Nikola Tesla changed the world — so why did we forget him?


Time Travel Professor
Nikola Tesla changed the world — so why did we forget him?

Nikola Tesla isn't a big name in the United States. I'd heard of him, and you might have — but probably because of the fancy new car that carries his name, not for his many stunning accomplishments.

That's mostly because of his big fight with Thomas Edison at the end of the 19th century over which man's electrical system would prevail. Edison took the spotlight and Tesla mostly faded away, even if his world-changing inventions won out. But that's not the case in Serbia, where Tesla is a national hero. There his face appears on currency, and a Serbian author has now turned the remarkable facts of Tesla's life into a novel.

In "Tesla: A Portrait with Masks," Vladimir Pistalo reconstructs the inventor's personal life. The book reads like a poem, and Pistalo's passion for his subject comes through on every page.

"He's the father of robotics, he's the one who enabled the neon cascades of Las Vegas and Times Square, he's the guy who invented radio, according to the decision of the Supreme Court of New York State and of the Supreme Court of France," Pistalo says. He also came up with alternating current, without which none of our machines and electronics could work.

Pistalo says Tesla's passion for discovery led him into some uncharted territory. "For example, Tesla was the only human who created earthquakes," Pistalo says. "By using small oscillators that he attached to the bearing walls of his studio, Tesla set up a vibration in the foundation of a Manhattan office building. And then it went into the foundations of other buildings in Manhattan, and the earthquake has actually been documented."

"That's kind of what gods do," Pistalo marvels.

Tesla took some enormous risks with his discoveries. At one point, he demonstrated the safety of his alternating current by running thousands of volts of electricity through his body, an episode Pistalo portrayed in his novel.

"After that, no one would come to shake his hand for some time," Pistalo says. "And his body and his clothing would continue emitting slight halos after that. This is really the stuff that fairy tales are made of, but it actually happened."

Sadly, Tesla's intense experiences with electricity had no parallel in his personal life. "He never had a love interest in his life, a man or a woman," Pistalo says.

Perhaps that explains a curious fact that Pistalo shared after our interview. "Tesla's favorite film was 'The Bride of Frankenstein,'" he says. "He saw it five times. That loner was attracted to the idea that one could build himself the perfect woman out of electricity."

Some of the electrical effects in this clip from the first Frankenstein movie, from 1931, are in fact provided by a Tesla coil, rumored to have been procured by the film's electrical prop man, Ken Strickfaden, from Tesla himself.


Badass ☆。*♡✧*。
Didn't Tesla write in his journal or an article saying he received information telepathically from ET's?


Senior Member
Didn't Tesla write in his journal or an article saying he received information telepathically from ET's?
@Opmmur I don't remember anything about this, can you tell us more?
The reason you don't remember it is that he never made this claim. In fact, he repudiated the paranormal on a constant basis.

His claim was that he had received radio messages that were possibly from some alien civilization.

At the time, radio signals from space were unheard of. Today it's an entire branch of Astronomy: Radioastronomy.

He was picking up regular signals from quasars.

He also thought he might be hearing voices, but they were in Earth languages and can be (and have since then been) explained by atmospheric phenomena.



Senior Member
Tesla got written out by the businessmen with money - Edison and JP Morgan.

He had borrowed from JP Morgan to build a radio tower or radio station, but was instead building a tower that would transmit free energy (or something along those lines). When Morgan found out, he pulled funding, demolished the tower and then he and the other people in the "scene" of the day painted him as a loon or unreliable using things like his broadcasts from other worlds ideas against him.

I'm going off memory here so some details might be wrong; feel free to correct me .

Tesla was brilliant, no doubt about it. Edison can suck an egg.


Senior Member
Tesla eventually did become the loon, however.

Seriously mentally ill in his old age.

It is Tesla that is the actual genesis of the "Mad Scientist" phrase in common usage even to this day and exploited in the character you use as an avatar, coincidentally (I presume!)



Senior Member
Tesla eventually did become the loon, however.

Seriously mentally ill in his old age.

It is Tesla that is the actual genesis of the "Mad Scientist" phrase in common usage even to this day.

Oh yeah, he definitely went loony. That's part of what makes him so cool though ;)

I think maybe people shunning him the way they did contributed to his issues later in life though - He clearly had a lot to offer the world and his peers effectively stopped him from having the outlet he needed to do what he did best.


Junior Member
I sure didn't forget about him...I found a builder who builds exact replicas of the Multi-Wave-Oscillator and uses the copper rings from the smallest in the center to the largest outer rings. You get two sets of rings and both are self standing and hooked up directly under their own Tesla coil. Multi-wave Oscillators the "MWOs" are setup both facing you that is one facing your backside and the other your frontside. One would sit on a all wooden chair with no metal attachments such as screws etc. The MWO produces in the gigahertz range and recharges your millivolts of the human cells. This one pair I have to get. Robert Beck told us they were curing cancer in animals at vet clinics in a 4 week time period this was all over the U.S. in the early 80's and 90's. Remember use a grounding mat or a ground metal plate which the builder provides at an extra cost.

Again this can be used to support the HDR in time traveling. Because it reaches down to ELF's and up to and beyond the gigahertz. Thousands of harmonics and sub harmonics being generator thousands of times per second. The beauty of this, you have two TESLA Coils but they will operator in a different way then the tower tesla's ribbons hitting each other. These ribbons will go straight through you or at least the harmonics and subharmonics will travel right to your cells causing a regeneration of that recharged cell. The cells of your human body will decide from the buffet of the MWO's frequencies what it really needs and will disregard the rest. Zepher Technologies made a great looking one but he wanted $4000.00 it was powerful! Due to the stringent laws he stop selling them now he only sells the parts to build it yourselves.


Didn't Tesla write in his journal or an article saying he received information telepathically from ET's?

What I read is that he received signals from Space but to this day we don't know if he picked up basic planetary signals or if he discovered something else.

And I taught my children the truth about Tesla/Edison and how much of a money monger Edison was. They know. :)


Senior Member
Yes Paula, Tesla said that he was communicating with people from Venus and Mars in the early 1900s
I believe the media picked up on this and consequently called him a complete nut!!

Throughout the 1920s and 30s Tesla was becoming increasingly interested in time-travel, (another cause for calling him completely nuts)
and he began producing highly complex circuits to put into receivers but using the name of Turbo, which was his mothers maiden name.
The circuits he created were mainly specially coupled coils set in a 3sided pyramid shaping..

One of Tesla`s (Turbo) receivers was the FRR-244 that was used in the Philadelphia Experiment, along with the FRR-24 which was an uprated version and in later years the American radio company National continued making these sets..
When these radios were in operation on the Montauk Base and was using a Delta T Antenna, many of the staff complained about weird effects they were getting..
