Media Mysterious Tiles Discovered in America


Tonynbee Tiles, mysterious tiles with cryptic messages referring to the future of mankind & how it should save itself keep appearing in various cities in both North and South America.
Beginning sometime in the 1980's, a unique kind of graffiti art, in the form of hand-cut linoleum tile mosaics embedded into the asphalt of busy city streets, started to appear, first in Philadelphia, then throughout America, each conveying a cryptic message, seemingly to society at large.

The tiles have been found in about 25 major cities in the United States along with at least four capital cities in South America.

Easily overlooked, the content of each of the distinctive and colorful tiles varies, and sometimes includes various rants, but the overwhelming majority of the tiles are dedicated to repeating and spreading the same message, over and over again. Some more elaborate tiles state confusing statements regarding politics or seem to attempt to persuade readers to install their own tiles.


The Toynbee idea seems to refer to the concept that humankind can help itself to survive and thrive, but only if motivated to do so.

The movie 2001 seems to refer to Stanley Kubricks classic sci-fi epic, A Space Odyssey, which explores ancient civilizations and the future of humanity, on the planet Jupiter.

The last two lines seem to be a reference to a 1983 Philadelphia Inquirer interview with a man who theorized that the planet Jupiter could be colonized, by bringing all the people on Earth who had ever died, back to life.


I love that story. I watched a whole documentary about it, but it was solved as stated in the documentary.
Great story, though.


Senior Member
In the UK we have a Toynbee Hall, situated in the east end of London..Opened in 1884..
The purpose of it is to help people in poverty, people with cancer and services to help the young and aged..

Clement Attlee who was a British Prime Minister and responsible for bringing about our National Health Service in 1946, and William Beveridge who was an active social reformer, and laid the plans for our National Health Service in 1942, were both closely involved in the teachings from Toynbee Hall..

My point is that maybe those tiles were created by someone who had close links to Toynbee Hall, as they seem to be well meant warnings of our future, maybe even John Titor was involved...Although that might be going a bit far fetched...Just a hunch on my part...


In the UK we have a Toynbee Hall, situated in the east end of London..Opened in 1884..
The purpose of it is to help people in poverty, people with cancer and services to help the young and aged..

Clement Attlee who was a British Prime Minister and responsible for bringing about our National Health Service in 1946, and William Beveridge who was an active social reformer, and laid the plans for our National Health Service in 1942, were both closely involved in the teachings from Toynbee Hall..

My point is that maybe those tiles were created by someone who had close links to Toynbee Hall, as they seem to be well meant warnings of our future, maybe even John Titor was involved...Although that might be going a bit far fetched...Just a hunch on my part...

Watch the documentary. It was interesting.

SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A person traced them to a guy in Philadelphia. The man was mentally ill and was trying to get people to hear what he had to say. He used to go driving around with a loud speaker yelling the same thing on the tiles. I don't remember all the details, but the video has them all. I think Netflix has it.
