Officials: US to try to shoot down errant satellite


Active Member
Re: Officials: U.S. to try to shoot down errant satellite

kc wildman said:
I wouldn't laff to much at that. its true, we as a nation are the only thing keeping the wolves off Isreal at the present time. right, or wrong, infact I.M.H.O. our deffence of Isreal is the only thing that has preserved this nation is clear that we have abbandoned the foundation that our fathers built this country on. so if it was ever true that this nation had the protection of GOD, and I believe we did. up to the point we decided there is no place for GOD in our country, and started banning even the mention of HIM in while we have been shown a glimps of the missle tech. the full abbillitys of the system is way more effective.

Oh Israel can take care of itsself dont worry bout that, yes the USA does help but the Israeli army is on it...They are dialed in real good.
Hell, The Israeli version of the CIA is called the Moussad and they are RUTHLESS. Israel has its own nukes and watches Lebanon 24/7. Not to mention Iran, but Lebanon is just across the water and within range...

I dont think we have abandoned the foundation that our fathers built this nation on.. Our nation was built on ideas and principles. The fact that these men were religious is a side issue as far as I am concerned. Sorry kc but I think we are actually living what was intended, for the most part, the founding fathers knew that Religion is to be kept out of politics because the two together means that not every citizen is represented...
Read the documents that were written when this nation was founded and you will see that the founding fathers insisted on a SEPERATION of church and state, because in the words of Madison, "Practical distinction between Religion and Civil Government is essential to the purity of both and as guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States."
Yes we do start many government occurences with a prayer, but the prayer is not denomanation specific. It is a prayer for GOD. The reason we dont put our hand on the Bible to take an oath in court anymore is because it is from a specific religion..Christian. Therefore it does not cover every citizen.
I mean how many Jews want to swear on the Bible?
There is room for God and yes Our founding fathers were men of GOD, but they in their wisdom could see that to intertwine the two is trouble for all.
We left England because the king wanted everyone to be with the Church of England, remember? Politics telling people in which manner they could worship..Think about it kc, do U want the gov to be in your head, telling your heart that you have to believe THIS way? You wouldnt stand for it.
I hear about GOD everyday, I dont think God is out of style so to speak, I think that people are realizing that we can worship many diff ways...
I do think that true spirituality is missing from the peoples of today.
Which is sad and I wish people would be more grateful to GOD for all the beauty in the world , and there is more good than bad.



Re: Officials: U.S. to try to shoot down errant satellite

well we use to have the right to live free from the oversite of our uncle sam
now we can't even build a shed behind the house without the written aproval of the uncle sam
I must disagree we do not live in the nation our fathers designed not even close.
also if you look you will find that the gov.our fathers set up used the bible as a text book for close to the first 100 yrs. hell congress even comishioned the printing of bibles useing taxpayer/general funds. cause the supply was getting low and the book was so valued for the Amercian way of life it was considered a crisis of the day. but these facts are well hidden/removed from public shool books. anyway no not what they had in mind at all.
a good way to look is to listen
Hank Williams Jr.
Mr. Lincoln
he pretty much says it all


Active Member
Re: Officials: U.S. to try to shoot down errant satellite

kc wildman said:
well we use to have the right to live free from the oversite of our uncle sam
now we can't even build a shed behind the house without the written aproval of the uncle sam
I must disagree we do not live in the nation our fathers designed not even close.
also if you look you will find that the gov.our fathers set up used the bible as a text book for close to the first 100 yrs. hell congress even comishioned the printing of bibles useing taxpayer/general funds. cause the supply was getting low and the book was so valued for the Amercian way of life it was considered a crisis of the day. but these facts are well hidden/removed from public shool books. anyway no not what they had in mind at all.
a good way to look is to listen
Hank Williams Jr.
Mr. Lincoln
he pretty much says it all

I know this to be true..the reason that we have Uncle Sam in our Ass sometimes is because we have WAY more people here in the states today and we are crowded. We cant just start building stuff on our property because it does impact the neighbors..Drains the wells for the houses, noise and other pollution...its not really a control issue..I am glad that my neighbor cant build a skate park on his property...These laws force people to take into consideration, how their actions can hurt a neighborhood....I mean we dont have alot of room to move around anymore..we are in close proximaty to others and need to think about that...

We still have the separation of church and state....
I wont ever put up with the gov. telling me I have to hear Christian stuff when listening to our Gov. at work....
Nothing against Christians, I just happen to not be one...So I want to be represented for being a citizen..not a Christian one. Or a Jewish one or even anything religious whatsoever..
What if all that you say about the founding fathers were true? And what if they were Orthodox Jews? Would you still think the same way? Or would you be wanting separation of church and state?
Think about it for a min.
Everything the same only all you see or hear from the gov. is not your religion. Would you still feel the same?
