some form of allergic reaction ::LOL:: being a Misanthrope is not a bad deal Paulajedi it actually has opened up doors for me and I am at peace being this way. I just mostly hate the way the human species behaves and how violent and horrible and cruel we can be and how we have destroyed the planet :eek: here is more reading material explaining in more detail. The first paragraph on this link explains what type of Misanthrope I am :D 20 Problems Only Total Misanthropes Will Understand
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Orpheus Rex

Misanthropy isn't a disorder. It's a lifestyle. Embrace it with a glad and/or dispassionate heart.

Wow, this website is on crack or something. It defines misanthropy as hate and then lists the symptoms as nothing more than things associated with fear.
You don't assume a misogynist or misandrist is merely afraid of women or men respectively. No, we call them sexist bigots. We don't have the audacity to tell them that they are simply scared, that their preference (regardless how bad tasted) isn't real - nor would most believe it.
But, when you stick the two things together, yep it's got to be fear. Yeah, these people are just terrified by humans for whatever reasons. They don't simply dislike it, no their dislike isn't real, they've got a hidden feeling behind it. Obviously we are mind readers who know exactly what is going through their head!

Night Vision

Senior Member
Perhaps misanthropes fear what they dont understand?...This is also a common trait for non misanthropes, is it not?
:cool: No fear involved here :D I understand fully WHY I am Misanthrope :cool: c32aa82fde9c0bab71ebbcae4b37a91a.jpg :confused: and you are right Orpheus it is NOT a disorder it is a lifestyle choice ;) I have seen enough of the world and how it works and I am not afraid of people :D I just don't like :cautious: 99% of them for obvious reasons :)

Orpheus Rex

At the very least that is quite a massive leap in logic.
It makes massive assumptions about misanthropes, i.e. that they have some lesser capacity for understanding other humans.
That is an assumption that really needs to be proved if it's going to be made by anyone claiming to be an authority on the topic.
Maybe, if they are universally lead by fear like this website seems to claim, then the fear is caused by a greater understanding of humans.

Is a black hole scarier when you know what it is?
Is a tornado any less scarier when you know what it is?
Are humans more or less scary when you understand them?
Del Toro portrays in his movies that humanity is indeed a very scary thing. I don't think he is necessarily a misanthrope.

Is such fear rational? I think it definitely could be and often times is.

Why do they think it is fear? Well, some psychologists make the claim that hate is a product of insecurity. The insecure are those who hate. They seem to accept that on face value and don't look any further.

Now time for an extreme example.

If a jew hates the nazi's after having survived the holocaust, is he necessarily insecure? Or is it a rational emotional response (gasp, I used those words together, what a taboo!) to horrible things that have happened.
It would be like telling that jew, "oh, you just have experience with bad nazi's, they aren't all like that. Stop being insecure about nazi's."

Similarly with misanthropy. "oh, you have had bad experiences with people, they aren't all bastards (examples rarely given of non-bastards and the person saying this would probably be a bastard.) Stop being insecure about people." But whose to say if people are bastards? And isn't that using the exception to prove the rule?

Humans do really bad things. Humans will do bad things disguised as good things. Humans will do bad things thinking they are good things. Humans are willing to erase memory of bad things they did and bring up bad things from others. There is plenty of reason to have a philosophical distaste for humans or simply society as a whole. There need be no fear involved.

Night Vision

Senior Member
At the very least that is quite a massive leap in logic.
It makes massive assumptions about misanthropes, i.e. that they have some lesser capacity for understanding other humans.
That is an assumption that really needs to be proved if it's going to be made by anyone claiming to be an authority on the topic.
Maybe, if they are universally lead by fear like this website seems to claim, then the fear is caused by a greater understanding of humans.

Is a black hole scarier when you know what it is?
Is a tornado any less scarier when you know what it is?
Are humans more or less scary when you understand them?
Del Toro portrays in his movies that humanity is indeed a very scary thing. I don't think he is necessarily a misanthrope.

Is such fear rational? I think it definitely could be and often times is.

Why do they think it is fear? Well, some psychologists make the claim that hate is a product of insecurity. The insecure are those who hate. They seem to accept that on face value and don't look any further.

Now time for an extreme example.

If a jew hates the nazi's after having survived the holocaust, is he necessarily insecure? Or is it a rational emotional response (gasp, I used those words together, what a taboo!) to horrible things that have happened.
It would be like telling that jew, "oh, you just have experience with bad nazi's, they aren't all like that. Stop being insecure about nazi's."

Similarly with misanthropy. "oh, you have had bad experiences with people, they aren't all bastards (examples rarely given of non-bastards and the person saying this would probably be a bastard.) Stop being insecure about people." But whose to say if people are bastards? And isn't that using the exception to prove the rule?

Humans do really bad things. Humans will do bad things disguised as good things. Humans will do bad things thinking they are good things. Humans are willing to erase memory of bad things they did and bring up bad things from others. There is plenty of reason to have a philosophical distaste for humans or simply society as a whole. There need be no fear involved.
:D Well one thing I find horrible and just sickening to witness about the human species is :eek: REALITY SHOWS :cautious: like Real Housewives of whatever city :confused: ::LOL:: These producers spend how many millions and millions of dollars to put on a show about a group of spoiled wealthy women that do nothing but fight with each other and get drunk all day every day :confused: while there are children starving and Veterans that are homeless and this is the best the human species can do? :cool: ;) :D
