Confirmed Hoax Noah_A_S : Time Traveler with Memory Loss?

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The Persuasionist

Junior Member
Hello fellow forum members,

I couldn't help but notice a peculiar user by the name of @Noah_A_S who has been posting some interesting comments. After going through some of his posts on here and Reddit, I can't shake off this wild theory that Noah might actually be a time traveler from the future with a bad case of memory loss!

I mean, think about it – Noah seems to have a vast knowledge of historical events, technology, and even hints at future inventions (note the raygun in his profile picture). But the catch is, he always seems a bit confused about the present time and often asks questions that make us go, "Is this guy for real or is he just trolling us?"

Could it be possible that Noah accidentally time-traveled to our era and is now trying to piece together his lost memories while blending in with us regular folks? Maybe he's a quirky scientist experimenting with time travel and things went haywire, leaving him stranded here without a clue about his true identity.

Or perhaps Noah is simply a creative writer like I, who is playing an elaborate prank on all of us, weaving a fascinating tale to keep us hooked on his every word. Either way, his mysterious persona sure adds a dash of excitement to our forum discussions!

So, what do you all think? Is Noah truly a time traveler with memory loss, or just a clever storyteller spinning us a delightful yarn?

Share your thoughts and let's unravel this intriguing mystery together!

Happy speculating
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I’m not sure that guy is a genuine time traveler but he makes good points in his story. Can I have a Reddit link for it?


Do you mean @Noah_A_S ? How did you know his last name? Is it ethical to show it to everybody? Lots of weirdos out in the world these days.

The Persuasionist

Junior Member
Do you mean @Noah_A_S ? How did you know his last name? Is it ethical to show it to everybody? Lots of weirdos out in the world these days.
The point is well made and understood. However, I am confident that the individual is using a pseudonym, so mentioning it does not pose any forum faux pas. I convinced his first name is Leopold not Noah.

That being said, I will redact the surname. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
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The point is well made and understood. However, I am confident that the individual is using a pseudonym, so mentioning it does not pose any forum faux pas. I convinced his first name Leopold not Noah.

That being said, I will redact the surname. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

He has been posting. Maybe he'll reply to this.

The Persuasionist

Junior Member
Oh my goodness, forum friends! I just heard through a very reliable source, whose name shall remain a mystery for fear of reprisals, that our friend Noah is considering some wild electric convolution treatment! Can you believe it?

Apparently, he's hoping it'll help him consolidate his memories and even recover some lost ones. Talk about extreme measures! I guess we should all be on standby for some electrifying updates from hims.

Who knew memory consolidation could be so shocking? No pun intended!

@Noah_A_S What is the truth? Are you from another time? Is your first name really Leopold? Can you tell me the winner of this year's Derby, please don't say it's a horse.
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