Confirmed Hoax My name is Henry Chatterton and I'm a time traveler.

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Senior Member
I don't see anyone other than myself bringing fact based science to the table. But go ahead with your Pringles time machine belief.
You bring science to the table chap? You can't recognise the components in a radio. I suspect what you know about science can be written on the back of a torn stamp.
Show us a clearer picture of that radio`s components will you...I know that you make some pictures out of focus purposely because you want to spoof us..
The picture of the front of a radio was clear, so do the same for the rear of the radio showing the components in it...and while youre doing that, show us a really clear picture of the Pringles tube as that is out of focus too :sneaky: :D


Just to let others know I'll be shortly leaving this era, for pastures new. So if you've got any questions that need answering get them in now, rather than squabble between each other. Once I'm gone I'm gone and you'll have to wait 100 years if you're still around to hear from me again.
Just go already then!


I don't see anyone other than myself bringing fact based science to the table. But go ahead with your Pringles time machine belief.
You bring science to the table chap? You can't recognise the components in a radio. I suspect what you know about science can be written on the back of a torn stamp.
Show us a clearer picture of that radio`s components will you...I know that you make some pictures out of focus purposely because you want to spoof us..
The picture of the front of a radio was clear, so do the same for the rear of the radio showing the components in it...and while youre doing that, show us a really clear picture of the Pringles tube as that is out of focus too :sneaky: :D
What flavour pringles are inside? I like the BBQ ones


Active Member
Well I can't speak for others, but I'll be sad to see you go.
Extremely enlightening LordHenry. Glad you were here.


All you have is belief. Belief wont conjure a time machine into existence. I don't see anyone other than myself bringing fact based science to the table. But go ahead with your Pringles time machine belief.

I did ask him to explain the science behind his time machine. This will always be my first question and it isn't necessarily for debunking. It's curiosity. I really want to know how it REALLY works one day.


Active Member
I offered to explain it to you paula in private months ago but you turned me down. Actually was in the middle of explaining it but you never responded.

It's amazing to me, people ask then don't listen. Listening skills and attention spans no longer exist. Why bother.
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